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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Typical post from a NDSUA&AS associate. Apparently they really have a solid system down there when it comes to educating about appropriateness. A largely unnecessary post like this only continues to discredit the dwindling credibility of the Fargo "school".
  2. We all know NDSU and the supporting Fargo community are text-book bush-leaguers. They will continue to come up with "crap" until we shut them up on the field or with W-L records. Of course, they are quite good at coming up with excuses too...
  3. I ultimately have all the faith in Faison. Whoever he hires will be a qualified leader and a good recruiter. His decades of DI experience will come in handy here.
  4. What you just mentioned is really not significant. First off, the playing experience does NOTHING for his coaching credentials. He has less than two years FBS experience, that's the only way to put it. Also, the top assistant in the ACC thing was apart of a subjective article done on ESPN. I wouldn't read too much into that. I agree that Bollinger is nothing more than a familiar name that we are hoping will give UND a hometown discount. He shouldn't be a top candidate. I would even argue Montana State's Jamie Marshall is a better candidate. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to Bollinger but there are better candidates in my opinion. I don't believe anyone when they say he couldn't be a bust; he absolutely could be a bust because he has no college head coaching experience!!
  5. That is a very short-sighted, homer-type statement. Why would NDSU's 3-year title run be any different than Appalachian State's title run from 2005 to 2007. In fact, the similarities are quite astounding. Appalachian State won the FCS title in 2005, 2006, and 2007, and their third consecutive championship season included a big win to start the year against Michigan. Sound familiar (NDSU vs. Kansas State to start this season)? I think historic trends in sports, particularly college football, are important to follow, because we all know it is cyclical. After this season, NDSU will arguably graduate it's most important senior class ever. After that, what's in store? After Appalachian State's run, they continued to have success, but it slowly declined (2008: 11-3; 2009: 11-3; 2010: 10-3; 2011: 8-4; 2012: 8-4; this season: 4-8). When I look at that recent trend, I honestly feel NDSU will still be good after this season, but they won't be nearly as good as they have been. We can over-emphasize coaching, atmosphere, facilities, location, etc. all we want, but when it comes down to it, its all about the players. NDSU has a great class of senior players right now, and after this season, they will be gone and NDSU will miss them. Also after this season, the door will certainly be open for UND to catch up to NDSU within a 3 to 5 year window. I'm confident UND will obtain a great asset in the new head coach and will steadily improve. On the other hand, NDSU has no where else to go but down. UND will be in "NDSU's league" within the next few years. And when that happens, the bandwagon fans can stay over in Fargo with the cows.
  6. I know this is getting to be quite redundant and a bit unnecessary, but I just couldn't help but post this bio. http://www.msusparta...sel_282841.html LB coach and special teams coordinator for Michigan State, a program that I have absolutely loved of late - they run the ball and play physical defense. Also, Mr. Tressel was born in St. Paul and his uncle is Jim Tressel, former Ohio State head coach. He also was graduate assistant at South Dakota from 1996 to 1997, so he definitely has heard of North Dakota football. Although the chance this particular individual is hired is very very slim, I think individuals like this exemplify the type of quality FBS position coaches that are out there and may be looking for an FCS head coaching job. I think there is a very good chance Faison uses his DI connections to hire an FBS position coach with quality experience and leadership/recruiting skills.
  7. I personally like what they did with the Big Sky logos on the wall. I feel a video board under the scoreboards would be nice, but a video screen attached to the front of the scorers table would also be modern. Would it ever be possible to have a score board/video boards hang over center court like in the Ralph? I'd imagine that would be an expensive investment.
  8. Great win by the better team tonight. UND definitely has the potential to win the Big Sky this season and go dancing. Ultimately it depends on how they perform against Weber State and Montana. Brian Jones deserves a lot of credit for the team he has put together. Not only does this team have both senior and youthful talent, along with talented upcoming recruits, but they also are playing a real impressive brand of team basketball. Congrats UND on the awesome victory and keep up the good work!!
  9. Those qualifications are specifically listed as preferences on the job opening notice. There are several position coaches in the FBS and NFL, along with FCS coordinators, that are likely interested in the job. Just wait and see. Even Pflugrad has FBS experience so I don't know what you're talking about.
  10. You sound as if you think NDSU is a better team than Wisconsin. Wisconsin plays quality half-court basketball and UND still scored 80+ while Huff scored 37 pts. UND would've been right in the game had Wisconsin's 7-footer not hit 6 threes and scored 43 pts. The determining factor will be whether or not NDSU can keep up with UND offensively. I expect UND to play up tempo, because that's Brian Jones' style, and score plenty. If they can play good enough defense/rebound, UND will do fine. UND by 10.
  11. Stay away from Bollinger right now; too inexperienced. For those who argue for BB, y'all live in a small world. There are way better, more experienced candidates out there than Brooks Bollinger. Let's get a guy that's been coaching in the NFL and FBS for many years, not only Pitt for a year and half.
  12. Was Klieman at UNI when DII UND defeated UNI? I believe he was. Nevertheless, I think Bison Dan is trying his best at propaganda.
  13. Hiring someone off the Bison staff not smart? If you set the rivalry aside, Klieman has led the #1 FCS defense and team over the past few years in the state of North Dakota. That makes him a tremendous candidate. If Montana instead of NDSU had won back to back national championships because of their defense, would you not be interested in their defensive coordinator? Of course you would. For what it's worth, if true, Klieman would make an incredible head coach here at UND.
  14. Too early to say it will be a bust. We don't even know who the new head coach is yet.
  15. That ally-op he threw to Nash was fun to watch. Hooker will be a very good player going forward.
  16. Huff had 37 last night against Wisconsin, so heck, he might go for 40+ against the bizon.
  17. A lot of recruits don't commit until January, so UND will be fine when the staff starts up recruiting. Will it be a wonderful class? No, but it won't be horrible either. This rambling by Ag school know-it-alls is ridiculous. When a coach is fired, either at the FBS or FCS level, it usually is in November. At that time, recruiting stops. No recruit wants to be recruited by an individual that won't be at the school in a few weeks. The recruits are gonna wait to see who the future head coach is. Faison knows what he's doing. This is how it is done around the country every year when a coach is fired to conclude the regular season. The Ed Orgeron example is not a good one because he is the interim, not a fired assistant during the end of the season. USC's regular season is still going on and they're having success! So it's no comparison. When the new staff is hired in December, they'll have over a month to bring some recruits in. Plus, Faison is emphasizing the hiring of a great recruiter. This team will be fine. I have all the faith in the world in Faison; remember, he didn't hire Mussman. He has decades worth of DI experience- he'll come up with someone we've probably never heard of from a FBS school and it will be a slam dunk.
  18. Nov. 22 to Dec. 5; dates Meierkort was fired and Glenn was hired.
  19. Wisconsin was shooting red hot; can't expect that every night. Most teams from here on out, if not all of them, will not have a 7 foot center that doesn't miss any threes. Given Kaminsky's 40+ pts, I interpret last night's game as a positive.
  20. Good matchup. I'm very confident in this UND team despite the 18-pt loss last night. Can't expect the other team's center to go 6-6 for 3's every night. Bjorklund certainly won't be hitting any 3s; just need to box out and get the rebound everytime he misses - can't let the Ag school have any easy second chance opportunities.
  21. Well Vegas was basically correct. Point spread was 19 and we lost by 18. There's no question this team can score but they have front court defensive issues. NDSU's Bjorkland could be a really tough matchup. Might have to try just outscore NDSU by forcing turnovers defensively.
  22. Nash is 2nd best player on team, as I predicted. Pretty sure Brian Jones is going to have nightmares tonight about #44 Kaminsky. Get this thing to around 10 pts and I'll be happy. I'm confident this team can take care of the Ag school on Sunday.
  23. Huff is unbelievable. Rest of the team has got to step up and play better defense. Some of these lay-ins that Wisconsin are getting are ridiculous.
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