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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I really enjoyed the video clips. Great stuff. The kids coming from out of normal recruiting areas look very good.
  2. It was like a warm summer day outside today compared to the last week! People will be sunbathing pretty soon!
  3. I worry that we won't come out flying. The problem is that we've had this time off and teams tend start a little slowly after the break. Lammy is going to have to be the key. Mankato will try to rattle him by mucking it up in front and he needs to keep his composure and play like he has the past few weeks.
  4. You're looking to far into the past. They debated that size during the lockout. The feeling is now they'll just reduce the size of the pipe itself by a 1/2 inch. So really the net won't look any different, just thinner pipes. Take a look at the goalies glove hand nowadays. On the wrist of the glove hand they have what's called a cheater. Essentially it's a blocker that extends above the wrist on the glove hand. Plus the glove itself could swallow a basketball.
  5. It didn't surprise me at all that McLeod had this to say:
  6. I still can't root for them to win.
  7. Hopefully he'll finally get brought up and keep his AHL scoring touch.
  8. Smoggy

    2007 schedule

    Just so you know, neither UND knows who came up with the interlocking ND symbol.
  9. There names were released in one of the Herald articles about Oshie and Toews going to court.
  10. These announcers are so bad! I have to keep turning the channel so that I don't fall asleep. Crowd is absolutely lifeless. Punkobitch has 3 penalties including an unsportsmanlike conduct. The game isn't even half over.
  11. The ref of the DU-UMD game is a guy named Thul. Anybody heard of him? Made a bad call giving DU pp. Goalie was way out and UMD player was just skating through. Thought goalie flopped. And they score. 2-0.
  12. DU up 1-0 with 1:30 left in first.
  13. It is a tough decision. If Maine were to keep falling, maybe they'd end up not being a TUC. However, I doubt that so maybe it is better for Maine to win.
  14. Matt Greene was recently in as well with a picture of him fighting. Though you couldn't see his head, just the helmet in the air. It was on the same page as Apocalypse Now.
  15. I was thrilled that Red Baron knew that Duncan and Chorney played for North Dakota!
  16. Smoggy

    New website

    But they don't have hockey, so I'm sure ours will be higher. Is the internet radio not free for NDSU? If I'm going to be paying for a radio or video feed, it better damn well work. Last year is still leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
  17. In all seriousness, it was because Goli was right next to the Sioux bench listening to the conversation between Hak and Campion.
  18. XM 204 has been talking that one of the reasons the new NHL division set up didn't happen is that Pittsburgh could still move and even if they don't the league might be looking at expanding to 32 in about five years. Then you'd have 4 divisions of 8 teams.
  19. Sonmor was on Hartman this afternoon and said the same thing. I didn't know Sonmor knew what praise was.
  20. Didn't think he was a problem, but I don't remember sitting at the game and seeing him take over the play like he has against other teams. Didn't realize he hit two pipes.
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