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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. on the replay, Cam's angle was WAY OFF...My mite major son could've buried that far side
  2. Can you imagine how bad this team would be without Jost, Boeser and Poolman...all likely gone after this year...
  3. One of the worst UND teams I've watched...and I've been watching since 1980... although I did miss a bunch of the early and mid-nineties in college
  4. Our d have looked lazy retrieving pucks in our end all year
  5. Cam has zero confidence. He looked behind him right away on that shot.
  6. We just can't compete with the Dawgs this year...
  7. When did we become the Gophers? We don't like contact, and we play the game entitled... Gardner and Pogo need to elevate their games. Boeser needs to get the eye of the tiger back. On the backend, we have to find that mean streak...play right up to the edge... only Jost, Gersich, and Poolman are playing Sioux hockey right now
  8. Don't know the film, but looks like a young warren Beatty in the back..:that guy PULLED
  9. These teams are pretty equally matched, with UND having a little more elite talent (Boeser and Jost) but UMD being more seasoned. They both play the game the right way. Special teams will play a role. UMD hasn't seen Jost and Boeser split...I don't follow the Dogs enough to know if they have two d-pairings that can shutdown guys who will score 20 goals in the show in a year or two...
  10. He likely never was- I'd give him six figs, but not half a mil
  11. This is not a dominant team- unlikely to win any conference hardware...however, this team is very capable of beating anybody on a given night. This is a year where the theme needs to be "get in" then win 4 games. Could easily parallel UMD's national title team with this one or DU's second title team in their b2b.
  12. I don't think it's a forward depth issue...to me it's compete level and being hard to play against in the neutral zone and defensive zone.
  13. Only works if you can pick a defender without interference and the guy you pass to can carry the puck into the zone cleanly with speed. im with you that you chip, F1 and F2 win a race and puck battle and get it back to the point to set up
  14. So that wouldn't hit +/- either... the kid was on the ice for 7 goals scored...unfortunately 5 were by Miami... my starting point is the +/- stated by ogle torp, so I haven't validated anything via official source... a dman being out for 5 goals against has to be a record...maybe need to confirm against Lee and Finley...
  15. Yikes...-3 with an even strength goal means he was out for 4 even strength Miami goals against?? i can't find the full box anywhere, but that means best case (assuming he was out for the first goal) is that he was on the ice for 3 of the 5 goals in the third, worst case he was out for all 4 even strength third period goals against... how many shifts does the bottom pair get in a period? Five?
  16. We needed a timeout and there was no other way than a goalie change
  17. Whoever went after Jost needs a code red tomorrow
  18. How do we have bad ice when it's subzero outside?
  19. Not difficult to understand- my response is also nuanced. The nuance being while speaking positively of their program, I posted some facts reinforcing our greatness.
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