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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Wow...I am an assistant on my son's Mite team. After we scored about ten goals without surrendering a shot the other weekend, we pulled the boys in and told them that the goal was now to get two of our weakest players to get their first goals. None of the regular scorers were allowed to shoot...that's U8 folks..gotta teach them respect. i also benched my son for a shift for trash talking the other bench after he scored a goal against a good team we were playing this last week. You don't have to respect your opponent, but you have to respect yourself, your teammates, and the game. somrone said it...karma's a bitch
  2. If I were Tomek, I'd be on my way to the CHL...gotta play...
  3. Stafford, Zajac, Oshie and Toews aren't marginal or role player guys either- they've all put up multiple 50 plus point seasons...and Toews of course is as special as they come...I count 724 NHL goals among them to date...
  4. 10 guys on that 2005-2006 team skated at least 1 game in the NHL: Stafford, Zajac, Oshie, Toews, Porter, Watkins (1 game), Lee, Smaby, Chorney, Finley (5 games)
  5. 2005- Lee, Oshie, Finley and another Freshman in that class would also go in the first round the next year named Jonathan Toews...they joined 2 first rounders from the prior year in Stafford and Zajac. Most loaded team in terms of talent in UND history.
  6. We're Tbirds fans- my kid plays SnoKing. PM me if you want the share about Seattle
  7. As it is the my favorite month...xmas and its bestie...the World Juniors, I was perusing team Canada's camp roster. I watch a lot of WHL where I live, and I've certainly come to know who Carter Hart is. For those who don't follow the dub, he is a super star goalie for the Everett Silvertips. So far this year he is 15-3-3 with a .937 and 1.65 while pitching 4 shutouts. Why should I care as Sioux hockey fan? Well, he was drafted in the 2nd round by Philly in 2016...you got it..1 round earlier and 1 year later than Matej Tomek...Anyway, this Carter kid is likely to be Canada's #1 netminder for the tourney. Let the speculation on the net continue...
  8. Never said otherwise...we needed a win against a top tier non-conference opponent. We got it. We got it without Boeser. We played racehorse hockey with one of the best and came out on top, because our goaltending and 4th line outplayed theirs, and our #1 draft pick showed why.
  9. Absolutely huge win for PWR and for this growing team. To do it without BBoeser also tells this team a little about itself. We've played the second toughest schedule in college hockey and are growing- hopefully the MSU series stands out in retrospect as the weekend we bottomed out as a group of players and emerged as a team. This game was certainly a step in the right direction.
  10. And GAA and save % are locations statistically, they do not talk variation. Take 4 games with 25 shots on goal per. In all 4 games you give up 2 goals. That's a .920 save percentage and 2.00 GAA, and you have an excellent chance at winning all 4 games. No variation +/- 0 same scenario, but you pitch 2 shutouts and give up 4 goals in the other 2. Same .920 save % and 2.00 GAA, but you likely go 2-2. Variation is significant +/- 4 our scoring defense challenge is not averages, it's variation. It can also be said that the shutouts were exceptions, because Cam stood on his head.
  11. Someone with some time on their hands: compare last season ytd with this season ytd on goals for and goals against. This will tell us if it is an offensive or defensive let down...
  12. Tyson Jost named to Hockey Canada world junior evaluation camp today
  13. Luke's skating will continue to hold him back. It's what kept him from being a 20 goal man in college, and it will likely force him out of the A in a year. I agree with everyone that another year st UND wouldn't have hurt him and certainly would've helped this team.
  14. CBS, Stech, and Ladue...maybe a little LJ, Chyz and Sanderson
  15. ...there are quite a few bridges...and a couple overpasses
  16. So, we can play with forward chemistry until we are blue in the face. Move Yon up with Gersich and Jost. Bench Simo, JJ and Wilkie indefinitely...problem is that our dcorps is the real problem and we just don't have the horses back there. Other than the older Poolman, I haven't seen any of them do ANYTHING...and not in the good way of unnoticed dmen, but in the bad way of noticed...
  17. Gornall, Bowen and Yon all played Sioux hockey tonight. I thought Olsen was okay. Jost and Gersich were fine. Everybody else was a passenger. Gardner ran the MSU goalie- embarrassing. Pogo did nothing. All I saw JJ do was blow a tire. Simo- nothing but turnover the puck. D were out of position a lot and losing physical battles.
  18. I feel like guys don't know or aren't buying into their roles right now. We are losing a lot of races and a lot of puck battles. It's a tough time here in Sioux puck land.
  19. Hard to take positives out of this weekend. I am terrified of next year without Boeser and Jost.
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