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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. 50 minutes ago, CMSioux said:

    Sorry - I thought the Sacramento info was out there - what I meant was it's easy to understand his move. 

    No problem.  The herald article just said they’d posted the job so he must be leaving.  I looked quickly on line and couldn’t find anything else. 

  2. 2 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    Grand Forks vs Sacramento, if you do not have ND ties it is easy to understand.

    I do have ND ties and understand a lot of stuff but I don't know anything other than he is leaving.

    Is he going to Sacramento?

  3. 34 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

    Tom Miller is reporting a few more signees today and a couple of international signees.  So I assume a Dutch and a Canadian.

    Surprised no real time signing updates today 

  4. 9 minutes ago, 06 Sioux said:

    Has there been any chatter on chartered flights out of msp?

    I checked with creative charters a month ago.  They weren’t real motivated cuz it’s so far away but told me to check back. They do a lot of UM fb and basketball trips.  Also did Montana state FB playoff games this fall. 

    i traveled with them to UND fb NC game and they did a great job. 

  5. 4 hours ago, surewhynot said:

    And you didn't pay a dime for college. So....think you made out ok

    And you know this how?  I did make out OK because of my degree - not because of a fb scholarship.

    I was a walk on who got a partial my last 2 years. 

    I was a local kid and in school to get my degree.  The coaches knew I wasn't going anywhere so they gave the $$ to the guys competing with my at my position.   I'm not sure how many scholarships were available back then - it didn't really apply to me.

    • Upvote 3
  6. On 1/22/2020 at 4:09 PM, bison73 said:

    You mean like when people who travel on business?  

    But I never said or inferred that we should have been paid for those hours.  It was just a part of a laundry list showing where ones time is spent as an athlete.

    I'm with you.  I don't think we should have been paid for the hours while traveling.  It is fair to point out that it did make it more difficult to study for the higher level physics, math and engineering classes I was taking.

  7. 10 hours ago, Ozzie82 said:

    It’s gonna be Schuster. He’s got “it.”  

    I agree that Schuster did a good job when he came in against SHSU and was very poised for a true freshman. 

    I realize it is a very small sample size but his game stats don't stand out when compared to our other QBs last year.   Both Ket and Zim had higher QB ratings and completion %.

    In my mind he has an advantage based on his time in the program and the word is he was great in practice but I don't think he is a lock based on last year.



  8. I was an athlete at UND back in the DII days and there wasn't as much oversight or control from the NCAA.

    I figured back then that I put in 40 hours/week during the season and 25-30 hours/week average during the rest of the school year.

    I included all of these things for calculation during the season:

    • practice
    • weight training
    • film study as a team 2 evenings per week
    • Sunday film review of Saturday game plus some light running and stretching
    • 2 lunch meetings/week to review game plan for next game
    • game day - breakfast meeting, pregame and the game itself
    • Travel time when we played an away game
  9. 1 hour ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Do you have comparative assistant salary pool numbers for SDSU, USD, and UNI?

    Don't know but I believe we hired our WR coach for $40k if that is any indicator. 

    Unless we pay more than them it is hard to see anybody making a lateral move to come to GF without some personal tie to the area or the staff.

  10. 21 hours ago, FlinFlan80 said:

    Part of this is to keep our expectations on here in check. I haven't the slightest idea who I would hire, however, I won't be surprised if it is an internal promotion with a hire of a new defensive assistant. As far as outside hires, I wouldn't be surprised by Dosch or someone else with familiarity to the staff. It is hard to hire someone to be a coordinator that doesn't have a relationship with the current staff. That being said, don't expect a splashy hire.

    Our low coaching salary pool certainly plays a factor in why the above is true.  Nobody is leaving a comparable job to come to UND unless they have a relationship with the current staff. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 2 hours ago, ND-fan said:

    Brewster is back this year since the 2014  when he made the dance. I think he kind of woke up last year that he needed to work at recruiting and if he wanted his contract renewed he had to step up. I think Brewster has the abilities to be very good coach but I also think his ego gets in his way from reaching the next level. I think he thought should have been ready to move to next level but didn't get opportunity which frustrated him and it showed on his coaching and whole program. I also believe he's in that tough stage of life with kids and family so he is torn in different directions. I have been very critical of him in past because I thought he should have been doing better than he was. Also I wonder if last years team of seniors never meshed as team and had been going on for number of years. This was on him because he was one that chose this group and only one he lost was Frieje and nothing improved after that so it had to be in group remaining. This group looks like it could become very good team but South Dakota is monster this year so it will probably playing for one of the other tournaments at year end.

    I haven't followed the program religiously recently but didn't he have a pretty high number of of players transfer out the last few years?

    I heard from a mother of a player on another Big Sky team that the players she knew said he was pretty negative and hard to be around recently.   If that's true I hope he's turned it around.


  12. 8 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:
    -"We were sitting with him and asked, 'What specifically do you want us to pray about on your behalf?' He said, 'I want you to pray for the person who collided with me. I don't want him to feel guilty,'" Katie Pinke said. "And then he said, 'I hope I can meet him someday.”

    Can’t say enough about the character of this young man. It’s obvious why he is one of the vocal leaders on this team.  Not sure what the future holds for Hunter. But one thing I am certain is that through all of this, he is going to be an inspiration and a witness to many. He already is.  

    Praying for Hunter and his family.  He truly is an inspiration.  I hope to meet him someday 

  13. 22 hours ago, sioux24/7 said:

    Has UND ever done helmet stickers like Ohio State or Clemson? Would be kind of cool I think. 

    We had these in the early 80's.   They were given out for offense, defense and special teams players of the game.  I don't know if we were allowed to put them on our helmets or not which kind of defeats the purpose of helmet stickers.



  14. 42 minutes ago, Erik Hegerle said:

    I assume you are referring to their multi-use setter/hitter, Kalli Hegerle. 
    She has decided to leave the program and pursue a lower level program to “have some balance” in her life/career. She leaves on good terms, and 3.9 overall gpa, so no issues, just “lost the passion” and is moving on. Good luck to her!

    best of luck to her.

  15. 3 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    I stated a fact. Of course you didn't like it and added stupidity.  

    To add to that, how would Muss know exactly what kind of offense UND would have. He could guess based on history of Rudy but wouldn't know everything entailed.  He was just bitter and selling out the program for firing him due to his own ineptness.  

    I think Kenny left before Bubba was hired so Rudy wouldn't have even been in play.

  16. Just now, UNDBIZ said:

    Would he have developed though? 

    he is a special talent that was easy to spot - even in the spring game after his freshman year.  

    I still think he would have been OK.


  17. 33 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Marv Helling, Jerry Olson, Gene Murphy, Pat Behrns, Roger Thomas, Dale Lennon, Chris Mussman, Bubba Schweigert. 

    Every head coach had been a UND assistant at one time. It has actually been over 50 years. Only Pat Berhns failed to win at least a conference championship. Olson, Murphy, Thomas and Bubba turned program around when struggling. To be fair to Mussman he was the sacrificial lamb during transition with little direction or help from administration.  The Berhns years were the most disappointing in the 50 yrs. He was a good recruiter but many of his assistants came from lower level programs. We often were successful recruiting the players we went after but too often recruited players who were not able to excel at this level. On the other hand they also recruited some of our best ever. (Tracy Martin, Willis Jacox, Norm Magee, etc). It took Roger a number of years to rebuild the program which was in great shape when Dale took over.  The jury is still out on Bubba with a Big Sky Championship and 2 playoff appearances but, overall the “family” approach has worked. It shouldn’t be the deciding factor by any means but has worked for the most part. 

    Berhns had lower level assistants because nobody could stand working for him. I was there 4 years during his time.  He was the only one left from time I started to when I was done.  All assistants, trainers, etc were gone.  Some turned over twice. 

  18. 28 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    ?? The practice bubble vs. HPC?

    HPC Phase I is certainly a plus.

    If you look at locker rooms, coaches offices, player lounges, weight rooms, strength and conditioning areas.............we really fall short.

    a quick google search will tell you all you need to know about their facilities


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