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Posts posted by sioux24/7

  1. 3 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    We already had a secondary logo is the problem.  Need to develop a primary logo rather than a worse secondary logo.

    I just don’t think you’re going to get a good logo out of this nickname. It’s a bad nickname but I’m just going to embrace it. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Looking for Seidl, Wilson and Eliodor in a revenge game to all have big days. 

    Question is who is going to step up on the other side of the ball? They are going to grind, need to make the stops. 

    I’m looking for Pedigo to be a man possessed. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    I would offer this kid as soon as allowed by NCAA. I would keep an eye on the brother who is a freshman. 

    Wait why can’t they offer him? He’s a junior right so can’t they offer now?

    Him and Pearce Parks twitter is loaded with NDSU and SDSU stuff. Really disappointing. 

  4. On 11/7/2023 at 5:43 PM, SWSiouxMN said:

    Just play this on a loop for the defense

    I always find it funny looking back at these and seeing the refs with the white pants and hats. They look so silly to me but never noticed in the moment obviously. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. We do have one for sure scholarship for this class right? Danielson and T are both for sure gone but I think it’s assumed that Bothun is a 4 of 5 scholarship guy so he’ll take one. Would assume we end up with more than just one but hopefully not too many! Would have enjoyed signing someone today to follow along their senior year. 

  6. 1 minute ago, ND1 said:

    Not sure about sem, lots of stuff going with him currently.  Didn’t play football this fall and not eligible to play bb until after Xmas.  AAU ball was pretty quiet 

    Yeah I’m guessing with the off the court issues he may no longer be as much of a priority. 

  7. 59 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    We move on to Sunday.


    Agreed. Don’t burn the tape though, learn from it. We beat Elon by 4 last year and if I remember correctly it felt like we should have won by more. KenPom has us as 7 point favorites. Get a double digit home win and some of the hope for the year will be restored. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. 1 minute ago, forksandspoons said:

    Yes the offense has been bad, but the defense has been nonexistent 

    This probably is the most frustrating part in my mind. With the length and athleticism we added, I was hoping this would be a strength of ours. 

    • Upvote 2
  9. Just now, GoodGood said:

    I can't believe how non competitive we are. Truly shocked. Can also see why King did not play at Iowa State last year. He has me shocked as well 

    I feel like he might be what MLB fans say a AAAA player. Can’t make it at the P5 level but will be successful at the Summit level. 

    I like what I see from Amar. I’ve always been a Brooks fan, although he can’t shoot worth a lick but he’s a real good finisher around the rim. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, HoopsFan03 said:

    Teams are going to be throwing bags full of money and car keys at Omot after this season. I truly hope he stays but wouldn’t blame him if he goes and gets paid.

    My fear as well. Eli, Tyree and Trey aren’t going anywhere though so maybe he just wants to play with his buds. We shall see but first let’s play this season!

    • Upvote 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Hans8891 said:

    This team looks like it could make some noise in the summit.  Lots of skill and lots of length.  Still missing a true big, but 1 through 4 are solid.  Long and very athletic with better shooting than we have had for a while.  King is a legitimate playmaker who can find the open man.  I am looking forward to this season.  May need to get hotel rooms in Sioux Falls.  As to the freshman, Bothun and Kraft were clearly the two that stood out and looked like they belong sooner rather than later.  Bothun could be ready to contribute after a redshirt year.  Kraft needs to take a year to learn how to play defense at this level and get in the weight room, but Zach may be one of the best shooters we have had in a long time and he gets the ball out of his hands quick.  With an offense that moves and finds the open look, Kraft will be able to knock those down.  Erickson clearly needs to improve or he will not make it at this level.  Doppler showed glimpses of talent, but may be an inbetween size at this level.  There is at least some potential there though.  Add in Tyree next year and we have a nice looking team for several years to come.  Bring on the Summit!!!

    I’m hoping we have a successful season and then come portal time we keep the core and the big men see what we have and beg to play with them. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, HoopsFan03 said:

    Tommy is good at what he does. Manage games against bad and average teams. Get him against any good to great team and he goes MIA.

    He’s a solid QB. Just not a championship QB or the QB UND needs to take that next step. In my opinion.

    I think you are probably right here too. I just think he gets !@#$ on a little too much and doesn’t necessarily deserve it. I do get though that we want to strive for championships and not just for being good. 

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