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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. "Lighten up, Francis!!" The shot about playing SUU was a joke. NDSU should and will beat them by 30+. I saw both teams play within a weeks span. Have you seen UND play this year? Has any Bison fan on this board seen UND play this year? How can you have an opinion without seeing both teams play--IN PERSON. That is my point. Both teams have pluses and minuses from what I SAW. But to think that just because NDSU is in a higher division makes them a better team is not the case. I think a game between the 2 would be a good, close game. I don't know who would win on, again, a neutral field. But the arguments from Bison fans are holding little water because all you folks know is what you see and that is only NDSU FB. Let's hear from a Bison fan who has seen both teams play this year and then I'll listen.
  2. Useless?? When you see someone on the street at noon who is 6'8", he looks just as tall as someone who is 6'8" that you see later that day! Same thing goes when you see similar people who are muscularor over-weight. Chappell looked markedly faster than Roehl. Dressler looked faster than any NDSU WR. NDSU's D team speed looked faster than UND's. The QBs appeared to have similar arm strength. By the way, over the past few years UND teams that played the Bison were better!! Just check past history. UND's team from past years is bigger, faster and stronger as is this year's NDSU team. Don't let get to full of yourself as NDSU still has to play SUU!
  3. Live in Fargo, but am a Sioux supporter. Saw the Bison play their opener in the UNDome and the Sioux last weekend. Again, I know it was against different levels of competition, but there is know question that UND has more team speed on the offensive side of the ball and that NDSU looked faster on the D side of the ball. Both team pass the "eye" test as far as similar size of athletes. Played next week on a neutral field, I'd say it's a flip of the coin.
  4. Oxbow6

    UND v SUU

    If my memory serves me right, UND has not lost a night game (12-0?) since 1993. UND 31 SUU 21
  5. Other than the lefty-lefty combination, Chorney paired with Genoway will not be much of a drop off from Lee/Chorney both from an offensive and defensive perspective. Genoway, in my opinion, was one of the top 2 D-man from the WCHA playoffs thur the Frozen Four.
  6. Jealous--no. Married--yes. My 6 y.o. daughter and I sat by her on the flight back from the Denver regional. Very impressive young lady.
  7. But his girlfriend plays for the Sioux women
  8. At the very end, we raced back to Toews' table to get a pic with my daughter. I shook his hand after the pic said he needs to do what is best for him and he replied he appreciate that.
  9. I'll second that. Fabian was great with the kids.
  10. Overall, a very impressive group of young men. Engaging, terrific with the kids, funny, and well-spoken (not that I'm implying anything against Obama). Hak was signing as well and had alittle conversaion with him while we were held up in line. You can tell that he has leadership qualities like few coaches out there by the way he carries himself and they way he speak. Very impressed.
  11. Could be timing. We saw Toews earlier on and Lee later in the evening. Just my perspective above.
  12. how was lee? I believe he was at a table with Foyt. He, again, just didn't seem as interested to be there as others. He wasn't real engaging with my 6 year old where as Radke had her going. Hilarious conversation about if she had a boyfriend...sorry I digress. Kind of like the holiday party we all HAVE to attend. Some are there more so than others... But no, he did say he was gone!
  13. You could tell at tonight's Appreciation Night, some of the guys were enjoying themselves more than others (Oshie>Lee), but Toews was the one guy I sensed was soaking it all in and enjoying the evening. You can spin that whichever way you want, but I was leaning on him leaving and now I'm not so sure...
  14. Funny college kid behind us said Spirko was in a class with him last year and he counted Spirko's attendeance for the semester at 6.
  15. Grapevine speculation said he was having surgury on his nose for whatever that's worth? Another Judy's casuality
  16. Just got back from GF. Lots of people and long lines for autographs, especially the DOT 3. Lots of people in front of us asked Toews if he was coming back and he said "I haven't made a decsion yet." "So you're saying I still have a chance..."
  17. I better pass. I'm already popping Crestor likes it's Pez!!!!
  18. We are not leaving Fargo until 4:30-ish. We might have to budge in front of you or Sioux-cia
  19. How many people can we expect? Do we need to cut short our fine dining experience at The Moon???
  20. Your 2nd post and you want to rain on everyone's parade Next time bring some positivity
  21. Hak couldn't be worse than Clyde Drexler on "Dancing with the Stars".
  22. Taylor would be a good choice, but my money is on Bina especially after all he has gone thru. Addendum: Toews wears the "C" if he returns.
  23. Crazier things have happened, but I agree that Oshie is next to stay and then Toews will have a tough choice...and decides to stay as well!
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