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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. CDC now shifts its close contact guidelines from "within 6' for 15 consecutive minutes" to "within 6' for a cumulative 15 minutes over 24 hours". F#@#ing lunacy. Even though ND took heat for divetring from the original CDC guidelines and instituting the close contact mask on/case positive mask on non quarantine scenerio they got it right. These new ridiculous CDC guidelines are nothing more than an attempt to close schools and shutter businesses/workplaces.......in every state but ND. This is the same agency that had its director come out and say a mask protects him more than a vaccine will but a couple weeks an agency spokesperson refuted that and said a mask protects others from the wearer.
  2. So if I choose option #1 (which I will) to go along for the ride to see what happens and if any games are played or if I can actually go what is really going to be different from today than in 8, 12 or 16 weeks?
  3. People who have season tickets just want some verification that there will be games, any games, that they can attend to make option #1 a valid option. That isn't in there. Lots of people like Nodak78 are going to take option 5.....saying screw this athletic year.
  4. A list of options were sent via email to UND season ticketholders. Basically kicking the can down the street as nothing seems to be set as far as games or capacity for any sport. So you can continue to hold out hope for watching some UND athletics live and wait and see what happens or you have 5 options of refunds available to you.
  5. Why should parents take a kid in to get tested for every mild symptom? This mentality that "it has to be Covid" until proven otherwise is ridiculous. Maybe parents can teach their own kids to test their own sewage for Covid.....with a mask on of course.
  6. On the mask mandate......UND mandates a mask for anyone inside its Wellness Center starting tomorrow.
  7. ND positives today are half of what yesterday's record number was. Must be due to the mask mandates issued in Fargo and Minot on Monday night?
  8. Yesterday on a day that ND set a record for "positive" cases of over 1000 around 0.5% of those cases were elementary aged children.
  9. Yet the Sheyenne HS FB team quarantined 70+ kids over one positive. Bases on the CDC close contact guidelines that is basically physically impossible especially with the measures that are being taken in practices and games.
  10. ....and to be fair to the quality teachers out there, which are becoming fewer and fewer, lots of parents are a big part of the problem as well.
  11. Mostly because they aren't being dictated by left leaning bedwetters. Plus most private school parents take their child's education seriously and see it as an investment in their kid's future. Public education right now is a joke....and that's being generous.
  12. 0.003% positivity rate of students and staff/employees......64% of ND deaths 80 years of age and older. Makes perfect sense. Visited with a 7th grade teacher in Fargo last night. District told teachers they can't fail any student even if the student does zero school work. Started last spring....now this year as well. Dumb and dumber. Also on LTC/nursing homes.......buddy of mine on national vaccine task force. Vaccine trials have shown marginal efficacy on the elderly. If this holds true guess the only solution is more lockdowns.....right??
  13. Would you consider this a "gallant" effort?
  14. Cause lockdowns work. Just ask all the Americans that visited food pantries over that past few month for the first time.
  15. Initial sales pitch by Fauci and the other "experts" in March/April was on the basis of hospitalizations and deaths. Pretty easy to quantify then because one either died or was hospitalized "due to" Covid. When those numbers early on didn't fit the fear porn narrative then two other buckets were added..."presumed" and "with". Still with three buckets in play the numbers still didn't sell the fear narrative so "cases" were added to the mix for fear mongering purposes. Again......in ND when 5% of the cases account for 65% of the deaths pretty easy to see what's going on. MN isn't much different.
  16. Why am I not shocked by these answers from these two? Go figure.
  17. Covid hospitalizations and deaths in ND are going up which isn't the direction we want to see but without question it has more to do with who gets infected vs how many people get infected.
  18. Your first statement is true. Been around 7% for the past couple weeks. Some days a little higher or lower.
  19. Yet thousands of women marched yesterday in NYC, LA and DC yesterday to protest DT and ACB. Orthodox Jews aren't permitted in synagogues in NYC due to mass gathering bans. In the LA area many beaches are still closed due to mass gathering and social distancing policies. In DC the March was allowed up to have 10000 protesters because Harris is in quarantine and Joey B is back in his basement exhausted from his recent townhall meeting.
  20. From the NDHD.....80 and older make up 5% of total cases but 64% of deaths in ND to date. 20-29 age bracket.....24.5% of cases and 0.3% deaths.
  21. So KFYR is fake news? The data charts/tables they provided in the news article on their website are fake too? LOL BTW.......who does the mask you wear protect? You? Or others? Asking for the "experts" at the CDC? ROTFLMAO Also does your lack of intelligence and/or any original thought keep you from addressing any question someone ask you? LMAO
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