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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Lol. PWOs leave for a scholarship all the time, also.
  2. Just saw on BV that they are having trouble connecting the dots about how this went down. For the last time, he was not your #2 behind Lewis. He became your #2 - in mid-January.
  3. It's OK everyone. He had zero offers before January and became the hot commodity when everyone lost their first choice. We'll be aight
  4. NDSU brought in another QB first, then offers Graetz instead, after UND, because they like Graetz better...even though they pushed him to the last visit weekend possible? Lololololololol. All-time sh$t right there. I need more of that, please.
  5. Ya! Maybe! Totally! Dominate! The! Standard!
  6. No way. Probably 200 tops. Maybe 250 if we can bring the band.
  7. Interesting spin. One question: why did they bring the FL kid in first then? Next, after UND offered Graetz, they didn't offer FL kid and quickly pivoted to Graetz. Huh.
  8. That's what they did so I dunno...
  9. The problem for UND is they had little relationship with Graetz NDSU already had him committed as a PWO at one point so they had a relationship. He wanted to go there but they valued him as little as the could have so he chose UM.
  10. May want to brush up on ur timelines, brah.
  11. What's really interesting is the timeline. They knew Lewis was gone since early-mid December but didn't offer Graetz until mid January, shortly after UND did. Huh. Plus, Minnesota only offered a PWO so they easily could have come back on Graetz in mid-December, offered him a scholarship, and had him in the early class...but they didn't. Huh. Interesting scenario that played out. Personally, I think UND needs to find someone who wants to be at UND so whatevs. Gotta go to next on list
  12. Gotcha. You got your full-ride QB (as of mid-January). First chink in the armor for Entz.
  13. They went from a PWO to a FULL. I mean seriously. Quite literally the only reason is because UND offered him a full. That's embarrassing.
  14. The silver lining is NDSU ended up using a full scholarship on a kid they didn't even want a month ago. I seem to remember one of their recruiting experts schooling us about how "NDSU evaluates a kid and offers them accordingly, they don't raise their offer and play games-their evaluation is final". PWO to a FULL....lol
  15. The Mismash hit looked more hip on knee. Hip check.
  16. Your pocket picked is my gave it to him. Same screw up.
  17. Can't believe Poolman just gave him the puck right next to the UND net. Here take it.....
  18. need to win a lot more than we are vs the MVFC teams.
  19. Bruce. Smith. (not Buffalo Bills guy, the one from Aerospace) They had their chance and screwed it up.
  20. What exactly is the "lifetime" of the equipment these days? Seems they swap their stuff out fairly often.
  21. Because they lied to another recruit about how much and who they are offering. just like they did to the Sioux Falls QB this summer when they told him they aren't gonna offer a QB til fall and then offered Lewis a week later.
  22. Keplin is firing away out in Biz. She has shot 117 three pointers in only 13 games! Made 44 of them, not bad. averaging 20 points a game. Zander over in Mandan is averaging 18/game.
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