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About ticklethetwine

  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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    Grand Forks, ND
  • Interests
    All that is Sioux Hockey and technology.

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  1. Watch the video if you can. Gersich is hilarious, “I’ve run into a few problems here at North Dakota”. At the end I wanted to go back and count how many “And Ah”s he used. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/accidents/4462087-stanley-cup-champion-former-und-hockey-star-shane-gersich-gets-bailed-out
  2. I agree football should not even be in this equation. That was a poorly negotiatied part. Football doesn’t even touch the Ralph.
  3. I worked at the Pep for many years and I know all the recipes. Not very difficult to recreate. I am moving to Hawaii and opening up a restaurant called the Green Onion.
  4. I am a UND employee and we have not gotten a raise in two years. I am not upset that Berry got a raise it was a new contract and he isn’t getting 100k raise every year. I say good for him. Overall, no raises for UND employees is an absolute morale killer though but that is not Berry’s fault. At this point it is common knowledge that people just want to keep their jobs and will overlook no raises for now.
  5. I am curious to find out what the REA takes after all the operating costs are paid. One could say that this gift from Engelstad, as awesome as it is, was more like a loan and that through the revenue sharing UND and the GF community would pay that back through the revenue sharing.
  6. You seem to be somewhat in the know so I am guessing you work at UND. Well, I work there too and I work with faculty and students every day. I can tell you this president is viewed very poorly. There will be a vote of no confidence coming down at some point. You just wait. There is a right way to do things and a wrong way and this president just doesn’t get it. He is out of his wheelhouse. He needs to go back to the business world. The UCF debacle hurt him more than you or him know. It has nothing to do with him being wanted by a bigger university. We may not be a desired location for many but if you come here we do expect you to be loyal. When that loyalty is broken you do not get it back.
  7. The people that spearheaded this are Diane Hillebrand, John Bridewell, Landon Bahl and Russ McDonald. I was pretty shocked that Lowell Schweigert went along with this. I thought he had heard the message from his constituents. The ones who should be commended are Karl Goehring, Jazmyn Friesz and Dave St. Peter. They put up a good fight but could not secure enough votes to keep UND/ND on the list. Since Hillebrand and Bridewell both said they were doing only what their constituents told them, they should be emailed and let known what the people really think of their decision.
  8. Does anyone think N.Schmaltz has not looked quite right since coming back from the World Juniors? Perhaps I was expecting more from him than I should be but he seems to just be disinterested out there right now. He also could be hurt too.
  9. Hard to argue with those stats.
  10. It's not just the library that is facing budget cuts most departments are getting their budget's cut as well. We are basically being told to do more with less while a specific VP on campus is trying to create their own kingdom and it appears that the person in charge is either asleep at the wheel or just incompetent. I had to post this with my alias account so that it doesn't get back to me. They are becoming so top heavy with Administrators that you have to pay those salaries some how. It seems every month they are hiring a new VP position. I used to think the leadership at this University had the best interest of the students, staff and faculty and that has completely changed. They are making so many decisions behind peoples backs that have huge implications and everyone is in the dark. Zero transparency and I know a lot of people are starting to get fed up with how they are running things. Could be a rude awakening for them when people start leaving en mass exodus.
  11. I think their whole team is overrated.
  12. For TV personalities I am actually ok with Sweeney and Scanlan. I appreciate their local knowledge and knowing how to pronounce our players names year to year. I am sure to some they seem like homers but I feel they do a good job.
  13. You can't even compare. UND has won 7 NCAA championships and NDwho? has won 1 JV championship. Maybe when NDwho wins 7 JV championships they can be talked about in the same sentence with UND hockey. Otherwise they have no business in the same conversation.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Jones is shown the door soon. Maybe not this year but next year very luckily if things don't change and fast.
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