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Everything posted by redwing77

  1. I would love to see the Farce return, however, from my perspective, it is truly a thing of the past. With the new REA, I doubt they'd let us do everything the Farce was able to do: such as getting to ice level and working the "zamboni built for two." I'm sure the reason they'll give is that they don't think it would do much to promote a good image of the University, its athletes, and its students. In other words, they don't want anything to do with the liability. Back when the Farce was big, people didn't sue just because they could. Nowadays, they do.
  2. WPoS, He would have... but he turned turkey and quit for whatever reasons.
  3. Damstrait- It is a possibility... provided there is no basketball, football, water polo, billiards, bowling, golf, etc. etc. Remember, ESPN got it's start broadcasting basketball. This means that they'll probably fill the space by giving cable viewers extra college basketball or college football coverage.
  4. Ok, here are the parameters: All the goalies listed have played at least a half season in the WCHA. No incoming freshmen If you'd like, you can use the replies to post a ranking in order of goalies. This is mainly out of curiosity that I post this, but I want to ask that you do not consider the offense and defense of each team. JUST the goalies. Why? Well, I am a believer that Cam Elsworth of MTU is an excellent goaltender on a team that couldn't contend even if UND and UM withdrew from the WCHA because of piss poor talent everywhere else, but he is a good goalie with too much burden on his shoulders. Let's see what comes up, no?
  5. When the owners try to take more than they deserve, it never gets positive. I think it is going to be bad. Very bad. We don't have the fan base Baseball or football has. We'll be making the niche smaller and it very well could hurt future broadcasts of regular season NHL games if you aren't a NHL Center ICE subscriber like me.
  6. Forecheck, Email sent, but I don't know if I'll get to you before I go to Minot. I leave this afternoon. However, I'll let you know that I'll be there on Sunday morning to take my chances. I'm sure that I won't get any tickets, but I'll try anyways. I'll be wearing a white Red Wings hat with red embroidery for the Red Wings logo and the "D" on the side. I would take up forecheck's offer, but I have a friend who cannot make it this weekend and he asked me if I could help him out. Oh well, ya know? Thanks Forecheck for your offer. It would have been fun, but we'll see what happens come Sunday. I may even swing by Saturday night, but I won't be able to stay.
  7. Federov- You go to the seat and take a card off of it then walk over to the main entrance and take care of the details. As for a seating chart, print one off yourself, because the REA isn't about helping students get their wish. Sucks, I know, but I wouldn't expect any help from them.
  8. How many skaters are allowed to be on a DI team? Are there limits like in the NHL? How many scholarships do we have on hand to distribute? Not sure about how the "staffing" system works.
  9. It's what we've been pretty much saying since Hale and Martin left: When the NHL season starts, one or the other will be in the NHL. However, now that 3 key defensement for the Devils are gone, I think it is a definite possibility that BOTH Hale and Martin will go straight to the NHL. Bodes well for them, but all the DeMarchi fans don't need to fret either, because, although I see the Devils going out for a veteran for the third slot, I could also see DeMarchi in the NHL sometime this season, coming up by the trade deadline at the latest.
  10. Ok folks, time for me to eat my hat... We line up at the STUDENT entrance, not the main entrance. REA box office people don't have their stuff together. Luckily today I talked to a manager. Here's the logistical low down: At noon, the doors will open and they will let 10 people in at a time. I do not know what kind of spacing they are going to be having between groups of 10 people, but It will suck if your group numbers 11. If your group numbers higher than 11, I guess you have to study seating charts and hope you pick the right seats. If your friend can't make it, you need this information from your friend to get him or her a ticket: You need his Student ID card, his/her phone number, his/her address, and any payment information. What I mean by payment information is that if you bring his or her credit card in, you can pay for his/her ticket using that, and then when he/she comes to claim the ticket and sign the contract, he/she signs the payment slip. Or so I gathered from talking to him. You can also bring in a check from that individual as well. I don't know what kinds of credit cards they accept, but if it is anything like ticketmaster or UND, they'll take Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. There you go folks and good luck. I know I'll need it. Don't let those hoyty-toyty "Sit there and watch" pansies get all the good seats!
  11. Do you think Bettman is taking notes from Selig? I'm sure, not to put words into Selig's mouth, that Selig would enjoy telling Bettman who to piecemeal up the league without jeopardizing his own investments. I'm not sure if Bettman has any interests in any specific team, like Selig does (Milwaukee Brewers' owner is a relative of Selig)., but it will be a wait and see I'm sure. I wonder who the NHL's Steinbrenner is? And don't say the Red Wings otherwise I'm sure that Federov as well as the two Colorado picked up would be on the Red Wings.
  12. As for student tickets when where and how, refer to the Student tickets or whatever thread I'd post the link but I'm computer stupid really.
  13. Reality check folks, First off, I am not certain what to expect for those people going on Saturday. I hear some are going to go right from the Football game. I'd expect the Police or UPD not to be too pleased with this. Definitely expect the REA staff to be ornary towards you all. I'm not advocating waiting until Sunday, I'm just saying you should come prepared for the worst. Make contingency plans in case the REA has the police make you disperse (to hell with the Constitution, this would be deemed loitering I'm sure) or if the normal snafu occurs. DON'T expect security to be there at any time outside of perhaps an hour prior to noon or maybe when REA is prepareing to open on Sunday. EXPECT budgers because it is a reality and it shouldn't surprise anyone, let alone the diehards like most on this board. I am fairly certain that, if reports are correct, 8am on Sunday may be too late for me and my buddies to get into the lower bowl, but expect a lot more like us. as for what happens to us who fail, well, when they are out of tickets, I'm beating feet out of there in case anything bad does happen.
  14. As requested
  15. Just a few more specifics for you all in case you didn't have the information already: The door that will be used to enter will be the MAIN door, not the student entrance. I guess that just is common sense, but I didn't want anyone going to the wrong door by accident unless it is after I get my tickets Also, you are allowed to get a friend a season ticket if he or she is unable to attend but here's the catch(es). First, you must have that person's student ID card. No card, no second ticket. Second, you have to pay for both tickets at the same time, so if you think your friend won't pay you, or that the check will bounce, be prepared or don't do it.
  16. redwing77


    I really think that the only way we are going to be competitors is if we play good defensive and smart hockey. Keep the powerplay unit on the ice and the penalty kill unit off of the ice. Limit chances and make scoring opportunities count. I don't think I'll find anyone who will argue with this.... .... and I'll stop there. Don't want to start anything or say anything I might regret.
  17. I think it goes like this: 1. Murray (duh, everyone knows this) 2. Smaby (underrated D man. Could be a missing link) 3. Stafford (Say what you want, but this guy, I hear, is really really good or he would have gone to juniors or something like that.) 4. Porter (good roleplayers are valuable) 5. Ziggy and Parise (tied because you never really know how good a goaltender is until they've played a few games against tough opponents) 6. The Unknowns (Foyt, Fabian, Bina, etc.)
  18. I think that Blais likes switching it up, which most of you spoke of, but still here is what I think he'll start the year with: Parise - Lundbohm - Bochenski Stafford - Massen - Murray Prpich - McMahon - Fylling Genoway/Porter Hale Canady Ok, first, I didn't pay attention to exactly which wing they play or whether or not they are centers... I'm not as worldly in the players as that yet. Also, is Fabian a defenseman? I thought he was a winger. Or is he not coming at all? As for Defensemen, what does everyone think? I think it will be: Greene Schneider Jones Smaby Fuher Bina/Foyt This is assuming I didn't miss anyone.
  19. Wish I could be there Saturday night. I'll see you all bright and somewhat early Sunday morning then.
  20. Noon, Sunday. Come or miss out. No priority for last season's ticket holders so... yeah. With people possibly even camping out on Saturday night, I'm not so sure I'll get a seat, but you CAN take 2 seats per student as long as you have two NAID numbers so that your friend who couldn't make it can come and confirm it.
  21. Ok, I'm as much of a dissenter towards R. Hale as some, but Here's my prediction: C -- Hale A - Schneider A - Lundbohm or Parise My reasoning is thus: Like said earlier, offensive production doesn't mean he is a bad leader. Yes, he had several breakaways that turned out to be easy saves for the goalie. Whatever. Blais likes to go with who works the best at the job at hand, whatever that job may be. I think the players enter into that mentality as well. Therefore, for no other reason other than to stick with what the norm is, Hale will maintain Captaincy of the Sioux. If Offensive production was the pivotal factor in Captaincy, then we would be talking Bochenski, Parise, or Massen as Captain. Maybe even Fylling as well. Not going to happen that way folks. I think the goal scorers need to be without an "A" or "C" personally. That way they can concentrate on getting the puck to the back of the opponent's net and not on what his teammates are doing or leading the team. That is why I do not feel that Parise will be wearing a letter. THis isn't saying he can't lead. It is saying that, for the one last season everyone in the world feels he's going to be at UND for, he should be allowed to score points and not lead the team in any other category.
  22. Heh. That's an offer to look into. I won't be camping out. I travel back from Minot Saturday evening
  23. I am planning on getting season tickets. That's my plan. Period. Hopefully I'll be sitting next to people who won't mind it too terribly that I yell and rant and rave. As for previous season ticket holders, I didn't ask, but my guess is, stand in line like everyone else. I'll ask the dude at the ticket window and get back to you all about that... if someone doesn't beat me to it.
  24. WPoS- Maybe I'm just bored or maybe just curious, but I like your point about the MN players and the out of staters on the UM roster. Now, question is: How much goal scoring and defensive might does UM have if you take those out of staters out of the lineup? Still 3 peat material? Oh, I know the Gophers would be competitive. They usually always are. Just curious where the flame would be burning if you didn't have the ND boys and the Austrian Sensation to guide the puck.
  25. Talked to a ticket person today. Here it is folks, the day of reckoning: Sunday, September 21st at noon at the REA, season tickets go onsale. If you want to sit next to people you know or like (one or the other), you MUST have them present and accounted for and adjacent to you in line. That's it from the Athletic Dept. I heard from my friends, though, that you could buy 2 season tickets per student id. Though I doubt that's true. See you there bright and freaking early!
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