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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. CDC = Can't Decide Crap What a collect group of dogs chasing their tails.
  2. Ducks/Bison game canceled
  3. So the roughly 47% decrease in deaths from the week ending April 18 (16887) to the week ending May 16 (8901) is inaccurate too? What lag time is going to fit your narrative? May 16 was 7+ weeks ago.
  4. Weekly deaths in the US that were Covid related and presumed Covid related peaked the week ending on April 18 at 16887 deaths. It has declined each and every week thereafter with 230 deaths reported the week ending July 4.
  5. IIRC ND's total positive rate is slightly above 3%.
  6. 2400-ish motor vehicle deaths every year ages 16-19. Thru July 4 CDC reported roughly 250 deaths Covid19 related 24 and younger IIRC. I'll put the odds of watching a FB game and a hockey game at UND this year at 35% and I'll bet the under.
  7. Any programs have an open date UND could pair with to find a series to replace the Cornell weekend?
  8. BLM is......even in full context. They don't claim to hide that fact. .
  9. College athletics is going to get Fauci'd again. The insanity continues.........
  10. "We disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement".
  11. Well this statement is definitely not something that black community has bought into for decades nor is it part of the BLM movement.
  12. Is the suggestion of reopening schools in the fall by the POTUS racist?
  13. Please do........show us. Leo Terrel is waiting for you on line 2....but what does a black civil rights attorney know that you don't?
  14. Ya....you go with that. The concept of right and wrong is one that is just breaking those plates in that small head of yours.
  15. Poverty.......coronavirus......police brutality......racist policies......drugs.....gang activity..... You may not want to hear this but all the respones you and others are giving are not excuses for the vacuum of morality within the inner cities of this nation.....which has been perpetuated and enabled by liberal governing polices for decades. The mayor of Atlanta basically said no one will continue to take this "movement" seriously if "we" as a community keep killing our own. BTW she's black.
  16. Blacks keep killing blacks but nothing to discuss on that front because it's racist to bring that fact up. De Blasio on the rising crime in NYC....."This is directly related to coronavirus" so I guess it has nothing with defunding and vilifying the police.
  17. 6 children killed this weekend by gunfire in NYC and Chicago. All 6 kids were..............black. #BLM #defundthepolice
  18. Cancer is the leading killer in MN. Approximately 10K deaths per year.....but at least Walz is optimistic!
  19. I'm old enough to remember Washington of the NBA changing their nickname due the violent connotation of Bullets. Happy to report that currently has worked out well within the inner cities of this nation.
  20. DC Rioters rolls off the tongue nicely.
  21. #trustthescience (at least for today)
  22. Intentionally? Privilege? OK Mr. Kool-Aid. Those attending should have taken to the streets of Rapid City last night to trash businesses to fit in with their BLM counterparts. A couple already shot dead in Chicago this holiday weekend but you carry on with your privilege BS......from your basement in Thompson ND. What an activist!
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