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Everything posted by SiouxFan100

  1. Predictions are a dime a dozen. We can do something about it by just winning.
  2. Pretty frustrated with all of maags injuries. Must be really frustrating for him
  3. Twins had a chance to gain a game but looks like they won’t
  4. Steve Marik @Steve_Marik · Follow Bryan Applewhite calls North Dakota a "dangerous FCS team." ND bases out of an odd front. 3 down linemen, 4 'backers. Lot of twists, blitzes. Packages where the DEs stand up. "They're going to do a lot of things to create some kind of chaos for your offensive linemen up front." 7:55 PM · Aug 31, 2022
  5. Work is done time to play nebraska volleyball tomorrow night und get together Friday night Football Saturday will post pics
  6. I will be the old fat guy with my lovely wife of over thirty years both wearing Kelly green looking lost
  7. Kelly green all three days I am there.
  8. Sam McKewon · 1h @swmckewonOWH · Follow Hearing rumblings of quite a few North Dakota fans making the trip down to Memorial Stadium Saturday. They know how to travel - 15,000 (!) went to last November's hockey game vs. Penn State in Nashville. UND Hockey ain't UND football, but still...there's gonna be some green.
  9. Good point i stand corrected
  10. That might be a little intimidating
  11. Our logo is unique Fighting hawks not so much
  12. As I said before - I have grown to accept and like our logo
  13. Looks like Nebraska’s defense tackles are about the size of offense linemen
  14. Concerning the midco sports app my understanding is you can get the app for six bucks a month without having midco cable but - it doesn’t necessarily match up with the live tv programming. The streaming may or may not be live does this make sense and what is your understanding thanks
  15. I have tickets to the Nebraska volleyball game Thursday in Lincoln should be a fun experience
  16. Nebraska depth chart if I did it right https://twitter.com/itmeolliev/status/1564666053514465287/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1564666053514465287%7Ctwgr%5Ebdb8a83e4e25f2ac66d5d3210d49bab9750950b1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-2229261086705891125.ampproject.net%2F2208121708000%2Fframe.html
  17. https://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/forum/1-husker-football/ Interesting: the North Dakota week presser thread
  18. Very little - almost no talk about us over at the Nebraska fan site. Like we don’t exist.
  19. Fun week looked forward for UND football especially at Nebraska leaving Thursday
  20. https://sportschatplace.com/cfb-picks/2022/08/29/nebraska-vs-north-dakota-9-3-22-college-football-picks-predictions-odds/
  21. Roster is posted beal is listed
  22. Interesting - nice to know
  23. Lincoln weather highs of 90 and lows mid 60s Thursday Friday and Saturday 5% chance of rain and winds 5-10 mph on Saturday I am sure it will be humid
  24. A fcs team playing a fbs team rarely is expected to win no knock on the fcs team
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