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Posts posted by siouxfan512

  1. 8 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    My head went to 6-2 (L to USU and NDSU). 

    I say USU because of their WR speed and NDSU because I believe their staff went hyper-conservative on offense when they saw their defense had control of the game (see: ten points) and didn't want or need to put much on film for their future opponents. Then again, a Saban staff might have found a way to grab one of those two games. 

    Even Bubba could have snatched the NDSU victory if he wasn't so stupid. Handing one of the best teams in the country 3 points in a tightly contested game that you are winning isn't going to work in your favor too often.

  2. On 10/31/2021 at 7:48 AM, sioux rube said:

    As of now Driscoll is not the answer. Give the freshman a look. Obviously it’s not all on him as this team just isn’t very good right now. Anyhoo had a blast here in Nashville and now it’s time to give the liver a badly needed break 

    I'm indifferent on Driscoll. He has also made some stellar saves. This game would have been way worse and early without him. To me, its more on the D and stupid penalties. We can't seem to clear the zone, and we play shorthanded way to often.

    Altogether, these losses aren't on any one person, there is plenty of blame to go around on this team.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    So what's the word on the team using the jerseys from Nashville again?  Wouldn't mind seeing these jerseys on a more permanent basis.   Also, I think this jersey would sell a lot more than the current one as you wouldn't have to personalize it with a number in the middle to make it look right.  

    Agreed, those jerseys were a major improvement.

  4. On 10/30/2021 at 10:23 PM, gfhockey said:

    Culture around mens hockey needs to change


    they are given everything


    gotta make them work for it


    On 10/30/2021 at 10:24 PM, crb1 said:

    Blue chippa mentality. 

    He's not wrong though. This is one of the most elite programs in the country, with the best facilities. These guys are given everything to succeed. Playing college hockey is an opportunity, playing for UND is a major opportunity and there are some expectations that come with it.

    You play a heated competitive game and lost; that happens. You come out the way this team did, look slow, look out of sync, no physical presence .... that a mental state, and that is being unprepared. It was very much the same style game we lost to Quinnipiac. We were behind the play for a large chunk of the game.

    The score was lopsided and that was with Driscoll making some pretty impressive saves too. I'm not afraid to put some responsibility on the goalie, but he isn't getting much help either.

    Silver lining; our PP looked pretty good.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    How long will you be okay with being average?  To me it seems like he's taken UND as far as he is going to.  

    Agreed. I think Bubba did a great job of getting UND to this point. Honestly it has been a big improvement from where we were in terms of the product on the field, the compete level, the recruiting, etc. but as you said, he's taken UND as far as he is going to.

    I don't think Freund is the answer either, questionable OC at times, and not ready for a HC job. Would like to see them get someone with more intensity and less mental errors.

    I don't suppose Tim Tibesar wants to move to GF? I don't know much about him, but I remember hearing a lot of good things during the last coaching hire. Any other could potential candidates out there?

  6. 6 minutes ago, gfhockey said:

    One of the darkest days in und athletic history


    wheres chaves in all this mess

    In a hole somewhere ignoring the $hit A$$ football performance.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Different standard and culture, from top/down. If hockey, $ would be there to fire/replace incompetent coaches. 

    Ultimately, Bubba will be UND’s coach in 2022 unless he retires/resigns. New coach in 2023 at earliest. 


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