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Posts posted by siouxfan512

  1. Reading back on some of the old comments, it looks like what is primarily being discussed in monetary between UND and St Thomas. 

    If UND goes to play St Thomas at the X, St Thomas would reap the financial benefits; good for them. You never know what is going to happen in a series that will create a rivalry. Fight, dirty plays, a close loss. 

    Way way back in the day a Gopher loss to a Wisconsin club team is what started that rivalry. And for anyone who remembers the Robbie Bina CFB, that really triggered everything that became the UND/DU rivalry, followed by some great hockey games, and some epic playoff games. Being conference foes helps there, but my point is you never know what will cause this to be a rivalry, but proximity always helps. Schedule regular games with St Thomas, and you always have an extra "home" game on the schedule, because fans in the TC will swarm to the X to watch UND play.

  2. 55 minutes ago, zonadub said:

    Izzy isn’t the only one… UND received less votes in this week’s coach’ poll than last week.

    Pounding a bad W. Illinois team isn't going to raise a lot of eyebrows. NDSU or SIU would have done that. 

    Take care of business against Misery St and some people may start to take notice. At this point in the season, and after a 3 game losing streak, we need to string together some wins before people consider UND as being competitive. Win this weekend, and get some convincing wins at home, then you roll into Brookings on a high note.

    As @Mama Sue said .... Lets just beat MO this weekend!

  3. 49 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    We need to beat the Bison.  We can't beat them unless we play them.  Bottom line I would prefer to get sent to Fargo.  Obviously it wouldn't happen in first round, but sure why not play them in the 2nd round.


    We do and we should have. All I meant it, I don't care where we go ... I want to be in the playoffs. That part is still in our control; where we go after that is not up to us; though we could get a first round at home with the right bid of course.

    That being said, playoffs only happen if we take care of business this weekend and then refocus for the next weekend. Even with a win, this team should never get too high, unless they win the next 4 ... then you can celebrate a bit.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    On paper, it may not seem very worthy of playoff discussion.  But, the article states: "this is how I project the field to look like on November 21st, not as how it looks today."  To me, the fact that UND is not mentioned means he doesn't see UND as a team who's progressing as the season goes on, which is a mistake, IMO.  Seems like a diss.


    Maybe, but Izzo does get his rocks off on the Bison, so whatever. That being said, before beating a bad W. Illinois team, we were on a 3 game losing streak, so I would probably save the ""progressing" for after this weekend, or even the next. 

    The 3 game losing streak can be broken down, and 2 of those games were pretty darn good, but they are still losses. If we had made plays to find a way to win either the NDSU or SIU game it might be a different conversation, but 3 close losses in a row in almost going to cement some peoples thoughts that this is a team that can't quite find a way to get over that hump. I don't personally think that, I think this team can still find a way into the playoffs, but not everyone is going to see it that way.

  5. 30 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    And we would get sent straight to Fargo

    I'd rather go to Fargo then not go anywhere. I get its the Bison at home, but they are still beatable. They could easily be a 2 loss team right now.

    • Like 1
  6. To me, it is more on the system than the kids. Kids are often short sighted and will jump at whatever. 

    Sure, I'll go play in GF or Fargo, and thank you for the scholly.

    Well, we had a sub par season and its super cold, and its and adjustment living the college life.

    The system allows these kids to bail, and bail easily. Rather than sticking it out, figuring how to cope with their situation and developing as young men. 

    I spent the better part of my freshman year at UND wanting to leave and go somewhere else. Not because I disliked UND, it was just a huge change in life. Instead, I came back, met some of the best friends I have, got involved, got more comfortable at school and absolutely loved my next few years. We do these kids a huge disservice by making it so simple to bail on any given situation that doesn't go just perfectly for them. It won't serve them well after school. That being said, every kid has a different situation, and I don't want to judge them all; there are certainly situations where a transfer is warranted or something is just not working out.

    I was disappointed to lose Geno when he transferred, but at the same time, can't blame a kid who has the opportunity to play for one of the biggest programs in the country. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. 39 minutes ago, Goon said:

    They have a final matchup against SDSU, in Brookings. I am not hopeful. They really needed to be NDSU this year. 

    SDSU already lost at home to SIU and UNI. If UND actually shows up and plays a full 4 quarter game, they will absolutely have a shot to win. 1 or 2 things change at SIU and we win there. It is not automatic by any means, but certainly possible. 

    Though more importantly, we have to take care of this week first. Lose here, or stumble in either of our home games, and the SDSU game is irrelevant.

    Now picture this, you beat Misery St, you take care of business at home, you roll into Brookings with your season on the line on a 4 game win streak with a record of 6 - 4. Of the 4 losses (1 is FBS, 3 are by a combined total of 16 points to NDSU/SIU/USD). IF, and it is a BIG IF, UND were able to run the table and make the playoffs with wins over Misery St and SDSU, we would be extremely hot and dangerous going into the playoffs. 

    That is all fun to think about, but it disappears if the boys aren't prepared for this "playoff" game. Do we get the UND team that showed up against MO St last year, or do we get the team that showed up against Nicholls St 2 years ago. Given how we played on the road against SIU, I'm optimistic about this weekend, but I also haven't watched MO St play much this year, except for a few minutes last weekend.

    • Upvote 3
  8. On 10/21/2021 at 9:49 AM, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Bubba may have built his season on an unsound foundation.  So far this fall Otis has been nothing but a distraction.  Time for him to put up or shut up.

    Other than the one time where Otis had to sit because of a missed meeting, what else has he done? I'm not saying that is excusable, but that is hardly being "nothing but a distraction". 

    • Upvote 3
  9. 12 hours ago, Dustin said:

    What have we done thus far to prove otherwise? It has be a season of "almosts". Almost beat the Bison. Almost beat SIU on the road. Almost beat USD. Even Utah St, where we started hot.

    This team has not put together a full game in the games that matter most. NDSU was definitely a full game, but between Tommy's INT and Bubba's boneheaded call, we blew it. USD was definitely not a full game effort. They didn't really show up in the SIU game until the 2nd quarter. Those are the kinds of things that need to change. That talent is there for the most part, but the team needs to play a full 4 quarters.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Sioux94 said:

    Not sure what they are saying Waletzko could project as to what round in the draft.  If they are saying late round, could he possibly decide to comeback to improve himself further and possibly his draft spot the following year?  If it sounds like he is a lock to get drafted, would be hard for him to not leave and get the money while you can.  Never know when you could get injured. 

    Everything I've heard is late round, but I suppose it really comes down to Matt as a personal decision. 

    -Do you really think your stock will jump by staying an extra year? You also risk having a bad year and slipping out of the draft altogether.

    -Do you risk injury to potentially move up a bit in the draft?

    I would assume he will go through the draft process and see where he lands, even if it ends up be UDFA. Once you hit the late rounds, its more about getting in and getting the opportunity. He would never be slotted in as automatic anywhere anyway. Get him into a camp and let him show what he has. Have to strike while the iron is hot.

  11. 1 hour ago, shep said:

    So who do you all feel is gone after this season?

    5th years

    Haas - such a disappointing end for that kid









    Maag - Return, and finally play up to your size.

    Hinders - Do we have another long snapper waiting?

    Peterson - Do we have another punter ready to take over?

    Waletzko - Barring something strange, I would assume he will enter the draft.

    Ghadaksaz - I would think he was a 1 year filler and will be gone.

    Seguin - Thoughts?

    Krzanowski - Does he really still have another year? If so, that's awesome.

    Larson - I would hope he stays for another year.

    Fenelon - Gone

    Boltmann - Does he really still have another year? If so, that's awesome.

    Morrison - Thoughts?

  12. 35 minutes ago, Wright4UND said:

    Thank you for asking!  Nothing major but hurt his foot/toe.  Will try and go this weekend.  He is sick about the missed opportunity.  Glad for the win!  G

    Glad to hear it! That kid is going to have ton of opportunities over the next few years. Onto MO St.

  13. Not like it really matters at this point at all. I just feel like a split edges to the road team. Seems like a draw on the weekend, but doesn't matter much.

    Have to dominate in Nashville, and I would absolutely freaking love to see a sweep of the Goofs.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Absolutely.  He ran for 110 yards and didn't throw any picks.  Tommy INT was one of the worst throws I have seen from any QB this season.  W/O the "trick play", Tommy was 17-29 for 146 yards(5 yards per attempt).

    I'll give you the INT; that was awful.

  15. 15 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I think our use of quarterbacks lately has been effective.

    yes and no. There has been some very questionable stuff as well. I like throwing the Vaughn wrinkle in there, but it almost seemed like we overused Q in the redzone. Tommy is supposed to be the accurate passer, let him find a guy. If he gets out of the pocket he can almost always get a few yards on the run.

  16. Just now, Godsmack said:

    Did Budy see much ice time? I can’t recall seeing him out there but I know he was dressed because I saw him in warmups. 

    Definitely heard his name, but not sure how many minutes he played.

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