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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I don't think any Gopher fan here painted x% of UND fans as the above, nor stated that all of our own fans are above it all. When it comes to holier-than-thou attitudes, that label belongs to a select few from every fan base.
  2. All I meant to say was that I didn't intend any harm, not that you should feel sorry for me.
  3. What difference does it make? Perhaps I simply didn't have time to visit prior to the game during the week, at a time when I'm currently working about 60 hours per week trying to get a personal business going along with contributing about 20 hours per week to my previous employer while he finds my replacement, along with trying to devote time to a wife and two kids? I already visited USCHO and GPL a bit and I only have so much time. I honestly didn't think of visiting here until after reading some posts at GPL. Not only that, but your argument would make more sense if I tried to rub the weekend in your faces, which I did not. I merely stated - quite clearly - that Shep sucked in both directions and that there's no reason to blame him for the losses. I already stated that if that makes me a bad guy so be it. However, I will take comments from persons such as Sprig about my supposedly "history" with a grain of salt given that the overrreaction to my posts the past week are typical. For some people all it takes is diasagreeing with a particular fan to be labeled a jerk despite posting nothing over the line. At that point you become a "marked man" in the eyes of some and even though I've on several occasions posted compliments about the Sioux program - both here and at USCHO - those comments are always ignored when someone wants to paraphrase my character and posting history. Didn't I just post yesterday that I believe UND has a great team this year and will definitely be a force in the WCHA FF and quite possibly the NCAA tournament? Why is it so hard for people to look in the mirror at themselves when being called out for ridiculous comments? Irmen tugs on his jersey and is hung in effigy, Chorny does the same and the excuses are "he's only being a freshman" or, "he only retaliated so it's not as bad", or "at least he didn't do it on the road". Is it really that big a deal to give the opinion it's ridiculous to blame the refs for those losses? Would it have been that hard to simply give a counter-argument instead of calling me the Gopher anti-Christ? I get along with a lot of UND fans at USCHO (Dirty, brian, Wilbur) and have no problem with UND or the collective fanbase - I simply said it's stupid to blame the refs. That's not a personal attack and it sure as heck isn't outrageous - so why such a venemous response? Yes, I've heard the excuse that you shouldn't come into someone else's "house" and criticize them, but why if it's not done outrageously? Is this not a public forum? Why should non-Sioux fans have to tiptoe around the truth here to avoid being labeled an a-hole? I told that Sue Sucks guy to shut his yap, I try to avoid making personal insults at anyone and I certainly don't go out of my way to chastise every non-Gohper fan at GPL for simply giving a difference of opinion - which is all that I did. I apologize for the long-winded post and for this having to be dragged out one more time, but I felt I had to respond to what I felt were unfair characterizations about myself as a poster. If the admins would prefer that I vacate SS.com for good I will abide by their request, but I would leave by saying I think it's a bit sad to want to silence someone else just because they politely questioned the validity of a differing opinion.
  4. Gotta love the spin jobs around here. -"Kessel is a puck hog" -"He leads the team in assists" -"Oh yeah, well Lucia blah, blah, blah..." More prime statements from, "The Halos".
  5. Sorry, that was supposed to have been a quote from jloos.
  6. Ah yes, instead of simply admitting Kessel can distibute the puck... ...find a way to claim his assist total is a negative for the Gophers and "Donny"? And of course if a Freshman or Sophomore god forbid ever led UND in assists it would instead be a great accomplishment?: Name, Yr GP G A Travis Zajac, F, So 18 5 11 T.J. Oshie, F, Fr 18 7 10 Chris Porter, F, Jr 18 3 10 Brian Lee, D, Fr 18 2 10 Never mind Kessel has 1 more assist than a So and 2 more than a Jr.
  7. And as a personal friend you take no issue with going out of your way to bash said pesonal friends on a public message board? With friends like that...
  8. Kessel early in the year was a monster at the face-off although his success rate has tapered off a bit, but I'd still say he's one of the better players at the practice. He's not going to hit anyone but he will get back into the defensive zone and doesn't stand around in the least - claiming he does signifies extreme blinders. And while Kessel obviously doesn't have a problem with shooting the puck, he does lead the entire Gophers team in assists with 13 which, is 3 more than anyone from UND has at this point.
  9. I appreciate that. I certainly didn't mean any harm when I tried to say I disagreed with the claims the refs cost UND this weekend anymore than Minnesota. I certainly never said anything negative about UND as a team (Why would I? I think they'll be a team to be reckoned at the WCHA Final Five and quite likely in the NCAAs) and the only reason I posted this weekend was because they happened to play two against a certain unnamed team I tend to support.
  10. I have a feeling this post will probably not be well received, but if Kessel doesn't play defense why does he he see so much ice time on the PK?
  11. I never said there are not people out there with unhealthy feelings toward other fanbases.
  12. When was the last time Minnesota played UND? The fact is that the gist of my first post was merely to state that UND didn't lose because of the refs and that bad calls went against both teams in equal numbers. If that makes be a gad guy so be it.
  13. Still waiting for an example of my supposed gloating. And if disagreeing about the refereeing (unheard amongst sports fans, eh?) being supposed biased this weekend is "garbage" in your eyes I suggest you get some thicker skin.
  14. Who is gloating oustide of that dope Sue Suck?
  15. Parise, he was hardly in a position to offer much force on that supposedly blatant penalty, never mind he was on his knees because he was hooked down to them, a call that wasn't made right before his supposed infraction, but I don't see you taking notice of that. As an actual hockey fan you should know that. I disagree - the hit on Kaufmann was cheap given how many strides were taken and he was lucky he didn't get seriously injured on that play. It was cheap and dirty without question. As for nothing out of the ordinary and calls getting missed all the time, that was my point - both teams got away with non-calls but Sioux fans act as though they were the only team to not get calls their way. The Sioux lost because they were outplayed, not because of the referees. In no way, shape or form did I rub this weekend in, I said take the losses with a bit of class and stop whining about the supposed ref conspirancy. Gopher fans are no more hated for what they actually do than any other fanbase but whatever floats your boat.
  16. Why aren't you here now complaining about Chorney? And "overall team character" is such an overused cliche that it carries no weight whatsoever. It's always the team a person cheers for that's classy while their hated rivals are not. Gimme a break, simply enjoy being a fan of your program instead of worrying so much about the Gophers. And the supposed dirty hit by Irmen was no worse than the 5 step run on Kaufmann in the corner that should have been called for more than 2, but que sera sera. One jersey-pop means the entire team is classless? The player himself? For Parise sake.
  17. That's how Gopher fans felt after last weekend. btw, I can't believe how many of you are whining about the refereeing. The calls and no-calls were absolutely brutal in both directions. How the hell does Kaufmann get yanked to the ice from behind and then called for holding while on his knees? How many of you called the wicked slash Bostrom took last night? How do the Gophers get called for a penalty in the last 2 minutes of both games with a 1 goal margin - something that is almost never done, especially when neither call seemed legit. Kaufmann got killed in the corner tonight from a dangerous run but none of you are calling that cheap shot out (fortunately that was something so blatant they couldn't not call it). How many elbows by UND went uncalled as well? How many cross-checks? But I'm not going to whine about it because Shep sucked arse in both directions. Take the loss like adults and accept your team got whupped fair and square.
  18. Perhaps they chose Bina as the player to watch as a tribute to a miraculous recovery should he somehow play again, rather than as a slight to UND by a supposed Gopher-lover?
  19. As someone that has made it clear at USCHO.com that I am against the NCAA forcing UND to change their nickname/logo, can someone explain how this is about money to the supposed NC$$? Yes, I understand that FSU was allowed to keep theirs, but that doesn't explain how forcing UND to change would create a monetary benefit to the NCAA. I honestly want to know the logic behind this theory.
  20. I think what's more interesting than discussing whether or not some guy thinks UND or UM is #1, is that a program like Maine didn't even make his Top 15. How much room will Tim Whitehead get, especially considering he lost perhaps the best goaltender in the country? btw, shouldn't the title of this thread be, "INCH rates UM's class #1"
  21. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought of Murray as having NHL potential. The kind of kid you hated to see have the puck on his stick unless he was on your team.
  22. Perhaps, but it's hard to fathom him having two birthday parties in honor of the man if he truly despised him. I'm not really trying to argue that he was a sympathizer, just trying to explain why it seems some people would say that he was.
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