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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Good grief, scpa0305, do we have to bring race into this too?
  2. Well that's just siouxper super...dammit...I did it again.
  3. Oh my gosh, I have a Siouxper headache pondering all those issues and possible repercussions...
  4. Shayne Gostisbehere was a +7 in the NCAA title game...Johnny G got to see it.
  5. Her toddler is in custody with her - since he's not allowed to be raised by his Christian dad. Of interest, though, is the fact that this woman's attorney is a Muslim and has had death threats made against him for even defending this woman. Kudos to him for doing the right thing.
  6. I would think you would be a big fan of Catholic school education, watchwolfofchicagoland. Here's a short summary of my education in Catholic grade school from 1977-1983: US and the atomic bomb - the US deserves to be punished for unleashing this evil upon the world. The Soviet Union - if the US government would just dismantle its nuclear weapons, the Soviets would do the same. We just need to sit down and talk with them. Western European government - we would all be much happier in America if the US government would adopt western European-style systems and pay us for vacations, maternity and paternity time off, etc. Oh, and health care, too. The 1980 election - which Democratic candidate do you support? Ted Kennedy, obviously, because he's Catholic. Surely you won't be supporting Reagan, he just wants to nuke the Soviet Union and hates poor people. That pretty much sums it up. God bless tolerance!
  7. http://l.yimg.com/os...isconnected.gif Video-game Sidney...dammit, player 2, plug your controller back in!
  8. I figured it was long-overdue. That bozo needed to be called out on the carpet.
  9. Dude, you're an idiot. The Rangers are going to roll Budaj or anyone else who plays net for Montreal this series. It'll go five games at best.
  10. Has someone tweeted a response to the #siouxperdrunk crew about the obvious double-standard being applied here? Or is this their way of "taking back" the name like Kanye West owns the Confederate flag on his clothing line? http://guardianlv.com/2013/11/kanye-west-wears-the-confederate-flag-and-claims-it-as-his-own/
  11. The Red Wings will apparently wear extra protection when playing the Bruins next season...but it won't be EYE protection.
  12. That goal at 18:58 of the 2nd is a Hab-killer.
  13. Was I watching the wrong University of North Dakota team play football last fall or am I missing something here?
  14. I prefer to remember Patrick for how he went OUT, not how he came up...
  15. Actually they're the Capitals with an "a" but let's not get bogged down in semantics...I'm offended by Congress' approval rating too.
  16. But since "America" didn't actually exist until white people established the United States of America, wouldn't the nickname "Americans" be considered racist as well?
  17. Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound like you were indeed rooting for Price to be unable to play...I was speaking in general terms about myself and how I'd feel...
  18. If I didn't know any better, Goon, I'd say you're nothing but an "obstructionist" Republican standing in the way of progress. If the GOP wrestles control of the Senate away from the Democrats in the next election, how quickly will Harry Reid reverse the reversal of his stance on the filibuster?
  19. I agree with what you're saying...but I wouldn't "wish" Price being unable to play...I'm sure most Rangers don't either. New York vs LA sounds like a nice NHL Stanley Cup Finals...
  20. Yea, there's no way the Rangers ever come back from being down against the Penguins...oh, wait. It's possible. The Canadiens are still a dangerous team.
  21. Neither Gibson nor Hiller was impressive in game 7...like I said, they might be willing to kick the tires on Ryan Miller...assuming they're going to tell Hiller to hit the road. San Jose's an option - although I think they're more likely to think Joe Thornton is the problem and not goaltending. How about a dark-horse, Tampa Bay? Their goaltending when Bishop went down was atrocious.
  22. I bet Anaheim might be willing to take a look at Ryan Miller...
  23. Miller becomes an unrestricted free agent this summer. I assume the plan was the Miller would take the Blues to the Stanley Cup finals and re-sign a big contract upon the season's end. Plan A failed...Elliott's Plan B.
  24. Everything about that stereotype just pisses me off to no end... My brother-in-law and my sister both attended NDSU and graduated with degrees in architecture. They currently run a very successful business in the TC west metro and have immense talent in that field. They put their education to use not only for their business, but also in remodeling their own house as well. In addition, both served their country quite admirably as service members. My dad also went to NDSU and graduated with a degree in engineering. He worked a short time for Caterpillar in Illinois, then took his skill-set to use for the United States Navy on the USS Epperson in the late 1960's, before returning to North Dakota to take over the family ranch from my grandfather. While you may not consider him a "businessman" by your definition, I admire him like no one else. On any given day, he could fix five-ten miles of fence, keep 300+ cattle safe under his watch in the harshest of winters, and take apart almost any piece of farm machinery and fix it himself, all while providing and caring for his family, not to mention making some time to watch his kid play some basketball in grade and high school. I don't know how he ever found the time for it all... I can promise you this: If your car is ever out of gas, your tire is flat, or you need some general assistance on Highway 85 about 23 miles north of Belfield, he will GUARANTEED offer to help you in any way he can -- and won't say a word about your University of North Dakota license plate frame and Fighting Sioux Indian-head sticker in your back window. He'll no doubt turn down any money you'd like to offer him in appreciation, wish you well, and send you on your merry way. You can drive away mumbling all you like about NDSU ranch hillbillies...he won't care at all. I bet I could find dozens of UND law school students or graduates who would sooner book a summer crabbing in Alaska as opposed to work three months on my dad's ranch. The very notion that every graduate of NDSU who chooses farming or ranching as a career is somehow worthy of scorn and contempt from UND graduates like yourself makes my blood boil. In general, your commentary is "a joke." Anyone who doesn't believe that North Dakota consists of two very fine universities in UND and NDSU needs to have their head examined.
  25. Whew! I guess it's a good thing that the President of the United States bureaucrats in Cincinnati are making sure they do their best to de-rail anything Tea Party related by putting the IRS to work...
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