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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. I was more on the Fire Jones wagon a couple years ago then I am now. With what we pay, we won't get anyone any better, and firing him just disrupts the team. How many years does he have left on his contract? It's sad to see how far we've come since the Dave Gunther days, but let's face it, the money isn't there. It really isn't there for football either like is should be, and basketball is a lot lower on the pecking order.

    I'll be the first to admit, outside of hockey, we basically suck at everything. I watched the NDSU CC game on ESPN and wished we were at that level, then I saw the broadcast of the BB game against a mediocre NDSU team and was sick. It all comes down to massive amounts of money, and until we commit a whole lot more, nothing will change. Basketball team will be an embarrassment and the football team will miss the playoffs again next year. That's just the way it is. Yuck.

    Football is on the rise, but as you stated, that's because Faison open up the pocket book and paid more for Bubba and his assistants (not entirely the AD, also alumni). UND football now certainly has a DI coaching staff capable of making the post season with better talent. Playoffs for UND football will be a reality in a year or two.

    As for basketball, the increase in investment needs to happen. UND and Faison NEED to part ways with Jones and pay more for a better coach AND assistants. Also, facility improvements - namely a video board - need to occur. The athletic department is so incompetent at UND right now it's not even funny; NDSU blows UND out of the water when it comes to influencing alumni into financial support.

  2. Faison is probably gigglying reading this board at the Great Wall biffet.

    Seems like everytime I'm there he's there

    If he'd actually acknowledge what some posters say perhaps positive things would happen for the basketball team. Trust me, I'm not saying most things on this board are logical and/or rational, but some posters bring innovational ideas to the table that SHOULD be thought up in the AD office daily. UND deserves to have a winning football and basketball program - if that does not happen with the current leadership, new leadership should be found; that simple. I will say nothing will happen until after next season in terms of Jones, and rightfully so. If this season and next season are losing ones, Faison better make the move.

    • Upvote 1
  3. This thead is basically the same thread and content that happened when most fans got sick of seeing what had become of the FB program under Muss with those posters who supported and apologized for Muss to the end now supporting Jones amid the disaster that is becoming the UND MBB program. UND is a D1 university in all sports and 2 of the big 3, FB and MBB, are no where near what they should be at this point in their D1 existence IMO. Changes were made in FB and I believe that program will be eventually head in the right direction. MBB at some point will need to follow suit.

    Look at all the games played to date by UND's FB and MBB teams since turning D1 and tell me where one big time signature win is in either sport...........................

    Within a year or two, a change will be made and Jones will be gone. Unfortunately, due to the "knucklehead" mindset of Faison and other apologists such as those on this board, UND will likely go through a couple disaster, program set-back type seasons first.
  4. I know people on this site like to pump up Bubba's recruiting, but most if not all of the Minnesota commitments he has gotten so far he either beat out D2's for the kid or UND was his only offer. Not saying they won't be good players, but they weren't heavily recruited.

    UND's not in a position to recruit highly touted players. Every year hundreds of players slip through recruiting cracks in DI football. Bubba's focus is on development right now. With wins, UND will start to battle for highly touted recruits more often. Bubba has more committed recruits now (17) than Mussman ever had at this point in the year.

  5. This thread is the cyber version of the knuckleheads in the barbershop in Hoosiers. So out of bounds. Low class crap full of faceless self -aggrandizing jackasses. Recruits, committed recruits, and parents of recruits, etc unfortunately read this. If you truly cared about the program you would take this off of here and move it back into the barbershop. Awful.

    Perhaps the recruits should know the truth; in fact, maybe Faison and the "true" UND supporters should acknowledge the truth every once and awhile.

    Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting difficult results is insanity, right Mr. Einstein?

  6. ^^^ this^^^

    ^^^ and this ^^^

    How good a recruiter is Jones when his recruits refuse to follow his coaching? Mussman v1.2 anyone?

    But it needs to start at the top. UND has a PC agenda pushing President and an ineffective AD. Say what you want about Bresciani and Taylor, they have/had a much deeper commitment to the success of the Bison getting into the nation spotlight. FCS Championships, March Madness appearances and even ESPN Game Day, games on ESPN's main network, Fox Sports 1 have put Fargo University into the spotlight more than UND's consecutive Frozen Four appearances (even if they had won one). Change needs to start at the top.

    Absolutely 100% correct.

    Ignoring what NDSU athletics has accomplished as a whole is downright foolish and ignorant. NDSU works with the same fundamental assets as UND (climate, location, budget, etc.) and yet they have a much higher standard than UND athletics. This is entirely attributable to the athletic department and leadership at UND. It's a shame to admit but Gene Taylor did a much better job at creating competitive clubs at NDSU than Brian Faison has ever even hinted at. Its all about influencing contributable donations from well-to-do alumni and than using that to create DI tier programs in both facilities and staff. Right now, Faison is not getting the job done. NDSU has gained so much financial support in the last 10 years it's not even funny. Football coach with over 200K salary and a basketball coach with a 150K salary; now compare that to UND and it's a joke.

    • Upvote 1
  7. No, but if you offer a higher salary, you can attract more applicants and a better pool should yield a better coach. Head and assistant. I don't think anyone believes UND can poach a coach from another D 1 team.

    Anyone who doesn't realize there are some experienced DII coaches who are far better coaches than Jones are fooling themselves; those are targets for UND. If UND would like to raise their HC salary to 150K to mirror NDSU and the Mussman to Bubba change, then some DI assistants could go on the radar.

    UND needs to consider this direction along with facility improvements, both of which fall on the AD.

  8. You guys need to relax. Last year NDSU was on the get rid of Saul bandwagon after you beat us, and we went on to win a game in the NCAA's. Maybe this is a good sign for you in the long run.

    Phillips/NDSU had already beat some major DI teams (Wisconsin & NCAA tourney appearance) on the road; Jones has yet to even keep UND close in such a game.

  9. Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

    I don't expect this bull$%!# ever, especially versus NDSU.

    I'm officially on the get rid of Jones list. This is not condoned at a flagship university versus their instate rival. This is kind of the thing that any other competent AD looks at and then makes a coaching change.

  10. Going to be a wild 4th down in Fargo. NDSU up 31-26 but CCU has the ball 1st and goal on the 3 yard line. Both defenses getting absolutely carved.

    4th down or 4th quarter! Ha!

    But yes, this game is surprisingly becoming interesting. Good day if both NDSU squads lose along with a UND win?

  11. We got in the big sky and created the nchc under his watch so he seems to be good with the administrative work/deal making. Less adept at networking with/keeping tabs on coaches.

    Conference ties are only one of the duties that athletic departments are responsible for. Additionally, it is important that funding is disbursed correctly, marketing/game day atmosphere of all events - particularly revenue generating sports - is properly handled, and the support from boosters and alumni is respectfully dealt with and used to its fullest potential.

    I'm afraid UND does not have enough innovation and desire to be great when it comes to football and basketball. Expectations are always the first step to success, and UND lacks that right now from the top.

  12. 1 year later, it seems apparent to me that a lengthy search was necessary because Faison didn't have a list of coaches to contact. He fired Muss and flew by the seat of his pants from there. I'm not upset with the result (Bubba), but the process was awful.

    In all honesty, what else would one expect from Faison? Not impressed with the leadership in the athletic department.

  13. Hopkins High School has video board and banner. Just saying...

    There's no question having those two things would spice up the Betty quite a bit. It's just another athletic department shame on a long list of things...

    Whether UND supporters want to believe it or not, the current administration is too set on hockey. I agree that UND can ultimately allow hockey football and basketball all three thrive together, but the contemporary athletic department staff, particularly Faison, is incapable of doing that.

    • Upvote 2
  14. Final.

    NDSU pulls it out 27-24 over SDSU.

    I personally think SDSU offered the only chance for NDSU to lose before the national championship game. NDSU will be in the championship, I'd say.

  15. So what's the deal with the twins down in Florida? Haven't heard anything on them lately.

    I am really itching for some commits. After getting so many early on, I am having withdrawals.

    First recruiting weekend this month will be this weekend so things should pick up next week. Also, had to wait for FBS season to finish up because transfers are big targets for the staff, and rightfully so.

  16. You know that we have only been eligible for either for two seasons coming into this year right? If things don't ever go in cycles, then surely Michigan is a favorite to win the National Championship in football this year.

    Took UND over 100 years to win a national title in football. Willing to wait another century? How many titles has Minnesota won since 1960?

    Cycles are not guaranteed; you can't just sit back and let things happen. That's a real hesitant way of thinking that quite frankly doesn't work. You want to break the cycle and win, you have to be proactive. Times change and sometimes you aren't guaranteed anything in the future, even if you believe in cycles. Breaking the modern trend requires an open mind and dedication/hard work.

    Point is, UND has never been DI before and it's a different animal. UND is not guaranteed anything. UND's athletic department is still adapting to the higher requirements of DI versus DII athletics.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Yah and it wasn't that long ago that UND was the front runner - everything goes in cycles. I know this is a fan site so it's the place to rant but geez sometimes I wonder how many of you would do if you were held to the same level at your jobs. 


    When was the last time UND was in the NCAA DI basketball tournament? When was the last time UND was in the FCS playoffs?


    Please don't bore me with the ridiculous "cycles speech". 

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