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Everything posted by AussieSiouxFan

  1. So i am guessing nobody knows if there is going to be a game worn jersey aution this year. If anybody knows when an auction may or may not take place please let us know. thanks.
  2. That is terrible news. All the best for Will and his family during this tough time. Fight on little buddy, we are all praying for you.
  3. Thanks everyone for your ideas, i will be trying some of these. also i didnt mean to sound annoying complaining about nothing, but you have to admit, LIFE IS BETTER WHEN SIOUX HOCKEY IS ON cheers
  4. So I am sitting here in my lunch break at work on my computer BORED OUT OF MY MIND. I realized that the next 4 months are the most depressing months of the year. Right now I am just getting into winter, so it is cold and dull down here (cold for me anyway), the nhl was slightly entertaining but really I couldn
  5. Absolutely not, that thing is soooooo DIRTY......... its awesome
  6. That is FANTASTIC. i was 90% sure he would stay but i would be lying if i said i didnt have visions/nightmares of him leaving also. i cant wait to see Kozeks laser beam wristshot all season long. sux about chorney tho.....
  7. Those, and perhaps all, Gopher fans are NERDS!!!
  8. OUCH, lol but seriously who the hell is this guy and what does ZOD mean?
  9. haha exactly, thats how i found out first
  10. Anybody hear that Kaip signed with the Thrashers today, Great news for him. Kaip Signs with Atlanta Kaip signs with Thrashers\
  11. Thats fantastic news, great way to start my day and hear the great news. Definately a bit of a relief i didnt think he would leave early but i knew it was an optoin for him and anything could happen, but didnt so i am PUMPED, WOOOOOOOOO!
  12. G Greatness
  13. thats ok, if you stumble across one let me know i would luv to have it as by wallpaper.
  14. That is a cool pic. do u have a copy that is large enough for a wallpaper??
  15. Ok now i have stopped crying, i know it was pretty much guaranteed that TJ would sign but the Sioux Fan in me still hade hope he would stay on for one more season. i am really going to miss watching TJ in a sioux jersey, he played with the most intensity and biggest heart i have ever seen and i will miss watching that every weekend. Best of luck TJ make us proud.
  16. Why? WHYYYYYYYYY??
  17. Thanks for the reminder!
  18. Not sure if this is mentioned anywhere but here goes: Does anybody know if there is going to be a Game Worn Jersey auction this year??? If so what jerseys will they auction and when will it be held??? If not: DAMN!!! Thanks a bunch>
  19. I think they need to organise music better. Someone should sit down one day, take all the songs they play in the ralph and trim them down to the best part of each song, or the chorus, so when there is a short stopage in play you don't just hear a boring intro to a song but you get the best most exciting part of the song, which will keep the crowd cheering, singing and making noise rather than killing the buzz with a boring 10 second intro to a song. Another suggestion is involve the crowd with section cheering competitions which should be done at times of boring play, or where there hasn't been a lot of noise for a while. Eg. The pa anounces 2 sections to have a cheering competition, whichever section is the loudest, each person in that section wins a prize like a crapy t shirt or something cheap that will not cost to much. This will then make noise in the building after an absence of noise which will then kick start the whole crowd and hopefully result in a more vocal crowd. Just a couple suggestions that may work.
  20. HELL YEAH, if the sioux are in, I AM THERE. I have total confidence with the team next season, there is a great freshman class coming in and a great returning class with or without the early signees. I have accepted the loss to BC now and can not wait for the 1st drop of the puck in October. I feel next seasons team will be more hungry for the win and will not go down without a fight. I am hoping the goaltending will solidify by january with either Walski or Eidsness and i just hope one of them can really step up and be the backbone of the team and their run for #8. LETS GO SIOUX, #8=09
  21. I agree 100%. Thank you fighting sioux we all love you. Thanks for 4 fantastic years (seniors) and (underclassmen) I hope to see u all again in the future. I could not imagine another great bunch of hockey players as you boys have been the past few years, Best of luck and go sioux, Andrew Taylor (AussieSiouxFan).
  22. I was almost stranded in LA but luckily AA re-booked me on Frontier. I hope i can get home???
  23. O whoops, scratch watkins on the 3rd line for miller. GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. SWEET thats what i was hoping for awesome, GO SIOUX!!!
  25. I was there and yes bina won it. trupp was practicing on the scratched line with Forney and i think it was Davidson so it does not look like trupp is playing tomorrow but only time will tell.
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