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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Ummmmmmmm.....I'm not a Math Wizard but if only 2 choices out of the 5 make it to round 2 like Kelley original stated by default the winner of the 2 choices left will have a majority of the vote.
  2. "neat"........that's what I'm looking for in logo. Yippee!!!
  3. This will be the cherry on top of this whole cluster ______ lead by Kelley. What a complete disaster!
  4. If Alumni voted because of this logo that will never ever be the FH logo...........then yes.
  5. I voted RR but would seriously consider switching my vote to Nodaks if it meant FH wouldn't win.
  6. This is the point all the "legal experts" here are missing......UND is going to settle on a new nickname WITHOUT that nickname even getting 50% of any vote.
  7. This makes it tainted by almost all now.
  8. To #3 then that changes the rules.........again. Nothing new here......carry on.
  9. He isn't wrong.......we were sold a pile of crap in the Kelley lead Sh*t Show. "We will have a run off of the top two......no wait.....three choices".
  10. Now we know what they do insead of showing up for FB games..........sit around and talk about how awesone FH will be as the new nickname.
  11. I'm glad we will go from the best college nickname to one that 40+ colleges share. Brilliant........
  12. Whatever........I got buddies whose kids go to UND. To a kid they all have very few students they know like FH. Heck my daughter in HS who is considering UND hates FH too
  13. Of course...it is the safest, laziest, PC pick available that requires no thought process whatsoever.... again we are talking about those working in academia pushing for this. 2 of the 3 I could live with.....FH isn't one of them.
  14. Oxbow6

    2015 season

    This coming Saturday IMO will tell us a lot about this program, coaches and players. A Sh* t Show like yesterday was what I had to come to expect by a Muss coached team. If it happens again vs the Cats Saturday then Bubba gonna have some explaining to do.
  15. If Rudolph/Bubba go with Bartels vs Cats can I at least not see this anymore.... #daybyday
  16. Yesterday was a debacle......just hoping I don't witness a replay vs the Cats Saturday. My Griz buddy who was at game said our QB play and secondary was as bad as he has seen in that stadium in years.
  17. Just disappointed Bubba Ball doesn't include a disciplined, tough D.
  18. What sucks worse on this team...the pass defense or offensive play calling? I'll hang up and listen............
  19. Hit the taco truck on the north side of the stadium...........delicious!
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