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Everything posted by SiouxForever

  1. Watch the Big Ten start up in mid-October. Just wait.
  2. Hometown kid. Worthless pickup.
  3. So let’s say they start in November instead of October. What changes? Nonsense continues in 2020. Worst year ever.
  4. Anyone see the Big Ten news yesterday was fake news? Of course. 2nd round of Covid hysteria, schools resume, more testing than ever dems and libs want to continue fear up until election or even longer. Regarding the claim that 30-35% of Big Ten athletes have been discovered to have heart conditions linked to Covid-19: It was incorrect. Here is some clarification from Penn State. "Dr. Sebastianelli wishes to clarify this point, and apologize for any confusion." pic.twitter.com/ATUc2FxDrU
  5. And there goes your intelligence or any point you had from your lens. Your thoughts are superior evidently which debunk logic. Typical, lib.
  6. I don’t understand your narrative and logic. Let’s pretend he wasn’t shot, prior to that incident, given any of his actions of those or that day, which were acceptable? I‘ll wait. My lens sees his actions and not complying = his fate/result.
  7. What a joke. Here's a dumpster fire. I dare/welcome any of this garbage to ever come my way and in my face. I won't be as nice.
  8. I’m not all pro Trump on the things he does. With that said, given the silent majority, you’re going to be awfully disappointed when he’s your president again for another 4 years.
  9. How is this stupid? Video not fit your narrative? Thought you’re always fact checking things. Funny how you pushed this incident just like the media before facts or other videos/evidence came out. Move along. Let’s see you spin this one
  10. You’re a joke. You’re a media puppet. Always two sides to a story. “Most” cops don’t just kill people unjustified. You’re a loser, man. Hate to say it
  11. This is why NHL playoffs is the best!
  12. Who says that haven't? And if they didn't they have put a lot of effort into hounding wealthy donors. Good and bad.
  13. College football would have been nice. NFL cancelled would have been great too. Have to appreciate the NHL and PGA even more the next few months.
  14. The Wild are one pathetic squad. Future is not bright there regardless of KK playing there next year. Glad I am not a Wild fan. Yikes. Stalock is your starting goalie. Kivou will probably retire. Z. Par is aging fast. No potential young superstars. Folingo is a dime a dozen player. I could on.
  15. Don’t worry, democrats will have another Trump conspiracy by then in his second term.
  16. If there was ever a time to take a gap year for students, that time is now. Can’t imagine being a freshie student not experiencing the full college life with social and sports.
  17. OHL with plans to return to play in December. Not bad news. I guess like want to want until after November and the election too. lol
  18. Besides the election less than 100 days away, what’s the end game? I’ll ask the same thing I asked at the start of July. What’s gonna be different today then the end of August? Kudos to the saints to get some fans back in the stadium too. Golf claps. In addition, mask usage has been at an all-time high and evidently (according to the experts) positive cases are going up. Ok.
  19. That's your opinion and stated points. However, the world needs sports and the players are healthy, it will be unbelievable hockey!
  20. Be fun to get more comments in here throughout the upcoming playoffs and get some hockey talk in. The Blackhawks beat the Blues in the tune up exhibition game last night 4-0. Very interesting.
  21. So what are you saying? These videos don’t exits and are just used to cause a stir? You’re a flippin’ idiot. Just a real meat head.
  22. Give 5 examples on what Biden or Hilary won’t have done differently in the situation. Enlighten me. Easy to put blame in an unprecedented time Leadership as a whole hasn’t been great. Politics has made this a mess
  23. NHL around the corner. Be interesting to see if fear news dies a bit. They want to promote the game and the playoffs. They like keeping Covid talk under control and low. It’s the pesky journalists and beat writers that talk about it looking for clicks.
  24. Dr. Fauci can attend a baseball game and half ass wear a mask and you can’t. Wake up sheep! Want a time to be alive. Another political stunt. No thanks for me, MLB.
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