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Posts posted by Siouxperman8

  1. 17 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    It's just such a shame that you're forced to be here.

    didn't say that but it is getting old.  Everyone knows where everybody else stands by now

    It doesn't take much searching to find the guidelines for the site.   If we're not going to hold to them lets get rid of 'em 


    • No personal attacks, defamation, or libel
    • No profanity or obscenity
    • No racial, ethnic, or sexual slurs
    • No threats or harassment
    • No illegal activities
    • No politics or religion

    1 minute ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    U of M to recommend to go back in-person for Fall and to adjust their calendar to finish by Thanksgiving. 

    Would assume the rest of the system and MNSCU will follow. 

      Heard they were looking at block scheduling so can wrap up entire courses in a shorter time in case they need to shut down again.   Limit the number of courses that would be impacted rather than all of them. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Vegas_Sioux said:

    You know man can’t live on 283000, that would be this year’s player minimum. 

    30 minutes ago, Siouxphan27 said:

    Latrell Sprewell couldn’t feed his family on 3 years 21 million.  I don’t know how the baseball players could survive on 283k minimums. 

    That’s gfhockey money 

  4. 54 minutes ago, keikla said:

    If you feel comfortable sharing the info, what are your 'not standard' symptoms? Or if you feel comfortable sharing but not for the entire thread, please send me a private message.

    Interestingly, everyone talks about fever, but we only saw fever in 60% of our covid patients.  Yet the recommendations are still to do temp checks at the door for anyone coming into institutions, and that certainly isn't limited to just my facility.

    I send you a private message.  Thanks again to you and all the medical teams out there in the thick of it.

  5. 5 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    That’s great- I had TV on and didn’t hear anything about it.  Glad it’s being reported.

    i also didn’t use liberal or conservative in my post.  

    I tend to dislike those terms, because many people who consider themselves one or the other are actually neither in their thinking!  At least not in the classical definition.  Totalitarian belief in liberal embraced ideology is the antithesis of liberal thought.

    I didn't intend to accuse you of using those terms.

    Where I first saw it was in looking at stock markets.   many articles lead with the Moderna news as a driving force today

  6. 38 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Moderno RNA vaccine showing promise.

    so we’ve got a potential antibody treatment and a RNA vaccine both in the pipeline.  Why are no major media screaming this from the mountaintops?

    Not sure what media are you looking for to report this.

    a few of the liberal publications cited here have this on the top of their web pages.

    Washington Post -  Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine shows encouraging early results in human safety trial   https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/05/18/coronavirus-vaccine-first-results/

    New York Times -  Coronavirus Live Updates: Promising Results From Early Vaccine Tests, Drug Maker Says, Rallying Wall Street   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/18/us/coronavirus-updates.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage

    USA Today - Top Headlines - Stocks rebound as positive Moderna vaccine trial boosts optimism for economic recovery    https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/05/18/dow-stocks-rebound-moderna-vaccine-boosts-optimism-recovery/5211680002/

    CNN   Early results from Moderna coronavirus vaccine trial show participants developed antibodies against the virus https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/18/health/coronavirus-vaccine-moderna-early-results/index.html

    • Upvote 2
  7. 3 hours ago, RobThomas said:

    I found out he had a opportunity to leave immediately but he said he loves being a student at UND and he wants to Graduate and wants to pay his own way. I heard his commitment to his next situation will be as a Graduate Transfer. I respect that.. Facts so it's not about football it's about the kid wanting to see what he started through WOW. Way to go young man.

    I hope it works out well for him.  I don't know how the transfer portal works but my assumption was that you wouldn't enter the transfer portal if you were thinking of leaving a year from now.  

    Sounds like he is interested in another year at UND.  Hopefully that includes football also if that's what he wants to do.

  8. 2 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    That’s what every dad wants for their kid. There’s only one ball and under 100 plays. The Randy Ratio didn’t exactly work and that was with the greatest football player of all time.

    His dad told me he had called Bubba directly offering that input.  I know he called Shannon Schweigert also asking him to get the same message to Bubba.  Didn't seem too grounded in reality.   I agree that he would have had difficulty physically with the pounding he would have taken.


  9. 36 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Head scratcher for sure but he can do what he feels is best.  Only has two years remaining and has already redshirted.

    Randomly ran into his dad at Northern Arizona two seasons ago.  Based on his dad's unhappiness with how he was being used I was anxious that he might leave before last season.  His dad thought he should be getting the ball 25-30 times a game.

  10. 22 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    No doubt he’s a goofball, but I read it was the WHO and he kicked them out of Tanzania.  Is that fake news?

    I checked a few articles that all said it was his own health dept that did the testing and used Africa CDC test kits.  None of them mentioned WHO but who knows what is true anymore. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    How about the Tanzanian President sending The WHO samples from a goat, a pheasant and a papaya and them coming back positive for covid...

    The Tanzanian president said he sent the samples to Tanzania's own state run health agency - not The WHO, and claims they came back positive.  This has not been verified. 

    He then suspended the head of the lab.  He is in a fight with opposition parties regarding the number of COVID cases in the country which they say he is under-counting. 

    He is also is touting a herbal tonic from Madagascar that is medically unproven as a treatment for COVID19.  Previously his plan to was to pray the virus away.


  12. 1 hour ago, Gma loves hockey said:

    Simple philosophy about whether to wear a mask:

    If you don't give a damn about anyone else, don't wear one.

    If you care about other people, wear one.

    Was in GF for a few days and went to EGF Hugo's last evening.  Was interesting to see 90%+ of people in there wearing masks.  It really didn't feel awkward or out of place to wear one since it was the norm in there.

    It was mentioned on here that they required or requested that people wear masks into the store.  I haven't seen that anywhere else but am wondering if anyone knows if that is true.


  13. 12 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I lost my mother to Alzheimer’s during this pandemic. I had a hospice exception to be with  her in her care facility until she died. (And I believe those exceptions went away shortly after.)

    We lose 120,000 Americans annually to Alzheimer’s.

    And we know less about cause, prevention, and cure. 

    You might catch this virus. It might kill you.

    If you have Alzheimer’s, it will kill you. 

    My sympathies to all of you.  I lost my mother to Alzheimer's a few years ago.  It is a horrible disease.

  14. 1 minute ago, Cratter said:

    Luckily they are starting to relax the stay at home orders and opened up some beaches so those common folks who dont have yards (or private skateparks) and live in apartments can now enjoy a piece of green space without pretending to "exercise."

    Maybe theyll even allow vehicle access to state parks in CA soon too.

    Serious question - does CA have different orders and enforcement from MN?

    We are under stay at home order in MN but I've never seen so many people out walking on our neighborhood streets and on our trails.  This has specifically been identified as being acceptable  Mostly keeping distance from each other but 5-10% or so not honoring the 6 ft advisory.   

  15. 11 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    The Governor says quite trying to boost your immune system outside where the virus dies very quickly and get back inside where the virus spreads easier!


    I can help you here - the idea is to avoid crowded areas.  You can be outside in the sun and not be at a crowded beach.  Stay at home doesn't mean stay inside your home.   

  16. 25 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    You don’t move the dial without throwing out ideas.  He wasn’t suggesting you literally inject disinfectant.  It’s an analog.  Do anti-clotting meds work kind of like liquid plumber...well yes...that doesn’t mean inject your aorta with liquid plumber.

    The masses have clearly never tried to advance the ball in opacity.  It’s not easy, and is iterative....

    I can just imagine the first time someone suggested using radiation to treat cancer...this idiot wants to use the same stuff that comes from an atomic bomb on people???!  Well, kinda, yeah, gotta Titrate  itvand tweak it...

    Based on watching him at the podium it was clear to me that he was being literal.  If you watch BIrx when he was talking you can see that she was mortified and thought so too. 

    I don't believe he thinks through a lot of what he says but he starts riffing and can't stop himself from going off on wild tangents.  

    Last night the WH claimed that he didn't say it.  Today it is that he was being sarcastic. You are saying that he wasn't literal. 

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