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Everything posted by Bison06

  1. Honest question for those of you who feel you can give an objective response. If this was going on at UND would you be as vigorous about your call to action for Coach Mussman?
  2. That's a good question that I don't have the answer to. Maybe the severity of the charges plays a role in Coach Bohl's hesitation to take action vs. those other situations. If I remember correctly Jose had 2 or 3 suspensions prior to the one that finally got him the boot.
  3. I haven't said I don't think it's a big deal. I am saying why not find out who is guilty of what before punishments are handed out?
  4. It is in very poor taste darell to use this situation in the same breath as those schools and their situations. Good lord people.
  5. You mean like when Jose Mohler was the starting QB? Or kicking a player off the team completely who would have likely been a starter?(Garrett Johnson*can't remember if that is his last name)
  6. Quit acting like this offends you and disappoints you as a North Dakotan, this is because it is NDSU as evidenced by your obvious bias. Re-read your last paragraph and tell me you are an objective observer of the facts. If the situation were reversed you would want to let the system run it's course before coming down on your players too. I think what you are advocating for is precisely what is wrong with our justice system in the US. Why have judges if all Class A Misdemeanors are punished the same? Situations are different and require evaluating each one for intent and I do not see malicious intent on the part of the involved parties on this one. I have more of a problem that Jemison wasn't given the same consideration than I do that these players have yet to be punished. If Brandon is found Not-Guilty I believe he should be reinstated.
  7. Great, so when they find out exactly who did what then punishments will be handed out. Why are we so quick to rush to judgement these days? I'll admit I am a little disappointed with the inconsistency in punishments between different situations, but you have to admit the situations are very different and not all crimes are created equally even if they technically carry the same degree of severity in the law's eyes.
  8. So all thirteen people charged had a "high number" of errors? I find that hard to believe. It sounds to me like they don't know exactly who is guilty and who isn't at this point so how can punishments be handed out? At this point I believe that it is in the preliminary stages and Coach Bohl is justified in waiting until a few things play out.
  9. I honestly don't know where to begin with all of the leaps and assumptions you have made in your post. Let's actually look at this from a legal perspective(I am not a lawyer, so if I make assumptions I shouldn't feel free to correct me). From what I have read in the news, the entire "team" of signature collectors is being named in this. It seems as though they do not know exactly who is guilty and who was just on the "team". Let's say for example that it was just 2 of the players who actually committed fraud and the rest of them are being named as a result of being on the "team", does it make sense to suspend all of them? I like the idea of letting this one play out, not because what was done was less of a crime, but because they aren't even sure who did what at this point and it seems as though it might be quite difficult to determine. This situation is so very different than someone showing their genitals, although I would have liked to have seen that play out as well before punishment was given. To say this shows a character flaw and that in some way this reflects leadership is asinine. What this may show is a couple of these guys were feeling lazy one sunny summer day and instead of hitting the streets to get signatures they decided to take the easy way out and sit on their butts. Good lord they are college kids. Have you ever skipped a class and then copied someones notes or had someone take your PRS clicker to a class so you still get participation points for that day? Ever had your wife take your credit card to the grocery store and sign your name? I commit fraud every day when I let my employees take the business credit card to buy office supplies. Turn me in if you want. I am not downplaying this at all, I think it is a big deal and if found guilty the players should be punished accordingly. But don't make this out to be more than it is, a couple of kids who probably felt like taking a nap and still making their $9/hour for that day or couple of days.
  10. I agree, it makes sense that UND would have success against Big Sky teams early on. But, from my understanding, and it appears some disagree with me, it looks like UND is getting away from the power game and I think that could be cause for concern. Like I said, just one man's prediction so even though I would like to think so, it isn't the word of God. As one of my coaches used to say L-J-SHIPO. Let's Just See How It Plays Out.
  11. I am basing this off of what is said on here about focusing on the pass this year and also on the way UND has recruited for the 2012 class and the 2013 class. Lot's of receivers, smaller RB's.
  12. As an outsider, I see the 2012 season for UND as very tough to predict. This winter after last year's season, I would have predicted a very different outcome for UND's season. I originally saw it playing out like this: UND has been a team built in the "Midwestern style" mold for as long as I can remember. They are tough team who knows how to stop the run and has a great offensive line year in and year out. They had the ability to pass, but from my perspective at least had always been a "establish the run to set up the pass" type of team. And UND has been very good at running the ball over the years as a result. Coming into the big sky with the stop the run/establish the run style of play I believe would have been an advantage at first.(See NDSU's success against the big sky style of play) I thought that UND would win a lot of games in the first couple of year because they had a different style. I thought UND would eventually try to match the style of play in the Big Sky and then struggle for a number of years as a result of trying to play someone else's game with what are usually inferior athletes. Let me explain the inferior athletes comment. Compared to teams on the coasts and in the south, I believe that both NDSU and UND are at a disadvantage in terms of raw talent. I have seen superior athletes on most teams that NDSU has played over the years and we beat them with great coaching and assignment sound football. Don't get me wrong both NDSU and UND have great athletes, but as a general rule I believe it to be true, you're welcome to disagree if you like. UND would eventually realize the strength of UND has been stop the run/establish the run and return to that style of play after 4-5 years of struggling. What I see now is actually concerning in terms of how I had predicted UND's entrance into the big sky. Concerning because I believe that in a way UND is already trying to match the big sky style of play by having more of a sling the ball around 4 and 5 receiver sets attack on offense. I see UND struggling more than they would have as a result of "changing" their style of play to match the big sky and doing so with lesser athletes in most cases.(see above explanation). Again this is just my perspective on the events so I may be way off, after all know one knows for sure how events will play out. But, I think UND will struggle in the Big Sky until they return to UND football of old. I am not here to rain on your parade at all. I just see UND trying to fit into the big sky style of play vs. making the big sky adjust to how UND plays.
  13. I would have mentioned Sensor's but it is definitely a wall to wall TV's and a sportsbar atmosphere. Great food, but with kids might not be the right place. Mall of America is also right near there. Plenty of great food options and good fun for kids as well. Avoid going there on a weekend if you can, it is a zoo.
  14. Just off of 494 and France there is a Fuddrucker's, fun place to take the kids depending on how old they are.
  15. I understand. Either way I suppose the outcome is the same for Bradley though, they were bringing in a guy to replace him or beat him out I should say and when that guy signed on the dotted line Bradley probably started looking at other options.
  16. I have taken my information from what the people who seem to be "in the know" have said on this board, so correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that if Hansen hadn't transferred in Bradley was the front runner to be the starting QB. Is that incorrect?
  17. I think the writing for Bradley transferring was on the wall last winter when Hansen made his decision to go to UND. Bradley transferred in likely with the same sales pitch that brought Hansen to UND, we are lacking an outright starter and you will be "the guy". When it turns out that they turned around and told Hansen that the starting spot is for all intents and purposes his to have, it is easy to understand why Bradley would be a little bit peaved. This is not an indictment on the way UND speaks to recruits so please don't take it that way. Every program has a tendency to promise the moon during a recruiting process. It's just a very tough situation to be in no doubt when a player thinks the upcoming season will be his time to shine and the team brings in a transfer with the intention of beating you out for your spot.
  18. I think when people say "run first", most of the time what they are really talking about is the style of play in the conference. When "run first" teams run the ball it is typically more of a power game with less misdirection. I think that is why people think of the MVFC as a "run first" conference. Because when they do run it is typically more of a power style of game. That's my perception of the situation anyway. I think this is the same reason people think the B1G is a run first, slow conference in comparison to the SEC. In reality they probably pass just as much and have just as much speed as any of the other major conferences, but the style of play is typically a little more smashmouth when they do decide to run the ball.
  19. Well, thank you. I'll come back when I have some facts to back up my opinions
  20. Haha, thanks man, but I probably deserve it for jumping into a conversation without all of the facts.
  21. This whole conversation makes a whole lot more sense with the new(to me) information. I have a lot of egg on my face and my apologies for the confusion fellas. As I said, best of luck to the kid.
  22. My apologies, I was unaware that you had reported that, thank you for clearing it up for me.
  23. Yes, I was completely unaware of that. Had I known that it would have changed my thoughts on the situation.
  24. Unless you are looking at different sources than I am, Travis from Wissports hasn't said that.
  25. No did I miss something about him turning it down? As far as the reports show so far he has not finalized his decision.
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