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DL Sioux

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  1. So I read that an injunction was issued saying that JUCO years don’t count against NCAA eligibility. The Vanderbilt QB sued the NCAA and got a temporary injunction. Seems like the NCAA has lost every last bit of credibility and control they ever had.
  2. DL Sioux


    So far the 12 team CFP is a joke. Not one close game. Not sure what the fix is though. Would just like to see competitive games. It will only get worse if Boise State gets blown out after receiving a bye.
  3. “Jobbed”
  4. Good half! Going like it should. Would like to see someone other than King being the top rebounder!
  5. Can’t disagree, but would 2 more wins have Bubba still coaching?
  6. Think Richman burned that bridge!
  7. I will be the first to admit I have always backed Mal, but I think Hutter is HC sooner rather than later. As a Mayville grad I know he is a winner. Can’t be any worse.
  8. Tom Miller had a link on X that said both coordinators were expected to go to UNM.
  9. I’m guessing it’s business as usual, just like signing day. People trying to keep jobs.
  10. Very pleasantly surprised to see that!! Great job by the coaches.
  11. Definitely would like to see him with a new HC and a bigger sample size. Would also to be what Caruso can do with scholarships. I know St. Thomas has other aid, but still not scholarships.
  12. I would be ok, with someone like Caruso, as long as Fruechte stays at OC. I believe he has a bright future sooner rather than later but bring in an entirely new defense!
  13. I thought Schlossman's article today was spot on!
  14. I wonder why they wouldn't put a closing date of "Open until filled"?
  15. I’m guessing there were a handful of contacts or conversations made before this was announced.
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