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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. just saying that when/if the realignment happens that the ndac is going to have to decide to wait out their invite from the sun belt, mac, or big 19 or join und, idaho, um, msu and other "larger" western schools and hopefully be in the "fbs" tier... FCS is almost dead and it each year it gets worse...almost a third of the division doesn't even partake in the palyoffs (ivy, swac, and now the meac)...probably another 20 percent are non-scholly/reduced scholly schools like drake and valp and playoff darling dayton flyers...and each year on or two schools get the fbs invite. i respect the ndac's five titles but let's keep it in perspective tho...
  2. after their first 30 games or so... wilmer>shanks or shanks>wilmer
  3. i agree with you tho...shanks seems a little too easy to shake...have to remember he is still a soph but you keep waiting for that game where he maybe just figures it out
  4. fixed it for ya
  5. so the cheer squad at teh men's game tonight was cheering "let's go white" instead of let's go hawks??
  6. i can't wait til the split between the p5 and g5 happens here shortly and the ndac has to decide whether to join und, idaho, montana, montana state, and whatever western schools to form a nice 8 or 10 team FBS conference OR keeping up racking FCS championships against towson, fordham, and richmond.
  7. up 20 something and i think we had five straight possessions where we chucked up a three? anyone else notice shanks giving it back to jones when jones yanked him after two to's in the first five minutes... nice win but yeah msu either had a really bad night or they are just really really bad
  8. tried to go get my free ten inch pizza but went in the lobby and there was 50 people in line...I left quickly.
  9. what makes a good sports logo? a good nickname.
  10. um-eastern shores fighting hawks...they already have it.
  11. is it a known fact that the MAC offers less than the max fbs scholly limit and if so do all schools figure out that number and are required to stay at that number and if so what is that number? and same for sun belt?
  12. i remember watching the gonzaga game at the betty a couple years back...we were new to d1 and they were fifty years in. almost all their girls looked like madi buck (she was maybe a fresh or soph at the time) and i was wondering how many yeas into d1 would all of our girls look like madi buck. right now i can think maybe only lloyd and maybe szabla. not enough imo..
  13. 84 to 76 und win
  14. und has nine turnovers in the first nine minutes of the second half...almost unwatchable.
  15. what a bunch of garage bball....total crap.
  16. i like how corey didn't chuck up a three with his first touch of the second half...went to the hoop and got some points
  17. agreed
  18. starting to see a little action below the paint when the three guards play hot potato on the top...couple nice passes when no one was expecting it and shanks has delivered...
  19. so true...i don't think und has an inferiority complex in any way... i will take our athletic departement top to bottom than ndac's current male dominant athletic department. ndac put all their eggs (more males eggs) in one basket to try to dominate fcs about 20 years too late and this underreported title nine stuff will catch up to them. but hey they will have all those fcs titles in the trophy case at the fargodome
  20. not criticizing fcs...just trying to put it into perspective. to the average fan ndac playing a team like jacksonville (al) is no different than seeing mount union playing an alphabet school on espn3 on a saturday afternoon at a soccer stadium in a town no one has ever heard of.
  21. either you play with the big boys or you don't...if you don't don't get all cocky. in the eyes of most college fans that don't any better there is no difference between d3 d2 and fcs...same cat different color.
  22. i thought we were behind on getting the new bsc logo on the betty floor but isu is still holding onto the old logo?
  23. hey average college football fan...who just won fcs title today? i know i know!!!! mount union!! wrong try again.... wisconsin-eu clair?? nope. i give up.
  24. it seems like the logical choice for prez just like RR was for the nickname so it will probably not happen... he would be a great hire for the university AND the athletic department...
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