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Everything posted by ticklethetwine

  1. How could Mitch MacMilian leave to go to a team he is already on?
  2. I mean come on GF has to be an option as well. Between Grand Forks and Fargo teams could fly in and the ralph can for sure fill up and oh yeah its the best college hockey arena in the country.
  3. I am pretty torn whether I support the herd or not during this gift from god. We will see how it shakes out. I can't think of a less deserving team.
  4. I hope this article gets picked up more and the NCAA has to start damage control.
  5. How did you get a picture of my wife. I kid! But that does look like my wife! Red head and big cans.
  6. Looks like Mario is in tonight.
  7. I think after Grimaldi's setback they won't be pushing Knight to start before he is ready. I say he is out 4-6 weeks.
  8. And we won by what a goal. They scored 8 on us in our own building. Ouch.
  9. I would for sure say he is doing more with less. Last year we had arguably the best team in the country and they came to grand forks and throttled us 8-4. Deano just knows how to play us.
  10. I hear you DL but it would be nice if each resident of ND got a check for at least $1000 tax free each year, much like they do in alaska.
  11. It is a sad day. It will be going away but by the grace of god it will be back some day.
  12. Glad to hear they got this worked out early in the week and not last minute like in the past. The only tough part is staying up till 10pm for the start of the game. Oh well makes for a fun weekend.
  13. It sounds like he was at the CC games this weekend. I am sure the good showing sealed the deal.
  14. Looks like we got a commit from a kid named Drake Caggulia. Not sure where he is from but he does have some nice highlight footage.
  15. Anyone know what happened to Jason Zucker last night from DU? During the live mens hockey chat, Jayson Hajidu said he got a tweet from someone at the DU game and apparently J Zuck got hurt real bad.
  16. Although we still have some defensive breakdowns, I am pretty impressed with the sioux this weekend. I will admit I thought we would probably get swept but the team really surprised me and came out flying Friday night and followed it up with another good performance tonight. We won two games from a really good team, the same team that took BC to the woodshed last year in the NCAA tourney. Well played this weekend, Well played!
  17. I hope for the best this weekend but I do know that there is a good chance we get swept too. I hope things turnaround soon as I don't have a lot of confidence in the team yet this year.
  18. I along with others love this team and will support it up or down. With that said I don't think we should kid ourselves when we say " oh just wait to the second half when we turn things on". I don't think that is going to happen this year and our second half surge will fall flat. Our top line is decent but not consistent and than it is a big drop from there talent wise. I would say in a couple years some of these guys could be good but this year with the lack of Senior leadership and large freshman class this is what we will probably see the rest of the year. Go Sioux. We have a heck of a series coming up against CC. If we lose both nights, next week I fully expect to see the Fire Hak thread.
  19. Hats off Seniors. One heck of a comeback ball game today. Everyone of you was a valuable team member. You can now be called fighting sioux alum. Welcome brothers.
  20. Hey, I love the Sioux team a great deal and I support them up or down but perhaps this is just a down year. I think it pretty save to say it will be a battle just to make the final five let alone the NCAA tourney. Not impossible just real difficult. The next month or so will tell. Lets start it out right this weekend boys. Time to get it done.
  21. Pretty brutal about Grimaldi being out 6-8 weeks. With the way the boys have been playing this doesn't bode well for our season.
  22. Did we get him? I thought he had issues too.
  23. I believe he would need to retake the course(s) that are in question. Now if he can do that by taking some college courses I am sure they are looking at this summer to make those up.
  24. I am sure he will be good but I am just saying sometimes when things happen that appear to not go a way we want them to it is sometimes a blessing in disguise.
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