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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Off-topic, but why do the Wild continue to mess around with their brand? Now we're changing from the river monster/bear to THIS?
  2. Yep...so no more whining from Minnesota fans about the North Stars when they took a pretty successful franchise in the Houston Aeros and completely dismantled it.
  3. I have fixed my original post to reflect the change. I also corrected the mis-spelling of Southpaw. I count 46 SiouxSports.com hats...two more hats would be the next price break and reduce cost to $12 per hat (not including $7.50 moniker fee if applicable and shipping charges). Just to emphasize this again...your name as it appears in the thread will be EXACTLY how I send it to Coaches Choice. So if you're keikla and you want to be Keikla, I need to know. Trust me, I'm very particular about the MafiaMan, so I don't want anyone to be disappointed due to a screw-up or oversight. Thank you.
  4. IceHoggs hats with green pigs: Black hat w/moniker: Goon Pink hat w/o moniker: NorthDakotaHockey (2)
  5. Pink w/moniker ($7.50 additional charge - 4 total) YaneA (2) NorthDakotaHockey (2)
  6. Forest Green no moniker (2) siouxgrad 82SiouxGuy Forest Green w/moniker ($7.50 additional charge - 3 total) Cratter YaneA (2)
  7. Grey no moniker (8 total) fargosioux LuvHockey BeazSioux Frozen4Sioux sprig remington_270 Oxbow6 MafiaMan Grey w/moniker ($7.50 additional charge - 2 total) MafiaMan ScottM
  8. Black w/moniker ($7.50 additional charge - 17 total) UNDColorado Cratter YaneA (2) Sioux-cia sprig SiouxTupa Goon NorthDakotaHockey (2) Siouxman Morley southpaw keikla MafiaMan MafiaBoy CMSioux (with Siouxpride.com as moniker)
  9. Here's the current tally of what I have. Please PM me with any corrections: Black no moniker (11 total): Oxbow6 82SiouxGuy fargosioux BeazSioux LuvHockey LeftyZL letsSIOUXum ScottM Wilbur MafiaMan (2)
  10. No doubt, Kyle "act like every goal I score is my first!" Rau would approve!
  11. Top 10 based on an over-hyped Notre Dame media machine that thought nothing of stopping the girlfriend train when it was de-railing. They rode that horse to the finish line...and I believe Manti was more than willing to feed the myth and keep it going. RED FLAG!
  12. I agree. I'm stunned Michigan State would be #8 with the team they had this season.
  13. Dear God, Please don't let the Vikings draft Manti. Thank you, MafiaMan
  14. I have no problem via PC or iphone. PM me your e-mail address and I can send you the pics.
  15. You want the black hat, CMSioux?
  16. Price depends on the # of hats ordered. I have some help in delivering hats to Fargo and Grand Forks (which will save further shipping charges) so I'm not anticipating hats being more than $20 each. I don't have an exact per-price at the moment. Having a moniker or nickname added to the hat is an additional $7.50 per hat.
  17. I've read a number of Ohio State blogs and from everything I gathered, Osiecki was indeed not happy with OSU's lack of commitment to a hockey-only facility and an average attendance of roughly 4,000 in a building that seats more than 4 times more than that for basketball. I guess that would qualify as a 'difference of opinion.'
  18. Because the artwork design does not have any thread color changes between the grey and pink hats, we are good-to-go with any additional number of those hats. Even just ONE yellow hat (HELLOO...sagard, Mariucci, or GFG) would be fine because the thread color would be the same as that on the grey and pink. Black the overwhelming hat of choice... I'm at 45 SiouxSports.com hats and 6 IceHoggs hats...those numbers aren't near being final though. I am proceeding with #2 as the best choice for the logo...
  19. I think the confusion was on the last name. Ja-blow-me or Ga-blow-me?
  20. I'm trying to tally up numbers and put a post here with an actual order. Can I get an official confirmation from siouxman or keikla on your request? Thank you.
  21. ...and now...here to sing our national anthem... One of the funniest movie scenes ever...Rest in Peace, Leslie.
  22. MafiaMan

    Does Dave

    So how many championships did Phil Jackson win WITHOUT Michael Jackson, Scottie Pippen, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O'Neal? The guy's a total cherry-picker.
  23. I only put that color there because there was interest in that being one of the possible backgrounds. That very same color scheme on the pink hat obviously also works on the grey and would be fine on yellow hats (cough, cough, GFG, sagard) as well...
  24. ...and here's version #2, which I think is much better and the one to go with!
  25. Version #1...I think this was improved on in the next post...
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