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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. This is hard to watch....
  2. confused as to the new cc being built behind/onto edgewood or what?
  3. actually IN the edgewood buiding...not the new cc being built NEXT to edgewood?
  4. did they reverse the drive in for alerus at pure north when they repoured the concrete?
  5. what's this cloud 9 event center on the top of the edgewood building....
  6. https://nypost.com/2021/10/06/hunter-biden-attends-first-art-show-amid-ethical-concerns/ maybe the rhombus boys can "purchase" some of Hunter's hipster art and hang it outside with the DNA mural.....
  7. haha just walked by twenty minutes ago.....
  8. back when danny was new and fresh........bubba now demands draws on all 3rd and 2's
  9. i agree...but getting them here and keeping them here and getting results are required still...but good baby steps so far on talent coming in....day by day
  10. und doesn't utilize the TE....til we do
  11. western illinois
  12. that's what zapruder said.
  13. did a Goon get a good shot of bubba's face when q didn't get the two yards?
  14. starting to wonder if the one and only problem is bubba..........
  15. couple years ago before the dementia kicked in bubba punted down 3 scores with about 6 minutes left in a playoff game against a team that had 250 yards rushing at that point but a couple years later at your own 20with the lead you go for it on 4th down....wtf
  16. brett made some adjustsments from last year but danny......holy cow
  17. you don't want to know what happened.... first play in your own house...false start
  18. two plays.........................their qb didn't throw the worlds worst int and their hc didn't go for on his own 20 with the lead game over
  19. what makes you feel this way? there was nothing redeeming about this offense....not a thing....pentalties, bad calls, .... and the coaches....most are clueless starting with bubba
  20. if it wasn't it's even worse.....
  21. is this game was in fargo it would be 45-6
  22. when bubba cleaned house...danny should've gone with. brett so far has shown he's an improement over eric and he hasn't even had time to bring in a full four years of recrutis to fill his needs
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