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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Yea, that club has really hit the skids, too.
  2. That wasn't a shot at Rocco...it was a shot at the Panthers.
  3. I got home in time to see St Cloud fuster-cluck that 3 on 1 break...good grief.
  4. Minnesota gave up a TON of shots last weekend against Bemidji State...is that the case again tonight?
  5. Isn't playing for the Panthers kind of a step DOWN from the AHL?
  6. Louisville's grey hot mess as worn in last night's Florida State game...
  7. Bring out the clown suits! It's the 2014 Shamrock Series game!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG-Hx2Wj1uQ Inexplicably, the entire broadcasting crew blew this as well until Pierre McGuire corrected himself...how the official missed that, I have no clue. Glendening was nowhere near Holtby when he made the call.
  9. Those who stay will be champions!
  10. Funny you should mention Dickinson, a hotbed of fickle-ness and champion city of bandwagon fans. I was there a month ago and stopped in at Players Sports Bar to visit some old high school classmates. An NFL game had just started and was on every TV screen in the place. The bar area was jam-packed. About 5-7 minutes in, the crowd absolutely erupted as one of the teams scored a TD. Kinda caught me off-guard as I had absolutely no idea that Dickinson, North Dakota is apparently the heart of Seattle Seahawk country. A couple of 3-8 or 5-6 seasons for NDSU and some playoff appearances for UND and Dickinson will be the epicenter of North Dakota football.
  11. The words "worst call I have ever seen" are thrown around all the time...but, quite honestly, the worst call I have ever seen.
  12. Agree totally that as it developed, he would have been out by a mile. Had Gordon bolted out of the batter's box and been sprinting towards 3B without the shoulder peek, he may very well have been bearing down on home plate as the SS was receiving the relay throw.
  13. This era of thirty five-uniform-pants-and-helmet-combinations plus (insert current fad here) black jerseys, anthracite jerseys, storm trooper jerseys, pro combat jerseys, matte helmets, no, make that chrome helmets, can't end soon enough. Saving grace this Saturday: Georgia in red and Florida in blue in a good old-fashioned color-on-color uniform match-up. Just like UCLA and USC...good times.
  14. Had Gordon sprinted out of the batter's box immediately instead of assuming he was going to have only a single and trot the bulk of the way to 1B...and had he not glanced over his right shoulder to LF halfway to 3B and instead kept his eyes on his 3B coach AND kept the afterburners on...well, there may indeed have been a play at the plate. How fun would that have been?
  15. You can't be a "fan" when you're born so the poster is more than likely a few years older than 45...
  16. 45+ years...how on earth did you survive without being a SiouxSports.com member until, oh, 5 days ago? Wait a second...DAD? Is that you? Nah...couldn't be...
  17. Dude, seriously, twice in the span of about a half dozen posts? For crying out loud, rent a porno, buy a Playboy, hop on www.farmersonly.com, whatever it takes. But do SOMETHING! You're obsessed alright...but not with football.
  18. You beat me to the punch on that one. I've cracked the code: some of our Bison friends need to get out of their dorm rooms and go on a date!
  19. SiouxSports.com...a place where Bison fans can enlighten University of North Dakota fans about football...and some other interests of theirs.
  20. Did anyone else just see the phantom goalie interference call on Detroit in the Capitals game?
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