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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. http://juneauempire.com/stories/090605/spo_20050906001.shtml Some do-gooders need to head to Alaska and "educate" some folks up there about how their nickname is demeaning to them...
  2. http://www.muscoop.com/index.php?topic=39760.110;imode
  3. I agree with what Mike Milbury said after last night's game...the Blackhawks have to be stunned at what's happened in this series. They were 20 minutes away from a 2-0 series lead...and then give up 5 goals in the third period to lose game two and have yet to recover. On the flip-side, Chicago should have won game 1 EASILY, given that LA had just expended a tremendous amount of energy in the four-wins-in-a-row comeback over Anaheim in the first around, not to mention the long-flight to Chicago and immediate game against the Blackhawks. The fact that game 1 was in doubt until the final minutes really says a lot about the Kings and their physical and mental toughness.
  4. I'm actually surprised that Coach Q didn't pull him after the 3rd goal in the first period...if for nothing else, to shake up the team.
  5. Has that stance changed since 2005? I know the NCAA claimed then that the OK Seminole Tribe did not approve of the nickname and later wound up with egg on their face as it was one or two members of the eighteen who opposed FSU's nickname. An attempt to pass a resolution condemning it failed big-time. http://www.accessnorthga.com/detail-pf.php?n=128658
  6. Patrick Kane is playing like this is some Olympic bronze medal throw-away series...
  7. Alright, probably time for Chicago to push the red "panic" button in this game, siouxsweet...
  8. Um...yea. Detroit was down 3-2 to Anaheim in the quarterfinals and won the last two games, including game 7 in Anaheim to advance to the conference semi-finals. You see, had they held on to beat Chicago, they would have been in the Western Conference Finals. Hardly far-fetched to think they could have won that series and made the Stanley Cup Finals. They were a #7 seed, big deal. We all know seeds mean little in the NHL playoffs. See also: Kings, Los Angeles.
  9. Dustin Tokarski has been unbelievable this series though...
  10. Sorry, but mediocre teams don't extend last year's Blackhawks to OT in game 7. If Filppula doesn't go down courtesy of a Blackhawk slew-foot, Detroit wins that series, and quite possibly the Stanley Cup.
  11. Call me skeptical, but I'm not sure what CC was doing with this selection...
  12. Couldn't agree more, siouxforeverbaby. Take some time tomorrow to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.
  13. Yea, no doubt, game 7 overtime goal...by far the better team. By far.
  14. You're kidding me, right? The Blackhawks were in complete control of game 2 until they got lazy in the 3rd and it all went to hell in a handbasket. Did you push the panic button this soon last year when the Red Wings were up 2 games to 1? Or did you wait until Detroit was up 3 games to 1?
  15. The people who were screaming for Sterling's banishment from the NBA were some of the same folks defending Rob Parker's comments regarding Robert Griffin III. You know him, right? The "cornball brother" who isn't truly "down with the cause." The guy "married to a white woman" and who is "probably a Republican." You just can't make this stuff up...
  16. Iceberg! Dead ahead! Board the lifeboats! Abandon ship!
  17. I thought the same exact thing. Apparently the word "hoodie" is now synonymous with "Trayvon Martin".
  18. Good points! Your post and the "grassy knoll" e-mail had me laughing out loud this morning.
  19. Let's just hope UND doesn't jump on the "anthracite" train that everyone from Arkansas to West Virginia to OK State seems to be boarding these days...
  20. Wow, all that's missing is Hager's brother having saved Bubba's son by pulling him off the train tracks during the Civil War.
  21. Carcillo gets 10 games for contact with an official.
  22. Right! A 20 oz Pepsi is almost $2 now!
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