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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Royal blue and yellow were also options but I'm not sure why anyone would want those... One other thing to note: minimum order is 12 hats (of any color), however, the thread color minimum is six. On the green hats, the 'Sioux,' '.com,' and logo are in white and 'Sports' is in black. That means I need 5 more hats with that particular thread design for an order. There are no color changes with the grey or pink hats, so any combination of those two color hats that adds up to six would be acceptable. Unfortunately for black and green, it's six of each or nothing.
  2. White is not one of the hat colors available, unfortunately. See the next post for artwork...
  3. This team went from 4-12 two years ago to 10-6 and the playoffs last season, right?
  4. The Score app still uses the Minnesota Vikings old logo...it's not uncommon given the ever-changing world of sports these days to miss a few things. Heck, the Vikings players wore last year's white pants in training camp...
  5. I've received many Paypal payments and a few checks by mail...thanks to those of you who have paid. One favor, though...a couple of payments weren't attached with a moniker so I am not sure who to mark off as "paid." If you could reply to your PM 'invoice' (and many of you have, so you can disregard this), that would be great. 2nd order has two hats for siouxczech w/moniker...I need ten more to even consider putting an order in - and it would have to get in soon in order to be here by Christmas, given the shipping logistics. Ho Ho Ho.
  6. You would think that they would...
  7. 2/13/11 Whalers Hockey Fest @ Renschler Field in East Hartford: UConn women vs Providence attendance: 153 1/10/12 Frozen Fenway @ Fenway Park in Boston: Providence women vs Dartmouth attendance: 641 Looks like the Gopher women vs Mankato will be SHATTERING women's attendance records at TCF Bank Stadium!
  8. I don't know of any Gopher fans in my neck of the woods who are 'bragging' up the B10 conference or happy about the move. This was all about money and everyone knows it. I agree with you 100% on the cannibalization of the WCHA as we knew it and will miss the yearly trips to the X. It won't be the same...
  9. My math may be fuzzy but I think 1995 is after 1992... ...I know the term has been used for a long time, I'm just saying I don't recall ever hearing any Sioux sports being referred to as 'Green and White' during '88-'92.
  10. Contrary to what 82SiouxGuy says, I don't recall ever hearing anyone refer to UND as anything other than 'Fighting Sioux' in 1988 and 1992 (my four-year stint in Grand Forks). And what happened in 1993? That's right...the start of the 'NORTH DAKOTA' logo-less hockey jerseys...coincidence? Me thinks not...
  11. Advertising their network on a rival sports network? I'd call that 'marketing'. The commercial is actually pretty good.
  12. Also posted in non-college sports but since I have my own personal thread, why not here too? Outdoor games...have these things totally jumped the shark or what? I can't even keep track of how many college and NHL outdoor games there are coming up this season and next season. BTW, nice comment by Lou Nanne at the announcement of the Minnesota vs Ohio State game...something to the effect of how he could not believe that Minnesota hasn't hosted an outdoor game yet since this fad started. Gee, Lou, where were they going to hold an outdoor game in Minneapolis/St Paul in the past few years prior to the opening of Target Field and TCF Bank Stadium? One NHL game on New Year's Day is plenty...heck, make it two and play one in Canada. But Minnesota women vs Minnesota State Mankato? Really?
  13. Have these things totally jumped the shark or what? I can't even keep track of how many college and NHL outdoor games there are coming up this season and next season. BTW, nice comment by Lou Nanne at the announcement of the Minnesota vs Ohio State game...something to the effect of how he could not believe that Minnesota hasn't hosted an outdoor game yet since this fad started. Gee, Lou, where were they going to hold an outdoor game in Minneapolis/St Paul in the past few years prior to the opening of Target Field and TCF Bank Stadium? One NHL game on New Year's Day is plenty...heck, make it two and play one in Canada. But Minnesota women vs Minnesota State Mankato? Really?
  14. sprig said i was crazy...he's probably right! All for a good cause though...
  15. A commission? I wish! Those t-shirts I passed out last March? $400 bucks outta my own pocket, LOL!
  16. Second hat order: 1 black w/moniker: Sacred Heart, 1 grey w/moniker: #1 Bjorkman fan
  17. BTW, I would also be willing to order up some Hoggsbreath long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirts in Sioux colors like the ones I gave away at the Hogg last March. These wouldn't be free though this time around, but cost is pretty cheap, less than $15 per shirt. Color possibilities were white/green, green/white, and black/green.
  18. MafiaMan


    I am not a fan of the B10 football logo itself...but I do think it looks cool on each individual uniform in school colors. I believe the Pac-12 does the same thing.
  19. MafiaMan


    The NCHC patch would look infinitely better in school colors...
  20. JUST KIDDING, siouxczech29! If there is enough interest, I would consider doing another order. Minimum number of hats would be 12. I've had PM's regarding different logos, bigger logo, etc., so if anyone has something in specific in mind, drop me a line and we'll talk. If you want the SiouxSports.com hat as previously done with the June order, put your name and moniker/no moniker here and I'll see what the numbers wind up to be...
  21. This thread was posted in the middle of April and the order was placed two months after that. Plenty of warnings were given about missing the boat and this thread was at or near the top of the board for two months. Sorry.
  22. I believe I have covered everyone who purchased a hat by PM'ing you with your total amount due. Please verify your actual purchase by reviewing the no moniker vs moniker cost and go from there - it's always possible I made a mistake somewhere. Many of you have already paid via Paypal...thank you for being prompt. Couple of things... If you're looking for a quality vendor for embroidery or screenprinting needs or wants in the Fargo area (or even outside the FM area), please contact Coaches Choice in Fargo, ask for Scott Peterson, and tell him that you read about CC on SiouxSports.com. They'll appreciate the business. $12.45 for a one-of-a-kind hat or $19.95 for an even cooler one-of-a-kind hat is quite a steal in my opinion. I can't wait to bust mine out when the weather gets cold. Secondly, thanks to jimdahl for allowing me to put together an order using his site name and logo. It's due to his hard work that we as fans have a fun community message board to entertain ourselves with. I have made many new friends on SiouxSports.com and events like the Hoggsbreath get-together every spring wouldn't have been possible without his efforts. Thank you jimdahl!
  23. "Hey, there's that prick MafiaMan! Let's get him!"
  24. 8-8! Great jersey update though!
  25. Wow, that's quite a compliment. I'm glad you like it. I think anyone spotted wearing one of these hats is certain to be hit with plenty of 'Hey, where can i get one of those?' questions.
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