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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. A lot of the powerplay is timing too. The designed switch sets the powerplay in motion. Start counting off 1 and 2 and 3 and go, etc. There is also the opportunity that the forward playing up high will get caught napping and the dman can get a quick shot away during the switch. Our biggest problem IMO is that the passes are off the tape. As I said before, timing is everything, and if the pass is off mark, so is the timing. We also telegraph our passes. This might be a result of not having mobile enough players out there. We also get "jumped" a lot. The defensive player knows that he can make us cough it up if he pressures us. Guys like Osh and Toews and Parise could flat out beat anyone one on one with their skating and stickhandling skill. This made them ideal set up men. It would almost always be like a 5 on 3 when they got the puck in their hands and went towards the net. If a defender jumped them, 99 out of 100 times that defender was out of the play. I also hate the umbrella with this team. If I were coach, I would actually think about having Finley line up as a winger on the PP and then switch to center. You want to talk about an immovable body setting screens down low. I would then have Dunc as the set up man and Kozek as the shooter. Chay and Marto up top. I keep hoping that this is a rope a dope on the PP; that we are fighting left handed right now, screwing up the tape for the opposition, and we will come out in the NCAAs fighting right handed, with a new look PP that they've been running in practice for months. I know this is wishful thinking, but it would sure be cool. They ran the PP this weekend like they've been practicing something else...
  2. DOn't fear the cauker or gretzky
  3. Agree passing was just off. At least that's how it looked from our row! Didn't get to say goodbye on my way out Saturday. Great seeing you again and meeting your family! Go SIoux!
  4. We HAVE to have line chemistry in the NCAAs. If watty can play I roll: Dunc with Gregoire and Hexy VV with Frattin and Trupp Zajac with Martens and Watty Malone with Toews and Kozek If no Watty I roll: Dunc with Gregoire and Hexy VV with Frattin and Trupp Zajac with Martens and Malone Mario with Toews and Kozek We really need Watty's on ice leadership. He and Zajac are our best penalty killers too.
  5. just having a little fun with ya, I knew what you meant I hate to say it, but I don't think we can beat BU. It will take a big effort and some puck luck, that's for sure. My head says Frozen Four is: BU, MI, NE and UMD
  6. yes, Raymond is doing well...in Vancouver I like the dogs chances in that bracket. We have our work cut out for us. Go Sioux
  7. Some have been waiting to see what would happen due to this scenario. When a storied program such as WI beats UND to end the season, and plays a boatload of TUCs and misses the tournament due to the math track team's decision making. I haven't done the math yet for Minnesota, but they had to be right there too with the old RPI. I think there will be some "discussions" about this in the summer meetings.
  8. UNH was resting this weekend, just like us They are going to be fresh and near home. We will have our work cut out for us. They have beaten some good teams this year. I saw JVR in the WJC, and the kid has some tremendous skill. Fortunately they are even more woeful on the PP than we are. They score on 11.5% of man advantages. UNH is also 1-9-0 when trailing after one. We must score first. We need to come out flying. It is a mental thing. They seldom come from behind and we seldom lose when playing with a lead.
  9. Perhaps the boys are only motivated by banners that we actually hang... On a serious note, the change in RPI calculation weighting more heavily to winning percentage actually made a big difference this year. When 2/10,000 in RPI keeps Wisconsin out and puts OSU in. Just think, losing a game in OT to a national powerhouse hurts your chances while destroying cupcake U helps.
  10. there shouldn't be any surprises with BU or NH. We know what to expect. Its NCAA tourney time, 1 and done, and every entrant is a threat. I have to wonder if fatigue is affecting some of the freshmen...JG has been really quiet for the last few weeks. Any latest and greatest on Watty? Speaking of mustaches, did any of you see that pic of Chorney on the all wcha team in the F5 calendar? Can anyone say 70's pornstar?
  11. Lots of crazy outcomes still possible. Looks like WI can't get in even with a win now based on all my PWR potentials. MN stays on the bubble in all scenarios I ran. They are usually out, but can get in with help. Dogs, Denver and UND are all locks.
  12. What happened last night? Sloppy play to start the game results in an early two goal lead for the Dogs. This makes it so Duluth can play their game not ours. Duluth is excellent defensively, they are outstanding at clogging shooting lanes and disrupting flow. We never got to play our game . Add in ineptness on the pp and you have an ugly loss. While our depth has been our strength all year, our lack of an Osh or Toews or Parise hurts in games like last night. I give Duluth credit for outplaying us. I think that our pp and our defensive breakdowns cost us. BE has won us a few games over the last month. His screw up playing the puck might've been a case of freshman nerves. I would like another crack at them in the NCAAs, no matter how poorly we seem to match up with them. I still believe we are a better team. It will be interesting to see how the boys respond today. If were chanpionship material, we will come out flying. If not, we will be in for another slug fest. I am curious to see how the senior leadership performs. Bucky has their season in the balance. They must win to have a prayer. Its tough to end a program like WIs season. It is just a game, he says to himself...
  13. I am concerned that another loss will kill our psyche. I no longer believe that we are the best team in the wcha.
  14. dogs deserved it. As for the wiscosin game...I am not all that excited.
  15. Two words: pathetic. Unacceptable. Only malone and hextall came to play tonight. The rest of the boys owe all of us an apology
  16. COuple things that are wrong with the pp 1. We seldom carry the puck into the offensive zone, so we resort to dump and chase. That results in a coin flip as to who will gain possession. 2. UMD's aggressive PK puts a lot of pressure on the player with possession. Couple that wiht the fact that they beat us to every loose puck and you can't get anything going. 3. PP depends on good passing, side to side, and up and down. We were simply not connecting and not reading each other. All the credit to the Bulldogs, they took advantage of two Sioux mistakes and made no mistakes of their own. They deserved to win. We did not have it tonight. Poor effort once we were down. It was like the wind just vanished from our sails...let's face it, UMD isn't the red army team of the 70's and 80's. Sioux were terrible tonight, Dogs weren't good, but they didn't make any mistakes, so they were the better team. We were awful tonight. Let's hope this a wake up call.
  17. I'm actually hoping for the #5 overall seed with Yale #4.
  18. Can't hate the dogs...good fans, quality team. It will take a big effort tomorrow night.
  19. If all the higher seeds win here out, MN is the first team not invited...#16 PWR
  20. How many time zones down under? It's a big country. Is there any hockey in Australia? I think Russell Crowe would've made an awesome hockey player...sorta Cam Neelyesque!
  21. It is simply fun to watch Zajac, Parise and Langenbrunner. I remember watching Langenbrunner in the MN high shcool tournament when he and that russian kid took Cloquet to St. paul. Langenbrunner was just sick. I think he had 100 points in a high school season as a junior, then he left Cloquet to play in the OHL and did well at Peterborough. Fun to have an NHL line and team with so much WCHA and MN and UND representation. Paul Martin is an important member of that team as well. Congrats to the boys and congrats to their goaltender for becoming the winningest in NHL history.
  22. AM or PM? I am trying to think this over...
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