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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Whoo!!! Porter!! How many minutes have been 5X5? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-0 Gophers begining of 2nd
  2. Potulny 2-0 Gophs Both goals within first 2 minutes of a period.
  3. Not bad. Can we pleeeeeease stop taking bad penalties? Thnx, Management
  4. Booooo. What happened to our great PK?
  5. what would that be...I'm not listening to the game. I'm watching the Gopher-AA game
  6. Denver and Tech knotted 1-1 SCSU and Bucky are scoreless
  7. What are you doing there? Military?
  8. 1-0 Gophers after 1 Harrington crushed Parez....Woog:"Subwaaaay"
  9. Riddle for the Gophers :37 in to the 1st 1-0 Gophers Wooger says Hunt was flown into Colorado last weekend to do the game
  10. He will....Zaba's been playing that well all year. In 17 starts he's only let in 3+ goals 3 times. Scores from around the country: All are in the 1st period. UMass-Lowell 0 BC 1 Bently 0 Canisius 2 AirForce 0 Niagra 0 Cornell 0 RPI 0 Nebraska-Omaha 0 Michigan St. 1 Army 2 UConn 0 LSSU 1 N.Michigan 0
  11. Matt Johnson was just suspended five games for the two hand retaliation he did to Cooke after he got out of the box. No word on Cooke, but he better get at least 5. Spearing is bad enough, but to do it so hard you break your stick...
  12. Cooke will get fined for that little action. He's always struck me as the type of player that won't throwdown unless someone is in the way. Not too many players can cheap shot on the level Cooke does. I believe he was the same guy that two-handed Marshall after one of the playoff games, then ran off the ice and hid like a little b*tch.
  13. He's taken a few face offs this year, but I think that was mainly because our center got tossed from the draw.
  14. No, he already IS a solid defensemen. I don't think any of our freshmen are dissapointments, but if you had to pick one, why wouldn't it be Foyt, Fabian, or Ziggy...who haven't played that much? If Smaby is a bigger dissapointment than Foyt, why is he playing every weekend?
  15. Geez sprig...how many hands do you have? Having Mason will help CC. Remember he has to abide by the two rulebooks method...One for UMD and one for CC.
  16. If you read this board for 5 minutes you'd discover we make stabs at the Goofies whenever we can, just like you guys do with JBSU and Bucky over on POI. I take it Messier won the fight since Blaker's head looked less than normal.
  17. Smaby a dissapointment? Smaby has played very well this year. So he's made some rookie mistakes, that's expected...I'm sure even Suter has made some of those. All in all, a great freshman class. Probably the best in the country.
  18. Yes, some were...actually there are still cupholders for the front row seats (ie, mine), but the others have been removed from the student section.
  19. I agree...on Friday I'm going to ask the security guard at the student door if it would be possible to mark the signs (or maybe something the think about for next year). If they really think about it...this decreases there workload. There's one security guard who says he really only checks them to see what they say. The one that has been scrutinizing me the most (only one that has been close to not letting some in) actually went out of her way last game to check my signs (at one point there were 3 security people going through them). For one series I told her that I had no problem with her checking them since they had all been let in the night before to which she replied, "Yeah, but they didn't get approved by me." A standard for these would be nice as she seems to think that I'm going to try to sneak one past her...if I wanted (note IF) to do that, I would just fold it up and stuff it in by back pocket.
  20. I wouldn't expect NDSU to make the cover of the Herald, just like I wouldn't expect UND to make the cover of the Forum, unless we win the NCAA's in hockey this year. If NDSU won a national tournament at DI, I would expect it to make the cover of the Herald. Even though most people in Grand Forks (that care) don't like NDSU (and vice versa) I would expect that each city would have enough respect for the other's accomplishment. Ow, hitting your head hurts
  21. I think it's the same way in Major Junior. The Conference Affiliation and tributes (the HB or 23) should be the only thing allowed on the ice IMHO. The boards I don't mind so much, because thy've been that way as long as I can remember.
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