Seems to me that we have a lot of injuries in SiouxLand - football and hockey.
Or am I just not very well informed on how often college athletes get injured.
Before you answer that - remember that I have feelings too!
We have a chance to win a couple, lose a couple, split a couple or tie a couple.
Of course the lowest chance is we sweep
having a chance and not knowing which version of our team will show up makes it interesting to me.
Can you give a letter grade to this class?
I say an “A” with a quality quarterback and a “B+++” without one
I understand you really don't know until things play out over the years
Good point Homer
it would be huge to get the cb and end
we shouldn’t settle on a qb just to fill the spot. Might not work out this year. We will adjust go forward
I had fun going to men’s basketball games when I went to UND in late 70’s early 80’s. We were successful so that helped. Only went to a few women’s games. I don’t remember why no women’s but they weren’t very successful at the time.
I don’t enjoy watching us play the last few years. The men are out of control and just aren’t very good compared to the teams we are playing. We also tend to choke and don’t play very smart.
the women’s team just totally has sucked . Not enough talent with little hope of watching a well played game.
in short, I don’t blame the students because of the product we are putting out. It just isn’t fun to watch.