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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. I, too think that Hellsten should be our netminder going forward. At least until he proves otherwise.
  2. What happened to our passing? That seemed to be clicking before the break, and now it has vanished. Initially I thought it could be covid ravaging the team, but they should be over that by now. Without our passing prowess, we degenerate to dump and chase hockey. And even worse, no-look passes that go to the opponent. Too much of that. Coupled with stupid O-zone stick penalties and sketchy defense and you have a recipe for failure.
  3. We really need a reset. A good solid recruitment year and a class of solid recruits that can grow together and develop the chemistry that makes UND hockey. The Swede will be just fine moving forward. We just need a solid team to be recruited and developed. The transfer portal is just a stopgap measure and should not be relied on to build a team.
  4. Being such a fan, watching defeats stack up like this is a bitter pill to swallow.
  5. On to the Packers. I am a Vikings fan, but the wife and kids are all Packer Backers.
  6. Jeeze, we can't score. We can't pass anymore (what's with that anyway??). We play dump in chase everywhere. We take dumb penalties. WTF happened to this team? Granted WMU is a great team.
  7. Win one for pride? Hell, win one for whatever, but WIN one!
  8. Good night, good folks. I have some good spirits to consume before I can sleep well.
  9. "Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off." Bubble on, bubble off.
  10. Well, certainly no after game ANYTHING on the WMU feed. Hah! Game over, lights out. Chairs on the tables.
  11. What we really need is just hard workers who give it their all for 60 minutes, and don't have mental lapses and take crappy, stupid, meaningless penalties. A few decent scorers and a decent D-corp and I would be happy. We don't have that at present.
  12. I was hoping that our Cornell showing was just rotten because of covid. Now I wonder if it is just a sign of things to come.
  13. WMU has played really well, as they have coming into this series. We have had some spells (like the middle of the 2nd period) where we have played really well. It is just the fact that we have some "mental lapses" that are instrumental in our losing these games.
  14. OK, Berry. WMU has had THREE PP goals. What does that tell you? Stay the hell out of the box!
  15. These early games are hell. I didn't have time to down a few before the game started.
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