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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. i remember that game i think at northern iowa (09 or 10) right before he turned it around and i was thinking that this old man is gonna get canned! but ...a few million bucks later he's doing "well" in lararmie.
  2. If the NFL said we are adding 22 more franchises to mid-major markets (very subjective yes).....yes i do think mr warren might say hey that would be cool for cold ass omaha....or maybe not. who knows.
  3. no has to do anything....a guy in omaha named warren if he wants can build a stadium and start a team go for it.... if a city like tulsa wants to go big time......put it to a vote..like they did in nashville (twice now) (nfl) and okc (nba).....see what happens
  4. jimmy g can't catch a break ever
  5. i can handle losses but it's the bad news bears way that we lose that is killing the sioux football fan base....if your new to sioux football you don't know any better but if you have been following sioux football for 30 plus years like me this is an embarassment.
  6. do we just rent the main arena or would the alerus be punks and wanna charge und for a 3 minute walk?
  7. i saw that....is this why we don't see em at the alerus anymore? could they use them for the "hawk walk" ?
  8. google the drone video marshall used against jmu........totally awesome.
  9. you clearly haven't seen/watched this garbage yet today i guess https://www.nfl.com/videos/robert-saleh-backs-zach-wilson-s-status-as-qb1-after-jets-loss-to-patriots
  10. baseball could have so many more levels......
  11. i just know. a couple while biking by not spouting
  12. he's ready.
  13. i haven't been to minneapolis for about 5 years.....i can only imagine if i went to my taco shop on lake and hiawatha what it would be like........(pineda tacos)
  14. cool that they are both from same province but i think it would be cool if a game against the gophers both schools would do somethng like this considering how long they have played against other and it being a border battle?
  15. hoping for a w........but........one of these 3 seem to have a meltdown in big games and saturday is a BIG GAME!!!!! 1. special teams 2. tommy 3. bubba
  16. so cool! great idea.
  17. that's what i want to know.....if tommy wets the bed on saturday do they say...next man up or ride or die with tommy this year and next? there is a reason why bubba wins about 54% of his games.......
  18. didn't say that.
  19. might be a good question for salah in nyc.....did you see zach's game and then salah's assessment of him and his performance? crazy town.
  20. when do we find out about tyree.........(or did we already find out and i missed it?)
  21. some coaches just have it........some don't. i think we have too many "some don't" on staff and it shows over their history of work.
  22. that's kinda the problem the last 20 years......if it aint the defense...it's the offense......at least the special teams have been consistent. day by day
  23. so it's weird to say that it would've been awesome to have hunter leupke or gronowski on our team the last few years instead of tommy two gloves and johannseon?....assuming we might have recruited both of them but missed. i too am excited but ........been there done that....day by day.
  24. I agree with you but sooner or later there has to be some repercussions for just saying "my franchise is worth 4 billion and i'm good with just being the browns"....if the threat of relegation was there you would see some of these franchises actually be held accountable for piss poor decades of losing. A 3 tiered league of 18 each would be nice. 17 games...no divisions..move 3 up and down. Level 1 LA Rams SF 49ers Seattle Denver Dallas KC New Orleans Miami Green Bay New England Baltimore Tampa Bay New York Giants Philadelphia Chicago Pittsburgh Washington Las Vegas Level 2 LA Chargers Minnesota Detroit Arizona Jacksonville Charlotte Cleveland Cincinnati NY Jets Buffalo Tennessee Houston Indianapolis Atlanta Level 3 St. Louis San Diego Oakland Salt Lake City OK City Lubbock Portland Albuquerque Omaha Memphis Orlando Sacramento Wichita Des Moines Sioux Falls Boise Columbus Birmingham
  25. what did kelly and the guys try to get him to do?
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