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Posts posted by sioux24/7

  1. 5 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    oh oh....Trent is gone

    While I’d prefer him to stay, with the the recent additions we will be okay. He might have been off the bench at this point anyways. Still sucks though but yeah use the two open scholarships wisely. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, GoodGood said:

    Is there really any 4s on the roster? We know from last year Omot needs to play the 3. Mayar may be the only option at the 4 unless I’m forgetting someone. 

    Wouldn’t you say T is more of a 4? Shooting and rim protector are 1a and 1b for me. 

  3. On 4/18/2023 at 7:45 PM, sioux24/7 said:

    So with what we know today, our team looks something like this:

    5 - T

    4 - Deng Mayar

    3 - BJ

    2 - Eaglestaff

    1 - Eli King?

    Jalun Trent, Brady Danielson, Elijah Brooks, Brian Mathews and then the 3 freshman who I doubt will factor into anything this year.

    We still have two scholarships to work with and maybe one goes Elvis Nnaji’s way if he hops on board. If he does I think he would fight Deng for that 4 spot. 

    I put Eli at the starting 1 just because I would think a big part of the pitch to getting him, besides BJ and Trey, was playing time. Maybe Trent starts but either way they’re both going to be playing pretty big minutes.

    I do want to say that the job the staff has done so far has been impressive. The talent coming in, immensely exceeds the talent we lost. It would be nice to find a shooter to fill Norman’s role though. 

    With today’s news, I might slide Tyree into the starting 1 spot, assuming he gets a waiver. I think a lot of people believe King wouldn’t have came here without a guarantee he’s starting but idk. He will still get plenty of run. 

  4. It may have been known already or previously mentioned but looks like Creighton Mitchell is hanging the cleats up. Makes sense, really wish it would have worked out but wish him the best in the future!

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  5. 5th Year

    Brady Danielson

    Tsotne Tsartsidze


    Jalun Trent


    Deng Mayar

    Brian Mathews


    BJ Omot

    Treysen Eaglestaff

    Eli King

    Elijah Brooks


    Daniel Hong (RS walk-on)

    Ryan Erikson

    Anthony Doppler

    Matthew Bothun (sounds like walk-on to start)

    Zach Kraft (walk-on)

    So we have 11 scholarship guys and 3 walk-ons right now. 2 open scholarships still. I assume Bothun’s would turn into a scholarship his second year so assuming no one unexpected leaves, we would have 2 scholarships to work with for the following year as well.

  6. 12 minutes ago, ND1 said:

    Terrance Brown out of Minneapolis who UND offered or was targeting committed to FDU today

    Did UND ever offer? I never saw anything other than it was said he was supposed to be visiting. I’m a big fan of his game though. 

    • Like 1
  7. So with what we know today, our team looks something like this:

    5 - T

    4 - Deng Mayar

    3 - BJ

    2 - Eaglestaff

    1 - Eli King?

    Jalun Trent, Brady Danielson, Elijah Brooks, Brian Mathews and then the 3 freshman who I doubt will factor into anything this year.

    We still have two scholarships to work with and maybe one goes Elvis Nnaji’s way if he hops on board. If he does I think he would fight Deng for that 4 spot. 

    I put Eli at the starting 1 just because I would think a big part of the pitch to getting him, besides BJ and Trey, was playing time. Maybe Trent starts but either way they’re both going to be playing pretty big minutes.

    I do want to say that the job the staff has done so far has been impressive. The talent coming in, immensely exceeds the talent we lost. It would be nice to find a shooter to fill Norman’s role though. 

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