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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Help the bars of grand forks so gsmes get early and fans have more time after the games alao forces fans to get to the bars earlier too
  2. They want blue chippas we want role playas
  3. I’ll spill some inside info aldis taking over half of super one. There will be another business in other half altrubwants The city of dl to start a non profit and they will run the hospital for a fee snd yes. Our county commission is not doing a thing. The city is about to step in
  4. Had a few beers with hak and bubs at a sobriety party last night. All good ribbing. I don’t foresee Jackson leavjng
  5. Why don’t the nonchampions club members join the club? It may nit be a gobc but at least it’s a club snd your only hurting the school by not joining them!!
  6. Texted my booky. He said it’s at the big arena which should ensure most get tix theybare Awaiting the nhl schedule to be set before this one gets a date
  7. According to inforum altpeter was bigger get
  8. We really missed the boat on closing our doors to Sanford in favor if althru
  9. Bubba said at a watering hole he expects to announce this week or next 5 sr returning
  10. Recruiting dropped off a bit st cloud even has one in top round
  11. Never heard of either. Good luck to them
  12. Can’t believe they are close on sundays. Big missed chance there for bidness unlesd the church is helping them I don’t see them surviving
  13. At least it didn’t sit empty and become an eye sore
  14. Restaurants are still hurting. Albeit many flush with cash but all govt money
  15. What’s so wild about getting an offer from bama
  16. A good 290 lb in the middle would helo
  17. Base pull out really hurt
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