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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. Just now, UND1983 said:

    Minnesota has 73,966 deaths to go to reach the fear-based prediction that their super-smart Governor laid out for everyone.  

    he was relying on the data available per the science and that number was based on if we did nothing to mitigate the spread.   I know that doesn't fit your narrative but at least be fair and acknowledge that.

    It is really just a math thing.  R0 has been estimated at 2 to 2.5 if no mitigation.  Really trying to lower that number and we have in MN.  It has drastically been reduced.  It also isn't over yet.

  2. 7 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Back to the corny...going to be a long April.    The thing with the markets, money is like a drunk teenage sailor on shore leave- it’s looking for any action it can find, and it will find it.  Once business starts opening up again, the markets will have a huge rally as that money sitting on the sidelines will be looking for action.  If businesses can survive the next 2-3 months...just survive...things will turn.  Positive thoughts for the day!

    I sure hope it plays out this way.  Positive thoughts

  3. 11 hours ago, Cratter said:

    It has already been discussed here when it first came out.

    He conservatively estimates 480,000 USA deaths in the next three to seven months.

    I haven't heard every interview he has done but the ones I have heard have been pretty consistent.  I posted this earlier also.

    I hear Osterholm often on the radio and probably depend on his info too much. I just heard an interview from yesterday and he said the statistics say 160-214 million in US infected over the next 6-8 months. Also at very best 200k will die and up to 1.7M.

  4. 4 hours ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    Great land by Sather.  Averaged 14.3 ppg and 5.4 rebounds for School of Mines last year.  UND get another person to play at the 4 spot in the lineup.  Less pressure on Bergan now to come in and be a major impact right away and could realistically redshirt Bergan if Sather wanted to.

    Was going to put G in the starting lineup, with this news I am not so sure now. 

    UND now has some solid depth in the 4 and the 5 spots in the lineup.  G, Rebraca and now Sueker, with Sims playing a little 4 when needed and Bergan playing the role as well. 

    Similar game to Walter, but I think he can be better once he adjusts to D1 play. 

    He's eligible right away?

  5. 1 hour ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    MN will stay at home for two weeks from Friday March 27th to April 10.

    Then three more weeks of social distancing

    Then physical distancing for the vulnerable. 

    Schools closed until May 4th (distance learning)

    Bars and Restaurants closed until May 1st.



    Was this detail in his address?  I haven't seen this communicated anywhere.

  6. 44 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    I think the MN gov't is using a model that was developed by the U to help make the decisions.

    Basically they are buying time to build up the resources.  

    I'd rather have him over Dayton, easy.  

    Walz is getting praise for consulting with all of the previous MN governors who are still living as this goes along.  One could question the value of getting Jesse's opinion (and maybe Dayton's) but that's another story. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, tnt said:

    So he says 40-80 percent are going to get this regardless, and it might be for a couple months rather than a few weeks, and it still appears he is going to do this anyway?   First of all, how do you throw out completely random numbers like that, and if you actually believe them, why would you make this move --  for the remaining 20 percent?

    These aren't random numbers.  He is relying on Michael Osterholm and his infectious disease group at the UM. 

    These are the exact numbers that Osterholm has been stating since this thing broke.  

  8. 36 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Good info- so case growth is similar, but death rate is very different.  Coronavirus deaths tracking same slope as infections where H1N1 was a very different slope on death.  This chart would indicate a lethality far greater than the overall % being described broadly.

    I hear Osterholm often on the radio and probably depend on his info too much.   I just heard an interview from yesterday and he said the statistics say 160-214 million in US infected over the next 6-8 months.   Also at very best 200k will die and up to 1.7M.

  9. 4 hours ago, yzerman19 said:

    I’m still at a loss trying to understand why this is so different than H1N1 flu.  I understand trying to mitigate an explosion, but you can avoid dying in a car crash or a plane crash by never leaving home.

    Here's an example of how they are different. 

    It compares the number of cases of each virus in days after the 60th case - they are similar.  It also shows the number of deaths on the same timeline.  it might be one reason why Osterholm and other epidemiologists are so alarmed that it could explode.  Source is WHO data, Worldometer.


    • Upvote 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Ranger said:

    Maybe...this closure adds 3 additional days to the Minneapolis school district, due to spring break. I suspect it will extend into April.  Situation dependent as always.  Get them off the TikToc!  

    My 3 kids are teachers in 2 different MN suburban schools.  Their schools aren't waiting for Wednesday and both are shutting down starting tomorrow.  It will add at least 2 weeks to our spring breaks as their spring breaks start March 30th.

  11. 1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:

    For you social distancing police a buddy texted me he's at the Home Show in Civic Center in Bismarck......packed.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    It's ok to think it is a good idea and not be trying to police it.  

    Guidelines have been drawn up at the assisted living center where my MIL lives, at my place of business and my church.  I intend to follow them as they meet the spirit of the direction from the CDC and I figure they know about it than I do.  I can't control what others do and am not trying to.

    • Upvote 3
  12. 57 minutes ago, keikla said:

    To be clear, this is 100% where I'm coming from.  People are going to get sick.  There is no way to completely prevent that.  I just want them to get sick at a slow enough rate that the healthcare system doesn't collapse under the weight of it.

    This is exactly the goal of the groups that are canceling events with large gatherings. It is not because large numbers have died in a particular area.  This tactic fits the direction from the CDC but gets roundly criticized here. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, bincitysioux said:

    I don't follow womens basketball outside of UND, but one would think any successful NSIC head coach would looked at pretty hard.

    Tom Miller was interviewed on Dom Izzos radio show this morning, and he mentioned Rico Burkett and Thomas Dryburgh as potential candidates based on ties to UND.  Rico is an assistant at Colorado St right now, and Dryburgh is head coach at Wahpeton.  

    Dryburgh has an outstanding HC record, bit I would think that would be a big jump from JuCo to DI.

    Burkett is an interesting name.  Pretty solid coaching background.

  14. 1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Had to find some way to pay for the awesome new scoreboard at the Ralph and bigger trophy case to house the Penrose Cup. :wink:

    I thought the cup looked good at Joe Blacks getting filled from the tap.  No need for it to leave there.


  15. 2 hours ago, Irish said:

    Interesting if a bit misleading.  I see no cause-effect or correlation since there are vast differences in how each college athletic programs evolved.  I just don't buy the theory that Hockey somehow robs Football of resources.  What's more true is that successful programs of any sport generate resources.  What I do think happens is that with a Hockey program that is regularly in the hunt for a National Championship there is much less demand and pressure for Football to be highly successful.   We are much more content to be slightly above average when we are winning elsewhere.  I don't see the slow development of Phase II as a failure of fan support as much as a failure of UND administrators who have alienated many deep pocket doners.  I think if we didn't have idiots in the President's office and ineffective AD's (not necessary the current one) we would see Phase II as complete or near complete.    Bubba's record would not be tolerated at most top programs but he gets a lot of love here.  That's the difference.

    The REA literally gets 52% of football ticket revenue (resources) in addition to getting paid to administer the ticket sales.

    • Upvote 2
  16. 9 minutes ago, SiouxAlum09 said:

    From what I've heard, Memorial is coming down and a new mixed use building is going up.  As part of the bid to get the land that Memorial is on, the company building the mixed use building will be contributing money towards Phase 2.  I don't know much more than that, other than the coaches/team tentatively plans on being housed out of Starcher Hall and Hyslop for a couple years until Phase 2 is complete.  Also as part of of the overall complex, the on campus football stadium is not in the current plans, but the plan is to make the current field at Memorial the home field for Women's Soccer.  Main reason for football to stay at the Alerus is $$$ to build and to run an on campus stadium as opposed to just renting for a short period of time during the football season.  Overall big things are happening and it's exciting to see!!!

    That is exciting.  I assume we would need to keep the current field for practice also.

    I heard the contract has already been signed for tearing Memorial down.

  17. 1 minute ago, AJS said:

    This isn't getting nearly enough traction. Did this just happen recently?

    I haven’t heard the P2 story - just an announcement soon. 

    I did hear that Memorial is coming down after spring ball.

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