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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. I’m sure it’s a lot easier on the budget to pay a North Central Presentation (insert here). As opposed to a Northern Sun team. Just like if Kentucky brings in a Mountain West team- that MWC team would probably demand more than UND could. Or even if Kentucky wanted to bring in a DII that Dll may not be able to get as much as UND could. Also, because the NSIC has so many teams don’t start playing conference games by mid Nov.? They too want to have some non-conf games against the Presentation(s) and Crown Colleges of the world before fully diving in… so it might even be a little schedule related when it comes down to it.
  2. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-complete-utter-nonsense-100643925/ camp update from Bubba
  3. In regards scheduling https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-complete-utter-nonsense-100643925/
  4. Starting in 2009 yes—prior to was when it local GF stations bid on it, but the stations got to sell all the advertising and then paid the University what they bid and station groups kept any additional revenue (so if they bid 70k and sold 400k it was a great deal for the radio group- the late 90s and early 2000s were bank with that arrangement for the radio groups. When they moved to division 1- it flipped, as UND wanted to sell to generate their own revenue, whether themselves or Learfield as its representative or whatever. I also remember before getting UND back on KFGO, that WDAY/Forum was a steep price tag for that market during the years UND was on 970, from what I was told. But the recent arrangement with KFGO, was quite amenable(although, haven’t heard what Fargo will be next go round— but probably fairly soon)
  5. 1440 in Grand Forks- is going to be streamed soon, they said that on yesterday’s show so I can still hear the various Coach’s visits on their morning show regarding UND when my wife & I head to AZ, in the winter— so that will be good
  6. Fingers crossed for your Mega Millions win tonight
  7. It took a 3 for 1 just for Northern Iowa years ago— and Creighton is at an entirely different level. If they want to play you, they just give you the cash to come play them in there building. There is a absolutely no chance of them coming here. Whether there are connections or not
  8. For those who have said the transfer portal is not happening at the SU’s of the Summit, the answer is that its just taken a little longer, but it is happening. Baylor Scheierman is Creighton Jay today for Coach Mac. Will this give Creighton a boost in their quest for Final Four? It sure does. SDSU is still a monster, but even the rabbits aren’t immune
  9. Isn’t he Bruns) listed on the 21-22 roster- which he did play on? If he’s listed on the 22-23 roster— then there might be a problem, but since we are a long way off from an official 22-23 roster, I guess I’m not too worried about it yet.
  10. I’m guessing there would be potential for the 2018 Final 4 appearance to be vacated as the time period for that investigation was 16,17&18. I’m not sure how it would apply here if none of the current players on the roster were gotten through the previous alleged violations (maybe). If they (governing bodies and investigators) are finally able to adequetely prove thier (KU’s) involvement from that time period, it would affect those teams. If they continued doing it 3 to 4 years later after the national news coverage, HBO documentaries, the 22 Champions would deserve to be sanctioned- not only for wrong doing but stupidity as the warning shot to stop and that they were being watched came over 4 years ago.
  11. Western Illinois’ Will Carius, went to a D3, then a D2, and has been one of the Summit League’s most formidable scorers in the league the last two seasons. Quite frankly just evaluating a player from just the previous level they have played has proved to be a futile exercise in recent years. There were 3 players on St Thomas this year that would have been very good Summit League players had they been playing in this league the last 3 years rather than St Thomas.
  12. Some young people live for bing recruited. They love to hear how great they are. The Portal allows for many of these individuals to get that recruiting adulation once again. They prefer being recruited rather than playing the sport itself.
  13. It must be hard to even want to do a roster in the spring, for any institution(s) sports info/communication department. Because every coaching staff across the country probably isn’t sure who will be back for the fall camp. Add in all the individuals that are most likely working there way back from injury. It’s got to be a different feel for everyone involved with spring fb-everywhere. Honestly, just let me know what’s going on in late July and I’ll be fine.
  14. Because neither has the foot speed of Allick— and whomever they would choose to guard at the 4 would drag them up the floor and blow by and dunk it. Those 2 bigs on the floor at the same time would not be helpful for us- as they don’t move well enough. (yet or maybe ever) If you went zone— one would have to be on the bottom outside- and they wouldn’t be able to get out to a corner. Respect your opinion, but my opinion is that I don’t see that as an effective option
  15. Not sure about the website. We’ll be listeing from the Desert today. There could be any number of reasons for this, but I’m not getting work up about it. This is what I can tell from doing this for the last decade or so. If both teams are to be playing at roughly the same time, whichever team is on the road is put on the FM of 100.3 which has Iheart stream which the website & app seem to take from and which ever team was at home has been on 1440 AM. I think this is the right thing to do as many schools just throw one team often the Women’s for an entire season on some small station and forget about it. However, 1440 does not have a stream- which is a bummer, cause the wife and I like to listen to the Monday through Friday morning show to hear from the coaches etc during the week. And we can’t do that when we are in AZ. However, because UND Women’s and Men’s Basketball is also carried by Fargo stations we’ve easily found on theoir streams there. For example today we will probably start by listening to the Women’s game on 740 The Fan http://player.listenlive.co/28991from Fargo’s stream and either Ihearts 100.3’s or KFGO’s stream for the Men’s game. Hope this helps.
  16. I I’m not sure that the 4 games applies like it does for college football. I think they studied it. Did it pass? Levias has dressed & warmed up a lot this year. Including at NDSU. It they thought he could go I think he would seen game action already. Plus we’ve had all sorts of players trying to acclimate themselves to Division 1 and Summit play this year, I’m not sure that Levias playing in the remaining games does just that much for the team or for him. Just hoping he gets healthy, & let’s see what he brings next season
  17. I will say this begrudgingly about NDSU, is that their style of play lends itself to close games and close scores but at the end of the day, they rarely lose those games because they know that’s exactly their formula to winning. It’s been frustratingly effective. For some reason we seem to have fairly decent idea of how to play with ORU. No idea why. I’m going to be an outlier an circle that one. The team has a chance in what has been a miserable year for the most part, so I’ll take the fact that we have at least a chance.
  18. Because the Betty is already in use that night.
  19. That would be cool, but is there even a court there or scoreboard in there anymore? I haven’t been in that building in a long time.
  20. The Betty is already in use for night games on or around those dates.
  21. They don’t have an Ihenacho to draw defenders for open looks
  22. I completely agree with this take. And i would completely understand a DH for rivalry week. I would be more than fine with that.
  23. How are travel costs reduced for doubleheaders? I’m not sure I understand how that would be? The teams still wouldn’t share a bus- they would still need an airline ticket for each individual for trips that require flights. The hotel room(s) needs don’t change if the teams are playing Double Headers. Team Meals remain the same responsibility for each. Maybe I’m missing something. Arena staff still have to work x hours? I guess I don’t follow here, but I maybe missing something when considering it. My family and I go to a lot of basketball and we absolutely loathe double headers. I didn’t enjoy them when my kids were kids, and my kids certainly don’t enjoy them now that they have kids. Way way too long being at an arena. So glad they are gone. Loved the scheduling in the Big Sky. Glad we can plan for home games every week- men or women. Considering how hard it was for REA to find employees this year, did you hear and see how much advertising they used in recruitment this year and how long they had to run those campaigns. I’m sure they feel fortunate they can get people to to commit to a 3 hour window as opposed to a near 8 hour window for a doubleheader. In conversations with the various staffs over the years-the mens programs have indicated they don’t like having only 30 minutes to warm up for their games after a womens game and the wbb staffs have said they dislike Saturday afternoon doubleheaders because they shoot around times to prepare and walk thru- start as early 6am (if you choose to take it). If you’re the visitor. I’m certain the Summit with UND-NDSU & USD-SDSU, in future years could allow for some flexiblity. That wouldn’t surprise me. But it’s only those 4 schools within the league that have significant rivalry games. I could be mistaken but, ORU & UMKC aren’t chomping at the bit whether there is doublheader, mirrored scheduling- games at the same time whatever. All these other schools are concerned with, can we get staff, ushers, table crew, security etc… Is it easier for them one way or the other? I honestly don’t know. I’d be curious to learn. Our unique rivalry issues- (its unique to us as opposed to all other schools )except the 4 mentioned above) as it doesnt really matter to the others within the Summit.
  24. I think the real fun will be watching the U20 Division 1 Tournaments in Slovenia & Poland.
  25. Ah, didn’t know that. Thanks
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