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Everything posted by SiouxForever

  1. Who starts in net? My only lineup question for the day.
  2. A few places downtown Fargo could have used the clean up there too. Maybe help there, make a video, actually make impact @NoiseInsideMyHead or better yet, post on social media. lol.
  3. Imagine after this picture was taken, years down the road, people would believe that kneeling during the anthem would instill change and actually make a difference.
  4. Brad, you’ve been in the forum before. You’ll read this, stick to hockey. You’re alienating your subscribers or content readers for UND hockey. You’re working for an employer that is dying. Is your social justice views and pieces more important than your income/viewers? If it is, that’s your prerogative. If that’s this case, Fargo forum, and GF Herald will not get any subscription money from me or my extended family. I can live without UND hockey stories. There’s college hockey news, and other bloggers/websites that will still write some UND content.
  5. Kneeling has caused more divide and made people more upset. It’s a weak tactic. Change and use a different method imo humble/respectful opinion.
  6. Yelling Fighting Sioux became a tradition and untied many people. It still exists today so don’t say it didn’t. Kneeling during the anthem will never merit that or become a tradition. Bank on that.
  7. 2 players kneeling tomorrow and ahem’ are Canadians and not Americans is a bad idea. I respectfully don’t support this. You want change, use your minority view in a different way. Not this for change.
  8. Working on Apple TV now per NCHC tweet. Closed app - reopen.
  9. I agree 100% They’re gonna have more people stream than ever this year and with barely any fans. Need to figure it out.
  10. Pretty crappy they’re having issues when we pay $112 for the year...
  11. Not getting the current game feed with Apple TV. Anyone else having issues? Works on my computer...
  12. So numbers have gone down in ND and according to the msm, numbers continue to sky rocket in MN? How’s the mask wearing going in MN...
  13. I think we’ll look back on the NCHC being smarter than the rest of the conferences regarding the pod. I foresee a pod for the national tournament, unfortunately.
  14. Anyone know of a promo code? I doubt they'll give one out now but thought with black Friday or cyber Monday today, maybe they'd have a 10-15% deal.
  15. The news and journalist sharing this story more so than voter fraud. Journalism is dead. Gawd forbid, I ever have kids that want to be in this scum industry.
  16. This team hopefully is excited to start playing. They’re up next. A few more days.
  17. with iPad you'd have to mirror from iPad to Apple TV. For some reason with the NCHC app, sometimes it lags. I have a 6-month old MacBook Air and streaming/mirroring content from laptop to Apple TV stinks sometimes still as well.
  18. When the machines are connected to the internet and/or can use USB drives to do some "shoddy" things. Impossible? Not a chance in hell. Good press statement (not!) to try and limit the fraud/evidence from SP.
  19. I've watched using the app on Apple TV and Roku. Apple TV was a better experience, but a Roku is just fine. I have both.
  20. If you think there was zero cases of fraud in this election, you're an idiot. You're telling me Joe Biden received more votes than BO in the past and garnered all those votes with little to no rallies and no momentum? Not a chance in hell. Regardless of who one voted for this election clearly some !@#$ went down for Mr. Biden.
  21. If anyone bites the bullet and decides to watch in the next few days, I’d be interested in hearing a review. Thx.
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