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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Man that's a relief. Time for the floodgates to open.
  2. Still 14 minutes left. Briggs put the last one in himself.
  3. 5-4. this game just got good. Briggs just got bad.
  4. It seems like we are the ones doing all the shooting and getting all the chances. Of course, I'm sure St. Cloud will manage to get a goal that bounces off of three bodies, two skates, a pipe, and into the net.
  5. Now 3-1 Gophers on a beautiful 2 on 1 pass. Not sure who to cheer for. Maybe I'll cheer for both to lose. Earl took a 5 minute for something, but I'm not sure if he was kicked out or not. I missed that part.
  6. Well I remember them raising it on me for some wellness facility that wasn't going to be built within 3 years of my college career ending. Is it done yet?
  7. Who's more important? The kids or your fellow Sioux fans that are in need of their fix? Thanks for the recap.
  8. I voted "other." Regional schools would be nice, but probably would do nothing as a whole to NCAA hockey. I'd like to see a BCS type school add hockey. As noted, the problem would be conference. Everyone would want the big time school. I like the Nebraska-Lincoln or a Colorado or Colorado St. I wouldn't be a fan of a Big Ten school if that whole having to create the conference is true.
  9. So who should we be rooting against this weekend? I'm guessing DU, Harvard, Fairbanks.
  10. Thanks. It didn't make sense to play an extra game while trying to prepare for each Big Ten team. I can understand wanting to keep the games rolling, but I bet their regretting not leaving this date open now.
  11. Don't count on it. They didn't review Harrington's when he didn't do anything. All we can hope for are the make-up calls next Friday.
  12. Who got the assist(s) on that Toews goal?
  13. "We Want Shephard" coming through loud and clear! Down two men.
  14. Why was Wisconsin playing a non-conference game when they are now into the Big Ten schedule? That just seemed strange to me. Though I guess Duke was playing Georgetown.
  15. Smoggy


    This seems a good place for this. Woog just said that Kessel only has one even strength goal all year. That seems very surprising, though I've always felt that many Gopher players make their living on the PP. FSN put up a stat on how the CC big guns are averaging like around 70% of their points from the PP. That's also surprising.
  16. I realize it's only one game, but DU now holds the comparison on us. They are quite a ways down in the PWR, but if they keep beating good teams I'd expect them to start climbing in a hurry.
  17. Smoggy


    I was just thinking that if Toews did play in Canada he'd be getting the media circus like Kessel does in the U.S. Maybe a part of his decision to go the college route was to avoid that mess. Look how Kessel is constanlty getting ripped by fans and media. Haven't his own fans even been ripping him? The guy will never be able to do enough.
  18. [crossing fingers][knocking on wood] Please don't jinx us.
  19. I haven't looked closely at the #'s, but I get the feally the final WCHA spot will come between us and DU. So I'd like to see them lose as much as possible. We just need to beat them.
  20. Smoggy


    One interesting thing that the NHL article talked about was the constant hype surrounding Kessel. Toews isn't put through that and I wonder if that isn't part of the reason for him going to a US college to play. It doesn't even seem like he has much hype in Canada (besides the WJC) for him being their top ranked player. I guess it doesn't matter, because the NHL knows who he is.
  21. Not only was your sign a disgrace to Bina, it pokes fun at all those that are mentally challenged. I suggest you volunteer at a local school and work with these individuals you are making fun of. Hopefully it'll cleanse your soul.
  22. I heard Dubay on his radio show yesterday or Monday state that he had a source in management at REA that said the NCAA told them Minnesota would be placed in GF to bring the fans in. I don't think he was specifically talking about them being a #1 seed. Believe his statement or not. That's up to you.
  23. Wow. They give 6 mill. Isn't that like almost double our budget? I guess that's how they fund DIAA.
  24. Back to Back. Heard enough of that on Friday that I had to bring up who has more titles.
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