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Everything posted by UNDProud

  1. A team should always come out to their school song not a top 10 hit. We are not a professional team, we are a college team with a band and a school song. If we don't have "Stand up and Cheer" played when our teams come on the field, so we can STAND UP AND CHEER, when should it be played? Who's idea was this?? What is the thinking behind blowing tradition?
  2. We have four seats in 107 row 6 - anyone close??
  3. they come out at 38 minutes before the game
  4. What am I missing here regarding the survey? His overall rating on a scale of 1-7 was a 2. something. If 7 is the highest, how do you calculate that the comments were supportive?
  5. UNDProud


    There is a bus charter going. Contact Al Pearson. He has two busses booked. The plane charter is through the Alumni Association and I think there is around 160 on that.
  6. UNDProud


    Two for the UND Charter! - PS I booked the band and cheer team this morning - they will be there in full force!!! GO SIOUX!!!
  7. part time
  8. It will be on Fighting Sioux Sports Network, channel 23. It is being announced either tonight or tomorrow I have seen the paperwork.
  9. Does anybody have video of Z. Jones and the fight on Saturday night? TH said he was wild...
  10. is the webcast still available and do the Ground Round and OVertime still show them if available?
  11. Mike you are a class act and have given hundreds of kids a role model. We have looked forward to your shifts and talked about them afterward. You were discussed more than any player I can remember, and have a bigger fan club than you know. I have no doubt that you will be wonderful in whatever you decide to do in the future but please remember to come back to Grand Forks and the people who would be proud to be your home team!
  12. Prpich and Parise do the 1-2pm wednesday time slot with JT on KNOX radio. For all of us Prpich fans it is the best hour of talk radio each week. Today Prpich talked about the stick salute he gave after the Mankato game with his Dad there. Today was a little more serious but he is really funny so you always end up laughing during the hour.
  13. Almost 100% positive. It went by the club levels - but again most suite holders are Emerald or Diamond club so they got the highest priority. Also talked to people in Athletics and REA and both said the same thing and have a relative in a suite and they did not get offered tickets but had to get on the list.
  14. No the suites were not alloted any tickets, but they had to call in like the rest of us and it went by their FIghting Sioux club membership level. Most suite holders are at levels of Emerald and above so they get higher priority because of that. If they were granted tickets, it had to be for them. If they tried to get tickets for their friends by saying I'll take 6 tickets, all names the tickets were for had to be Fighting SIoux club members at the Coaches level or above.
  15. That's right, to get tickets, you had to be a fighting Sioux club member at a certain level. I heard that for the charter it was Director's club and the first couple of coaches club members, and for just the tickets, it was Emerald club.
  16. The suite holders did not each get 6 tickets - they had to get in line like the rest of us.
  17. OK I know these facts are true - REA has nothing to do with the tickets, it is all being handled by UND Athletics. They got tickets from the NCAA (I believe the number was 600), first 100 go to the athlete's families, 50 to UND students, after that the tickets go first to the President, then the Athletic department and alumni department employees who need to be there for various reason. After that the tickets go to those in order of their giving (Diamond club, emerald club, Directors, Coaches). The charter only holds 150 and the rest are on your own.
  18. Mike's freshman year he gave my then 6 year old son his stick and signed it. We also got his Sioux hockey card and hung them on the wall in my little guys room - 4 years ago before he had a fan club! He has been a family favorite since and will definately be missed. He is the absolute perfect role model for kids - he never gives up, he always give it 100% and most importantly he has fun. I am proud to have held the "Prpich fan club" sign last year the Frozen 4 and "Practice Makes Prpich" sign this year.
  19. Yes they are running the shuttles.
  20. I have to buy a coke from the same guy at the same till, and I have to pay for it. Also have to wear my jersey, pin, earrings, SIOUX watch, be there before they come on the ice for warmups and each period. That's not superstitious is it???
  21. I was told that they are not allowing the scanner to unsan tickets and reenter. If it is like it was in Madison years ago, they didn't allow us to leave to smoke.
  22. The parking lot opens at 3:30 but the doors to the building do not open until 4:30. The Kelly lot is the only one reserved for parking passes. For the rest of the arena you pay the $5 each time you come into the lot and it is on a first come, first serve basis. Also you can not leave the building and come back in during or between the games tonight. These are all NCAA rules, not Engelstad.
  23. I go to all the games and have used various doors over the years. I have had to open my purse, been patted down, and have also walked on through without being questioned and I definately do not look like a college student. The way I read the ruling is that they didn't have the right to charge him with a crime, but had the right to do the search. Therefore, in the future, the punishment for getting caught will be that you can't come in to that game. I think our security just took a hit!
  24. It is being televised at the Ralph in the Penalty Box bar. You pay the $7 for the Sioux vs. Gophers Women's hockey game ticket and then can also go into the penatly box and watch the men's game. - PS if I remember right, you can get a hot dog and a pop for $1 from 6-7.
  25. How long he stays can also depend on how long until there is a NHL again.....
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