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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. In Bubba's 3-4 defense, you can't have enough athleticism and talent at LB. Plus, they're great special team performers. Keep em' comin!
  2. Absolutely. I hope UND can work a location out.
  3. It can be justified; it maintains directionality with the center court ND logo. On to more important upgrades: video boards.
  4. The arena name is on both sides of the court.... Hard to satisfy people these days... Enough with the floor; time and money needs to be spent on video boards now.
  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly. If UND planned on just sitting around and waiting for NDSU to falter, UND would not have fired Mussman and replaced him with a competent coach and a staff with DI experience. UND is being proactive in this process, by going out and recruiting top notch kids, and with UND's new HPC coming online, Bubba and his staff feel very comfortable recruiting head-to-head with Midwest schools like NDSU, SDSU, and UNI, and yet winning many of those battles. Also, its not about just surpassing NDSU for Bubba and his staff, although that is a part of being at UND; rather, the big picture is to win the conference UND is in: the Big Sky Conference. That conference is up for grabs in a lot of ways; Montana and Eastern Washington aren't nearly as formidable as NDSU and some other MVFC schools, in my opinion.
  6. Well, to be fair you did say: In other words, you yourself came up with the notion that there was no "visible" improvement during last season and that "most people" would say that UND hasn't proven a thing. Improvement is obviously relative, so what can you tell me about the 2013 season that led to Mussman's dismissal? That's the season that shows just how decimated the 2014 roster - that Bubba had to work with - was. I responded using your terms: UND did improve "visibly" by winning more games, playing in more competitive games, and producing the #1 defense in the Big Sky Conference. All of those things are quite "visible", aren't they? Also, "most people" would say Bubba has showed improvement under Bubba's presence; he proved he can coach defense, considering he took many of the same players Mussman had in 2013 and turned them into the #1 BSC defense in 2014, and he proved he can recruit, by bringing in many players in the short-term (FBS transfers and true freshmen) who played right away and played admirably. Lastly, we are talking about IMPROVEMENT here. No one is saying UND should have been a ranked team last year or is going to be a National Champion this season; however, the point being made by the rational people on this site (you're still trying to join that group, as far as I'm concerned) is that UND is improving. Bubba will continue to improve UND football given his assistants' ability to coach and the recruiting classes he has put together thus far. With that, I'll apologize to everyone else on this site for even arguing with you, and here's my logic:
  7. Dear Sir, Please use some common-sense when you post. "Most people" who are familiar with UND football, and even honest NDSU fans, understand that UND football is improving. There is no reason UND can't be a top 3 Big Sky Conference team every season considering where its facilities and budget are at right now. Of course, this can only happen as long as UND is led by competent coaches; fortunately, Bubba and his assistants are just that. Unfortunately, before last season, UND was led by incompetent coaching. UND, in 2013, went 3-8, then, after Mussman was fired, they lost several key contributors, including a couple who will be playing/starting on FBS squads in 2015. Bubba, coaching a decimated, inexperienced roster, then went ahead and improved two games from 3-8 in 2013 to 5-7 in 2014. Now, UND has its entire defense returning (which was #1 in the Big Sky Conference in 2014) and several talent additions to the offense (including a few in progress) for the 2015 season. Also, the recruiting classes Bubba has put together so far are filled with ND/MN/Canadian talent which will better prevent defections. "Most" - as you put it - would look at that and see improvement in 2015 for UND. Mark my words, UND will have a winning season in 2015.
  8. This "ND kids who are multi-sport athletes" focus in recruiting was completely absent under Mussman. Now, with Bubba going all in on it, UND will actually have a recruiting pool of talent that is consistent. I see this paying off big time for UND football.
  9. Long way to go? I beg to differ. Last season, with a patched up roster and very few of his own recruits, Bubba got UND to 5-6, an upset vs NAU, and close to several more upsets (Montana and Montana State). This season, the roster is so much more improved. Sorry Bucky, the years of UND football having losing seasons are over.
  10. Good one Johnny.... UND has had plenty of hyped up games in just the past few seasons, but they have dropped most of them. I think this season and definitely 2016 will be the years when Bubba gets UND over that hump, especially home games. Last year, UND almost/should have knocked off #7 Montana at home. This season, UND has a very real chance of going undefeated at home, meaning possible upsets vs Montana State and Idaho State (also big road opportunities vs Wyoming, NDSU, and Montana). 2013 also had big home games, such as SDSU and Montana, but Mussman had UND football in a bottomless pit. UND football is getting there with some top-notch coaching from Bubba and his assistants. Your BS is way too obvious.
  11. As has NDSU and its fans; several NDSU faithful that I know personally have wanted this game for sometime now. You just need to stop lying to yourself because it doesn't prove anything. The T-shirt represents a student interest in the game/rivalry; that is, an interest from the same students that NDSU fans like yourself said would grow away from the rivalry and not be interested in it. It's looks like that is - obviously - false. NDSU fans are interested; this is the highlight regular season game for both UND and NDSU in 2015.
  12. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=210111998 Graduated UND CB Alex Tilman - who transferred from the University of Houston - has signed a deal with the British Columbia Lions of the Canadian Football League. Congrats to Alex, as another ex-UND football player joins the CFL ranks! In regards to transfers, Alex Tillman is the perfect example as to why its OK for Bubba and his staff to go after FBS transfers. If done in careful and thorough fashion, FBS transfers can drastically affect an FCS football team for the better.
  13. It's gonna be a huge game because of the tailgating and atmosphere. NDSU fans can bull$%!# all they want about how the dome won't fit anymore than last year, yada yada yada.... But the bottom line is that the atmosphere during the week leading up to the game and the tailgating outside the dome will be crazy. Its going to be WAY bigger than anything UNI or SDSU could produce, that's for sure. Then, all that is left is for Bubba and the boys to pull the upset.
  14. It is a major factor, which is why I started this thread. UND needs to have more support for football and basketball, one way or another. UND's coaching salaries are mediocre at best when you look at the Big Sky Conference counterparts. In terms of football, UND thankfully got a really good coach at a home state discount, which is why the football program is moving forward. Still need to up salary for assistant coaches and potential contract extensions. Basketball, on the other hand, is nowhere where it needs to be. Low-end salaries just within the Big Sky Conference; need improved salaries which should then be given to a new coach.
  15. Bubba's perennial expectation - which I agree with - is to win the Big Sky Conference. In doing so, UND may not win the conference, but they should at least finish second or third, which would result in a playoff bid. Basically, UND football should be a top 24 team every year and be in the playoffs every season. It's more than doable and it should be the expectation; thankfully, it is.
  16. So then, if we want to not focus on the relatively insufficient finances for football and basketball, what is the reason why UND football does not have a top 3 salary pool in the Big Sky Conference (it's No. 4 I believe) and why is UND baketball stuck with a mediocre coach at best in Jones and not made important upgrades to the Betty? UND football is on the right path, I honestly believe it, but there's still no reason to now become complacent. Let's look at the facts: UND has yet to have a winning record as a member of the Big Sky Conference. There's no end to the potential coming up, but the winning still needs to be done. Finances need to be raised, and when hockey sucks up over $5.6 million per year, there's definitey some budget there that could be used on football uniform costs, HPC Phase II costs, and/or Betty Upgrades.
  17. A lot of prospects have been offered lately. It's a part of the staff's plan to get these kids to the summer camps. The camps are very crucial to recruiting, as the staff gets to see the kids go through drills in person. 2016 has the potential to be a special class, and Bubba just keeps compiling what appear to be top BSC classes. Continual improvement is likely, so expect 2015 season to be a winning campaign.
  18. okay.... So you basically just stated that UND basketball needs more support. Yes, this is true, but there's no use doing so until the coach for the program is a capable one. Jones is not. Now, finances for Betty upgrades should be raised immediately.
  19. Two ways to realistically look at raising UND football's budget: 1) Lower the budget/expenses of UND hockey and allocate the savings to UND football and/or 2) Shutdown some programs (women's hockey, softball, etc.) and then allocate the savings to UND football. One of these things should happen. UND football needs more financial support.
  20. If I add to this, it would be - as some posters pointed out - that the UND hockey operations revenue is under-reported. That is, the REA likely appropriates funds to the athletic department; however, with that said, I think that would still be listed under contributions. Bottom-line: even UND hockey is a losing money operation; however, student fees cover that up real quickly. It's a matter of "how much" do the programs lose relatively speaking. Currently,football loses the most, but winning and upping attendance would have an effect on that.
  21. Per the quote from the article I included: "As a result, most colleges and universities rely on what the NCAA calls “allocated revenue.” This includes direct and indirect support from general funds, student fees, and government appropriations. In other words, most colleges subsidize their athletics programs, sometimes to startling degrees." What the REA offers would be known as "allocated revenue", and it wouldn't have to be reported as operations revenue.
  22. This is where it gets tricky; athletic programs lose money, its just the way it is. Hockey loses money and so does football. Yes, football loses more than hockey, which is part of the reason the "revenue-generation" arguments from hockey-only supporters comes into play. But, the difference in coaching salaries/equipment/uniforms/recruiting dollars for UND football vs. UND hockey is $2 million; that's too much. If hockey lowered their expenditures down to just $5 million, they would theoretically give UND football an extra $600,000 which would be phenomenal for the football program. Lastly, the football team will bring in much more when winning. Tickets sales will go up if UND wins consistently, which will minimize the revenue-expense margin. You have to spend money to make money, and I think UND athletics could do a better job investing in UND football.
  23. http://www.undsports.com/fls/13500/Athletic%20Dept/BusOps/FY%202014%20NCAA%20AUP.pdf?DB_OEM_ID=13500 NCAA Report Reporting Year (FY): 2014 Total Operating Revenues: Football ---> $571,570 Men's Basketball ----> $402,211 Men's Hockey------> $4,140,720 Total Operating Expenses: Football -----> $3,129,340 Men's Basketball -----> $ 1,085,943 Men's Hockey ----> $5,633,741 Excess of Revenue over Expenses: Football----> - $2,557,700 Men's Basketball ----> - $683,732 Men's Hockey -----> - $1,493,021 To summarize, look at expenses, which covers vital program quality indicators such as coaching salaries, recruiting costs, and equipment/uniform costs. UND hockey uses $2 million more than UND football. That is where the change needs to happen; too large of a discrepancy. Hockey can still be king at a $1 million difference. And if the annual loss of money surprises you, then read this: http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Myth-College-Sports-Are-a-Cash-Cow2.aspx Winning athletic programs may ultimately affect total university revenue by increasing enrollment numbers; thus, collegiate athletics are very much so thriving. Of course, it is limited to fan favorite sports; football and basketball. Grand Forks is the exception as it is a hockey town.
  24. Yep. Football will get there, but still could use improvements; can't get complacent. If you're a football and basketball fan, as I am, UND has been embarrassed by NDSU recently. That needs to change with - as you said - better coaches in the area of basketball and better budget for equipment/facility improvements in the area of football. The HPC will be great for football, but the new coaching offices and meeting/film rooms of phase II are also a huge deal. UND needs to get that funded and built sooner rather than later, because then UND and Bubba will be in great position.
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