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Posts posted by siouxfan512

  1. I’m still high on this team going into next year. So close if they fix a few things; players and coaches.

    would really love to see the Dennis kid be an immediate contributor next year. One of the biggest things offensive is we must throw the ball more than 2-3 yards down the field, it shouldn’t be that hard to add a few more yard to our passing game. Even if we aren’t throwing 20-30 yarders (which we should also be able to do) 7-8 yard passes should be a more frequent thing.

    still a lot to like here. Worst part about today is having to wait so long before UND football starts again.


    • Upvote 3
  2. 5 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Getting impatient with the two decade rebuild, that’s all. 

    I get it! This season had all the makings of what should have been a deep playoff run. the reasons that we lost those games were unacceptable, but they were good games.

    As someone else said on here, it seems like every time we are poised for that big time step and the fanbase is really starting to get into it, there is a major letdown. This season is just another one.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 16 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:


    Sure, moral victories, got it.

    UND needs to play much better than they did at Utah State, USD, SIU, and Missouri State in order to beat SDSU. Need to win turnover battle and be disciplined.

    I didn't say anything about a moral victory, did I? I said they haven't played poor; or do you feel they were pummeled in all of those 1 score games. There is some grey area between being a crap team and a perennial powerhouse. 

    I'm not claiming a moral victory at all, but if you break down the games beyond just the final score, it actually adds some context to the game as a whole. NDSU, SIU, MO St. ..... UND ended up on the wrong end of all of these, but they were good competitive games. Entertaining, yes! Frustrating, yes! Poorly played as a whole, only to you bud.

    Did they need to play better to win some of those games? Yes, but much better? Not really, more about eliminate a few stupid mistakes. You can really simplify all of our losses into a few key points; coaching decisions and ball security (especially situational ball security, as in the red zone or the end of the game). That is the entire difference between where we are and being a top 10 or even top 5 team right now.

    Again, I'm not one for moral victories or quality losses, and I'm certainly not ok with mediocrity, but it is ok to be frustrated with the outcomes and still acknowledge the talent and compete level that is out there. We are a far cry from when we were absolutely getting absolutely pummeled by Montana or Eastern Washington. This team still has a few steps to take, but they can certainly hang with anyone in the FCS, they have done nothing but prove that.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, sioux24/7 said:

    I get we have 1 road win so far but in all honesty I wouldn’t say we have played poor on the road. We have done a poor job at closing games that’s for sure. We did play poor at USD and I guess the 4th qtr at Utah State but I’m throwing that game out. 

    Completely agree here, UND has not won, but they have not played poor. We've competed in every game we've played and in some of those losses, we have dominated all of the stat lines except for score.

    Bottom line, we have had some awful and horribly timed turnovers.  But a few plays does not reflect the overall play. There have been some very solid games where coaching and turnovers push us the wrong way. 

    I expect another competitive game this weekend. Hopefully it finally goes our way.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, jk said:

    Biggest concern is someone running Sanderson.  UMD has been known to do that.  Although maybe they'll wait until the NCHC playoffs, as they did with Poolman.  Think he might have helped against BU the next week? 

    Could someone please keep an eye on Mr. Pionk this weekend? He could try to sneak on the ice, or go Tanya Harding on players as they enter the building. Be on the lookout and be careful boys!

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Very perplexing bias you have there. Vaughn is not slower than Schuster. If Vaughn was somehow less of a running threat, he shouldn’t see the field at all in current setup as a “wildcat” QB. And don’t give me the “he’s a big bodied guy” reason for why he see’s the field, because if that is the only reason why Freund is playing him, then this offense is in worse hands than we thought. 

    He might not be slower than Schuster, but I haven't exactly seen him turn on the wheels yet. Maybe he looks slower because he is bigger, I don't know. He never seems to be used like the MO St. QB who could pick up 4th and 9 on a QB keeper; that guy had speed.

    The coaches seem to use him as more of a power runner because of his size, which is often strange to me anyway given that we have Otis.

    I just haven't seen the guy flash on the run. Now, if he can get through the line and get some steam, he seems to be able to get additional yardage, but that doesn't seem to happen all that often.

  7. 9 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Trey Feeney is a way better athlete than Schuster, that’s obvious, but Vaughn is a better athlete than Schuster also. Purely being a better athlete is not what Freund values in his QBs, obviously. Bubba and Freund value decision-making and leadership above all else, which is not necessary wrong. 

    Vaughn always looks slow to me. Even on short yardage runs, it seems like it takes him forever to get going, and the hole usually closes by the time he gets to the line. Tommy appears fast to me, though when he runs he seem to have already left the pocket and found space (obviously he has had more opportunities as well. To me, Tommy's running ability is not the problem, it is his decision making on when to do it.

    If Feeney can run as well as Schuster, but make the decision to do it a little more often/time it right, I think he will be just fine. I'm more concerned about our QB's ability to throw beyond the line of scrimmage.

    • Upvote 1
  8. These are fantastic! Anyone know if there will be a green version to through into the rotation? I also like the Nodak on the helmet. 

    Now if only the football team can follow suit with something better than they got this year. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    I'm nervous that Bubba/Danny have attached themselves to Tommy as QB as long as he is eligible and that Tommy at UND will outlive Bubba at UND.

    Its a legit worry, which is the wrong mentality to have. We can't just stick with the status quo and expect to be successful. If Tommy truly wins the job, then so be it. If Q comes in and starts surprising people then awesome, and if Trey is the guy, then get him on the field. 

    I understand the concern of putting in a guy with little to know college experience over a guy that has honestly had a decent amount of success, despite not always looking the part, BUT put your best talent on the field. That is why it is so critical to get some of these guys more reps late in games whenever possible.

    To me, Tommy is effective, but even if we gave him a high end receiver, I'm not sure he can get the ball down the field. The first thought I had when I saw the USD hail mary was that Tommy would have probably thrown that 20 yards shorter.

  10. Yes, beat SDSU or the rest of this is moot. Actually its nice that we are at least able to talk and still have some reason to watch at the end of the season, but can't help but think of all of the would of, should of, could of moments. A handful of different plays/corrected mistakes and this could be a 2, or even 1, loss team.

    That being said, even with the wins, we lack consistency. We looked far superior in all of our losses than we did this past weekend (at least offensively).

    • Upvote 1
  11. Just now, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Not saying it 's Q, he has looked bad on his last 2 pass attempts.  Hopefully its Feeney.  If Tommy was going to be a runner, it would have already happened.  Hopefully its Feeney.  

    Right, and I have no clue if that is in Feeney's toolbox or not. The frustrating part with Tommy, is he is athletic enough to do more of it, even if he isn't truly a run threat; he may not create those opportunities, but he could certainly capitalize on the ones that are there. Its mental for him, he just needs to look at that as an option more often. Maybe have Christian "Happy Feet" Ponder give him a call, that guy would scramble and try to run with 3 receivers wide open.

  12. I will say this regarding the playoff situation and I have been pretty vocal that we have no chance here, BUT:

    IF UND can go into Brookings and get the win, and by some miracle UNI were to lose, we should absolutely be in over SDSU.

    The same way I said USD should be in over UND based on head to head matchup, we should be in over SDSU. To me, head to head is the first criteria, after that we wouldn't have a resume to top them, but if we beat them that should be the first tie break in my mind.


  13. 21 hours ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    The Johnson kid from Holy Angels is the real deal.  UND needs to get him. 

    Thats what I though, especially after they lost out on Eli Gilman. You'd think they would be recruiting Johnson hard and tried to get him up for a game. Though I'd have rather had him up there for the NDSU loss than the Illinois St. win.

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