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Everything posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. why does it always come to "I pay more seat for my seat than you do for yours?" This argument adds nothing to the discussion, it just stirs the pot more than anything.
  2. It looked like it hurt.
  3. Oh no....you didn't start the 80's band debate with DaveK did you?
  4. I needed a good laugh this morning............thank you for that.
  5. I agree also. Prior point totals is never and will never be a a perfect representation of what type of impact a player in the WCHA will have. I'm with dagies, I'll take him also.
  6. and.......................?
  7. I always enjoy it during the playoffs when Cherry interviews the top potential draft picks. Did you notice how Toews said, "My team was the U. of ND"?
  8. That is Mike "Doc" Emerick for you. I think he cites the other programs as often, just when he says U. of North Dakota it stands out. Honestly, his mentioning of what college the player came from almost made the Women's Olympic Hockey games hard to watch. When basically everybody playing for the US, had played or was playing college, his very frequent mentioning of what college they came from got really old. I like that he does it, but he sometimes goes overboard.
  9. When I read that in the original article in the Herald a couple weeks ago, I found it quite interesting also.
  10. It will be very interesting to see where Forney goes.
  11. If you listened to them both you would know that, they have the same news, commercials, etc........
  12. I've heard from a few different people close to the family tell me that UND will have to get in line when it comes to signing these girls.
  13. Don't go out on a limb or anything........
  14. That is a question that will have to be answered if they get the contract.
  15. I agree....I don't want to sound like a bad guy either, but it doesn't not make sense to keep all of these schools going, especially when some of them are running big deficits. I don't want to see some of these smaller communities lose one of their remaining economic forces, but the time is coming when some tough decisions about higher ed in this state will need to be made.
  16. I understand what you are saying and asking of "Driveforshow"
  17. Not trying to disagree with you, but if a person wants to be a Diamond or Emerald club member, there will be seate for them.
  18. It says in the letter that they didn't raise prices for the 3rd straight year, but my check will be bigger. Just call it what it is..............a price increase for a lot of people.
  19. That still might not be enough for some people.
  20. Congrats to Kuper!!!
  21. Exactly, I think some people miss the point of these message boards. This is not fightingsioux.com (this is better).
  22. Obviously there are times when a lot of "garbage" is posted on this message board on others, but there is also times when someone close to a situation gives us the heads up. Of course nothing is official until we hear it from the Athletic Dept., the player, the coaching staff,etc., but what I love about this site is there are times when I read stuff on here, days, weeks, and sometimes months before we hear anything "official". That is what makes this site so great.
  23. I agree. When I heard Tim say that I just about fell out of my chair. If he thinks UND and their fans "will chew you up and spit you out" he should probably follow other programs as well.
  24. Awesome job !!!!
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