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Yesterday you accused me of flipping the argument around, now here you are doing the same thing. I asked a question that can't be answered by saying "you would do the same thing" because that isn't the scenario that is going on right now. I am honestly curious why this bugs UND fans so much, that a coach has decided to let things play out before handing out suspensions.
There has been a lot of clamoring and calling of foul on this board in the past few days over this matter. I am failing to make the connection as to why you all are so angry about this. Is all of this being done in the name of justice being served? Or is there more to it?
I tend to agree and I think we can all agree the forum isn't always the most reliable source of information, but there seems to be a question as to whether charges have been filed as of today.
From the articles I am reading in the forum, they seem to make it pretty clear that no charges have been officially filed at this point in time. Does that dampen anyone's aggessiveness on getting these kids punished as fast as possible? It certainly does for me. And yes I realize that Coach Bohl dismissed Jemison before any official charges were filed, but from my sources I understand that there was a conversation making Coach Bohl believe that it happened and charges would be filed very soon after. These kids may never be charged with a crime, should they still be punished?
What this amounts to for me is being at the store with your kids and you get out to the car and it turns out one of them pocketed some candy. You take the candy back in and you know you have to punish them to teach them that actions have consequences, but they were too uneducated at that point in there life to understand money and how it is exchanged for things. Yes technically these guys are adults and are responsible for their actions, just as your kids could technically be prosecuted for shoplifting, but I am confident(no proof obviously) that if they knew that their actions were more far reaching than just taking a lazy afternoon off and still getting paid, they would have made a better decision. One game suspension sends the right message the same way grounding your kid for a few days would do the trick in the example I used.
Fair point, and I will answer it the same way you have. I can't answer that question without bias. What I can tell you is that while the nickname issue was going on, I was consistently a defender of UND's position and wished them well in the face of what I saw as a politically correct society run amok. In that instance, I saw it worthwhile to defend the "right thing" regardless of my affiliation to UND's rival. I am a defender of innocent until proven guilty and with our 24 hour news cycle, nowadays an accusation is as good as a conviction in our country. I hate that these things are even newsworthy until the players are found guilty or not-guilty. It is unfair to the accused that the public becomes aware of something and is able to pass judgement months or in some cases years before the case ever goes to trial. My opinion on the matter aside, the Trayvonn Martin case is the epitome of the scenario I am describing. Regardless of whether George Zimmerman is found guilty or not guilty, his life is over. He will always be viewed as guilty in the eyes of many in our society and will most likely fear for his life every day moving forward. LSS, if we can wait to punish people until after we find out if they actually did what they are accused of, I believe you would see me always be a defender of that position.
What are you guys honestly looking for? You act like these guys deserve to be kicked off the team, kicked out of school, put in federal prison and never to be heard from again. Drinking...No. But, drinking and driving is 1 million times worse than what was done here. I realize it is technically true, but to even call this voter fraud suggests they purposely tampered with an election. It was an innocent mistake that they will be punished for.
Required information for reading on Bisonville, when something is posted in purple, it is meant to be sarcastic.
Who is pointing fingers at UND? Have you even read any my posts? Or as usual are any Bison comments on this board all lumped together and attributed to us all? I have said all morning the guilty players WILL be suspended, mark my words. Then what will you have to say? He should have suspended them earlier? You can remember it differently if you like, but Shamen wasn't much of a factor after his knee surgery and most if not all of his trouble came post knee surgery. You are too busy peering down on NDSU from your ivory tower to see reality. The only reason I am here talking about this is to point out inaccuracies and to defend my favorite team. Doesn't mean this has anything to do with UND. Edit: And I wouldn't be throwing stones at Bisonville if I were you, as evidenced by this thread, UND fans enjoy starting and posting in threads about NDSU and their shortcomings.
There is no conspiracy here. Shamen was a non-factor at the time of his trouble. Garret was young and yes had potential, but it isn't as though he was a major contributor yet, so it would have been easy to give him a bigger suspension without hurting the team. Not sure about the facts on the other two examples. Coach Bohl has been as consistent as the offenses players have committed have allowed him to be. You all are making this so much more than it is. Next time this sort of thing happens at UND, and it will happen, I'll be sure to save all of these posts so you guys can read them. We wouldn't want any inconsistencies to be a scar on the face of your integrity at UND.
You are just the king of crazy this morning.In the context I was speaking about, no the NCAA doesn't care about rules being broken as long as people are being punished for them. It's when people aren't being punished or it is being covered up that the NCAA steps in. For example, it isn't a problem that Reggie Bush took money or Cam Newton took money, the problem is the players weren't kicked off the team. Penn State wouldn't have had even one sanction if they would have taken care of all of this immediately instead of covering it up for a decade.
This is exactly the point that I have been trying to make all morning, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Up until yesterday, you could have copied and pasted that sentence and put Bohl where you put Mussman. This is what leads me to believe that Bohl has reason to believe this situation is different. Because of his track record on disciplinary actions, he has earned that right. Based on Mussman's history, if it came out tomorrow that a few players were involved in some legal matter and he said we are going to let this one play out a bit before we dish out punishments.Wouldn't the only logical conclusion you could make be that Mussman must know more about this than you do and you should trust him because he has always handled these well in the past? I know you are blinded by NDSU hatred, but at least give Coach Bohl the same consideration you would give your own coach in that matter.
I think you are misunderstanding the reason the NCAA has intervened in the cases you mentioned. They didn't step in because of the kids or coaches or alumni doing anything wrong, they don't care about rules being broken. What they care about is when rules are broken and it is covered up. Since NDSU has held a press conference to address the issue and aren't trying to cover it up or sweep it under the rug, the NCAA has no reason to think that things aren't being handled well at NDSU.
Fine, it made the AP wire. To say the NCAA is going to start banning NDSU from the playoffs for this is ridiculous.
Are you being serious right now? Talk about making mountains out of a mole hill. The hammer is going to fall on NDSU? Playoff Ban? How much more sensational can you make this sound today? The NCAA won't even hear about this. Let your hatred for anything NDSU related go for just a split second and you will realize how ridiculous you sound talking this way.
I am not trying to drag UND into it at all. My intial question was, would you be as quick to judge if it happened to UND, a perfectly fair question as I feel the reason posters on this board are saying Bohl is running "rogue program" is because of personal bias and not based in fact.
That's interesting logic. So if I have no history of speeding and I get one ticket, when coming up with my punishment does the officer say "well up until today you didn't have a ticket, but you got one today and technically that is now part of your history, so we are forced to count this as two, you now have a history of reckless driving and we will be suspending your license"? Moving forward this will be included in Bohl's history, it has no bearing whatsoever when deciding in this case if Bohl has shown a pattern of inconsistent punishments.
It doesn't say he thinks it is more serious. It shows that he is in a position to gather information and make an intelligent decision on whether or not a player's circumstances warrant a suspension. CSU isn't even the toughest game on our schedule and it may end up that putting this off will come back to bite the team in the ass. What if their punishment comes down during a conference game? Will you still be spouting off about lack of integrity? How about you let the situation play out before shouting from your high horse? I am so glad that you personally GUARANTEE UND would handle this differently. Now we know exactly how UND would respond.
Coach Bohl has a very similar history of handing out punishments. Chappell's situation was taken out of the hands of UND, that was an eligibility issue.
I agree with you, lazyness is not an excuse for committing a crime. But, in my eyes, and I have been known to buck the system from time to time, when you commit a crime that is non-violent intent plays a much larger role in the determination of the penalty. I very much doubt these kids sat in their rooms one night and hatched a scheme to commit fraud. This was stupidity plain and simple and I would actually be ok if this situation was punished "within the team". Ultimately a penalty will be handed down in the form of game suspensions, but from the information I have seen they did not intend to commit fraud and even though they signed the sheet, I doubt they were fully aware of the gravity of the position they had signed up for.
You've taken my post out of context. The pattern I was speaking of was if Coach Bohl develops a pattern of not handling disciplinary issues fairly. Up until this point he has, so he has earned a little bit of latitude in my eyes.
Now that is the first fair assessment of the situation I have heard here all day. Who knows what went on with Jemison, maybe he had a history of minor things on the team and an attitude problem. You just never know the whole story and it will never be in the paper. When you hire someone for a job you have to trust them to do it until they prove they can't do it well. As I said, Coach Bohl has a history of being fair with disciplinary issues and has earned my trust.
I agree with your first part, but different cultures? Please. As I said in a previous post, Coach Bohl has also suspended players for missing class. Each situation is different and requires looking at separately.
I know for a fact that Coach Bohl has also suspended players for missing classes. That has no bearing whatsoever in this matter.
From my perspective as an NDSU fan it boils down to this. Things aren't black and white. Up until this point in time, I feel Bohl has been very fair and swift with his ability to punish players regardless of how important they are to the team(If anyone has an example to the contrary I would like to hear it). Because of his track record in dealing with disciplinary issues, in my eyes he has earned my trust in deciding whether or not these are punishable at this point in time. If this becomes a pattern of in the future I reserve the right to change my opinion on whether he is able to dish out penalties without taking into account the players' importance to the team.