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Posts posted by siouxfan512

  1. 2 hours ago, F'n Hawks said:

    I definitely get your point though and agree that we should have found ways to win those games. I’m a Vikings fan as well and it’s been unreal how close all of their games have been. I kinda hoped Zimmer would have been fired after one of these last two games but at the same time, if they keep losing they will get a better draft pick so they may as well keep him for the rest of the year.

    Yeah, I really pulled for Zimmer for a few year, but I'm getting a little sick of the way he does things. Similar to UND, the Vikings seem to have a much better team than their record ... which makes me a little nervous because I feel like they will somehow find a way to win games, stay in the hunt, ultimately missing out on the playoffs and a good pick. Its just the Minnesota way.

  2. 13 minutes ago, SiouxBundy said:

    S - I always think we could have a little more here. I'm never a huge fan of when Bubba recruits safeties then converts them to LBs because I feel like they are usually undersized at LB, but this has worked for a few of the guys. Would still love to see another Cole Reyes style guy; he was a ton of fun to watch

    Too Bad you didn't get a chance to watch your Safety #25 Canady play.  He will go down as one of the Best open field tacklers I've ever watched.  Statistically will be in the Top 3 or 4 in at least 8 Defensive Categories. Not Cole...but pretty close

    Canady is great, I was referring more to depth over the past few years. I was really hoping to see more out of Kaupennen than what I've seen. I love the guys energy, but also seen him get burned several times.

    If we don't have solid depth at any position, we're an injury away from being in trouble. Again, not saying we're in a bad spot at safety, just that I think we could get a little more here. Hoping some of the new recruits will provide solid depth over the next few years.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, F'n Hawks said:

    7-4 in Missouri Valley is basically guaranteed, especially with no bad losses.

    I get that, I'm just saying an FBS game isn't the only reason they can't get to 7 wins. Should have beat SIU, MO St and NDSU this year given the trajectory of those games. I don't know about USD because I only watched bits of it. Bottom line, this team just didn't close out games or play them in their entirety. Tough year for a fan who also watches the Vikings because it is just more of the same.

    I think there are some other things we need to clean up first before we put missing the playoffs on scheduling.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Great points.  With a couple exceptions, I just don't think UND will ever have substantially better personnel than it has right now.  So much football comes down to coaching...

    preparation, game plan, play calls, in game decisions, time management, adjustments.  Overall this has not been good at UND this season.

    Agreed for the most part. I think there are still a few areas were you can improve, but not overall; there is talent on this team.

    QB - This is not a bad QB group. They still aren't as well rounded as some QBs out there, but an improvement from where we have been.

    RB - No complaints

    WR - Solid group, need a speedster

    OL - This area has improved so much in the past few years, and hopefully is still on the up and up.

    DL - Seems to be improving

    LB - Good Group

    CB - Good Group

    S - I always think we could have a little more here. I'm never a huge fan of when Bubba recruits safeties then converts them to LBs because I feel like they are usually undersized at LB, but this has worked for a few of the guys. Would still love to see another Cole Reyes style guy; he was a ton of fun to watch

    P - I have no idea and am not the person to assess. I don't know if Peterson is a great punter, but I don't think he has done a bad job or really caused any issues.

    K - It has been a long time since we have had a kicker that you just feel confident will get the job done. Hopefully that new recruit we got can be the guy.


  5. 9 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    So if we win out the rest of the way, and would have played a middle of the road FCS school instead of Utah State and won that game, would we be in the playoffs because we were 7-4?

    I see where you are going with that, but consider all of the other factors that contributed to us missing the playoffs, this is the least of my concerns. I enjoy the FBS games, and it was certainly fun to watch us smoke Utah State in that first quarter.

    My bigger concerns is poor coaching decisions, missed FGs, late fumbles, more poor coaching decisions. These were all large factors within the teams control, and as we know, even at 7-4 you are not guaranteed in the playoffs.

    I just hope the boys can still find motivation, go win this one at home. Illinois St beat UNI, but lost to W Illinois, so who knows what we get. Then you have to try to take care of business in Brookings. That would be a huge road win, and while we have been close to some big road wins this season we just haven't been able to get it done. Win that game, and you take another step in the right direction.

    Barring any major roster changes for next season, there is still a ton of potential on the team. I would hope to see better and more timely coaching. More execution from Tommy/Q/Trey on getting the ball down field; doesn't have to be 50 yard bombs but we need to throw more the 5 yards more often. Kicking must improve. I would like to see the team learn to start faster; Defense always got scored on early, though I give Holinka credit, he seems to know how to make adjustments well. Danny is creative, but has a lot of WTF moments; just needs to find more consistency.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 16 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Since 2014 (Bubba’s first season as head coach), including this season and assuming no playoffs, UND has made the playoffs three times (.375) and won one playoff game out of four (0.25). 

    Those averages do not meet expectations. Who is held accountable? Or, is no one held accountable because the expectations are “soft” for UND football?

    I'll cut him slack for the early years as he did have to build things up which takes time. We are way beyond that point. Talent wise, he has put together teams that should be in the playoffs every year; thats not saying we would be seeded year in and year out, but we should be in the playoffs every year. Still some room to improve upon that obviously. I think the lack of a true deep threat has been an issues for a long time. I know there is disappointment in some of the QB play, but lets remember where we were just a few years back, and Feeney looks like he'll be a solid contributor as well.

    That being said, missing the playoffs this year, with this team, the way that we did .... unacceptable. Bubba seems like a nice guy, but to me Chaves to be looking at that position very closely.

  7. 1 hour ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Would we have heard by now if Kleven was going to be suspended?

    Why couldn't Kleven have done that against Quinnipiac? I would have loved to see Rand Pecknold's head explode! 

  8. 59 minutes ago, AJS said:

    weeks, there are so many results that it's not really worth getting into the everyone else category. My question has to do with UND and the next week. I wanted to wait until the polls came out, because I think they do play a factor. UND is not under the 'Other Receiving votes' category for either STATS or coaches poll. The question I have, is let's say UND beats Illinois State this Saturday, does them at 5-5 work themselves into the 'Other Receiving votes' territory entering the last week? I don't think it does. The next question is there a viable scenario where you go from not in the playoff topic going into the last week into making the playoffs? 

    I would think that depending on what happens the last two weeks, there's this chance that a 6-5 UND team would have an argument for one of the last spots. It seems completely out of the picture given they are nowhere to be found in the polls / playoff conversation with two weeks left. Just win this weekend and see if the discussion has shifted this time next week.

    That was kind of what I had been looking at though. Any 6-5 team is somewhat of a longshot to make the playoffs; there certainly wouldn't be multiple. Assuming UND does win out, which would be awesome. I don't see how you overtake any other 6-5 teams; and if you look at the schedules there is certainly a chance you end up for 5 Valley teams that have at least 7 wins.


    1 hour ago, Nodak78 said:

    Best option.  Yotes and Hawks beat the rabbits.  That would leave SDSU with only 6 D1 wins.  They beat a D2 team for one of their wins.

    They also beat an FBS team.


    1 hour ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Unfortunately I agree,  almost impossible for UND to get in at 6-5.  Their fate was likely sealed with the meltdown in Springfield, MO.

    Or the dumb call vs NDSU, or the missed FG at SIU .... or ..... or ..... or

  9. On 11/1/2021 at 9:16 AM, siouxfan512 said:

    Agreed. I think Bubba did a great job of getting UND to this point. Honestly it has been a big improvement from where we were in terms of the product on the field, the compete level, the recruiting, etc. but as you said, he's taken UND as far as he is going to.

    I don't think Freund is the answer either, questionable OC at times, and not ready for a HC job. Would like to see them get someone with more intensity and less mental errors.

    I don't suppose Tim Tibesar wants to move to GF? I don't know much about him, but I remember hearing a lot of good things during the last coaching hire. Any other could potential candidates out there?

    I mean, now he is available ....

  10. 18 hours ago, nodak651 said:

    Do we want them to win or lose vs usd?  If sdsu loses to usd, they would have 6 d1 wins right?


    What is the most teams to have gotten into the playoffs from The Valley? Now, lets assume UND wins out, as that is the only scenario that really matters for the purposes of talking UND playoffs.

    NDSU - likely Valley Champs with Autobid ... puke

    MO St. - (7-4) at worst: IN

    SDSU - (7-4) at worst: IN

    SIU - likely IN, but if they blow the next two games (Indiana St and Youngstown) they're at 6-5 (Wins the head to head against UND)

    USD - I'm going to assume they lose to SDSU and at NDSU ... Also 6-5. (Wins the head to head against UND)

    UNI - Lets say they lose to MO St. and win against W. Illinois .... 6-5 (Wins against Sacramento, SDSU, SIU, and "quality loss" to Iowa State)

    UND - Have to win out .... 6-5 (Only good win would be against SDSU) a hand full of plays and this team could be 9-2 or even 10-1 with another banner. That is a lot of would of, should of, could of moments to get there. Some is player execution, too much was awful coaching decisions. Regardless, this team definitely underperformed for their potential, and they miss the playoffs because of it.

    Illinois St - Loss to UND puts them at 6 losses - OUT

    Indiana St - Loss to SIU this weekend puts this at 6 losses - OUT

    W. Illinois - OUT

    Youngstown - OUT

    I'll pick 5 Valley teams to make the playoffs. NDSU (10-1), MO St. (8-3), SIU (8-3), SDSU (8-3), UNI (6-5). Plenty of potential for UNI to secure a 7th win and guarantee their playoff spot.

    North Dakota State 5-1 8-1
    Missouri State 5-2 6-3
    Southern Illinois 4-2 6-3
    South Dakota State 4-2 7-2
    South Dakota 4-2 6-3
    Northern Iowa 3-3 5-4
    Illinois State 2-4 4-5
    Indiana State 2-4 4-5
    North Dakota 2-4 4-5
    Western Illinois 2-5 2-8
    Youngstown State 1-5 2-6
  11. Now I don’t hate on Tommy like some people. He’s decent, efficient, etc.

    BUT remember when we “stole” him away from Grand Valley .... and everyone said he be at Michigan State if he was a few inches taller. I don’t think that would be the case.

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  12. We won't get in at 6-5, but even if that were possible it would require 3 straight blowouts. Might as well start building some momentum into next year. Couldn't be more disappointed with how this season went given the success in the Spring, and the potential for this year. We are a handful of plays from having a very different record.

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