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Everything posted by FSSD

  1. CORRECTION, it is called the Tombstone WCHZ Final Five Tournament - since I had the poster HANDED to me will a smile and a laugh... I have never called it by the old name. The Xcel and WCHA knew when they handed the posters out - what was on them!! - A unprofessional acts by the athletic conference and hosting venue. How they still get to host this evemt is beyond me - well, I know why $$$$$$$...
  2. I am going with Bina
  3. Get over yourself and SDSU - they won the first conference championship in years!! You still have not won any type of football playoff game. In fact, the only playoff game in the history of the school you had a grand total of minus yardage. As for SDSU academics, they are fine.. but nothing over the top. I looked at both SDSU and SDSM&T engineering programs. I went west to SDSM&T because they had more of a focus on undergraduate programs. Again, I believe most residents are very proud of SDSU, but not drinking all of your Kool Aid. Best of luck trying to win your first playoff game!!!
  4. I have to go with VV today.
  5. Thanks for the information, plan on supporting the program by getting season tickets this year. I know that the first year is a little rough and I understand why the conference cancelled the Poly and forced our return to Vermillion this year. Yote53 and gang you had better be rolling out the red carpet. Western Washington Wisconsin La Crosse - D3 (Good Program) Southern Utah Texas AM Kingsville St Cloud Walrus, it seem like you are a bit of a insider. Any tips on the season ticket process? Plus, do know if they are looking at setting up Hockey, Football Hockey weekends with some non conference foes like Maine, NH or other hockey FCS, or FBS programs?
  6. FYI, I do believe that the last two Bison playoff games had around 5,000 to 6,000 fans according to a previous thread. It appears that both programs and fans are ready for new competition. If NDSU makes the playoffs, I am sure that they will have a full house. When UND makes playoffs , I am sure that they will have a full house. So, I am not sure what point you are trying to make by bringing up old information about playoff games.. in the case of UND.. I believe it was the third time in two years that the teams had played and none of them close (49-2, 42-0, 44-2). I believe that it was the primary reason for lagging attendance. - Have a good day.
  7. I guess my only take on Puffy is that he is good for college hockey overall because he helps to give the sport more visibility. Up until recently, I have been a fan of Puffy and I have been able to laugh at his stick because he represents the rube in all of us. He just happens to be a Gophers fan. But I think this year he has lost me a bit on his over the top take on the Zajak cross check. He made some very misleading statements to distort reality like: it was a premeditated hit and that the hit happened after the buzzer which are simply not true and very unprofessional on his part... I am waiting for him to reclaim some of his credibility by mentioning Peltiers hit on Saturday a cross check after the buzzer - but nothing yet.. if he doesn't it all kind of blows up in his face and he nothing more than a simple rube who can not see the truth. KFAN and FSN might as well hire some of the guys off of GPL - no degree or credibility required. I never thought that I would say this but I like the Wooger more and more!! He actually called Peltier out on the broadcast nobody else at FSN had the guts. In case you are wondering why I pay attention to FSN/KFAN, I am the only Sioux fan at work and everyone else is a bunch of FSN/KFAN minions. So, I try to stay ahead of them by paying attention to FSN/KFAN.
  8. I should let this go, but it is classic FSN and Puffy looking through those rose colored glasses, did anyone else notice the cross check at the shoulders of a Badger player on the ice after the buzzer sounded ending play for the second period. Not a word was said, no replays .. nothing!!!! after Puffy blew his horn for two weeks about the Sioux you thought that he might mention it to give himself a little credibility. But, no nothing as expected!!! - Good Grief!!!
  9. I would not say it is forced, but I do believe that it will take some time to grow. If you look at the SUs rivalry it took off because SDSU and NDSU played in some meaningful games. Plus, both sides won. It was not one sided. I do believe that the same thing will happen for USx at the next level. It is going to take time. I was at the USD/UND game this year in Vermillion and it looked like a large UND group travelled down, plus it looked like one of larger crowds in Vermillion this year. So, I do not think that large crowds will be a problem.
  10. I have to go with Oshie
  11. I am going with Watkins!!!
  12. I listen to Puffy at times, most of the time he is fair. But he HATES UND!!! and the only thing he hates more is all things Wisconsin. I think they pod cast the program so if you wanted to listen to the program again. Just click the link - http://www.kfan.com/cc-common/podcast/sing...nd_The_Pond.xml
  13. It was my first time visiting MSU for a Sioux game. My family and the group that I was with had a great time. Everyone was very nice and we did not have any problems. If you have not been to MSU for a Sioux game you are missing a good time. In fact, everyone talked about making this an annual trip. Easy drive from the Twin Cities and the setup is great - Arena, Hotel, Bars are in one area.... Ole Ole!!!!!!!
  14. Great idea - I have to go with CVV
  15. Hey thanks for the updates. I can not get to http://www.fightingsioux.com/ is the site down. Trying to watch the football game.
  16. THe CSTV has a nice video feed.. better than the Sioux service. I actually get to watch the game live.. vs. reply. The yotes are getting pounded!!
  17. FSSD

    Streaming Video

    I have not gotten the video feed to work at all..... little frustrating... I feel like I am wasting my money.. funny it worked great last winter for hockey when it was free.. now I pay for it and get nothing!!! Love it!!
  18. I am interested in buying tickets, PM me with what you have available. Plus, I just purchased my season pass to webcasts. It is not bad.... plus Denver, AA, SCSU and Mankato have webcasts. So, you can see about 60% to 70% of the games.
  19. I am looking for tickets to SCSU game. Let, me know if anyone has anything avialable for either night.
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