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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. You are correct. And, as all fans here, we do love UND dearly. I would say however, only in football, which technically it is D-1, but it shouldn't be called that at all. It should not be called D-1 because they cannot win the ultimate championship, which the Tide won last year. They can win at the other sports, but outside of hockey it is extremely unlikely they will and maybe ever will. That's okay though. I prefer UND. No delusions of granduer (sp?) like those buffalo fans.
  2. Well, time to eat crow, Siouxperduperman! FCS is not really D-1. It is not at the highest level of competition. Now, give me credit!
  3. Oh yeah, that is why the family is morally outraged and is rambling on about how they will shut it down unless UND keeps that nickname at all costs and keeps every single Fighting Sioux logo in that arena. Oh, wait. THEY AREN'T! There isn't a chance that it will happen either. Somehow, I believe that his family knows what he would have wished much more than you do.
  4. If there was a problem, the Engelstad family would have made it perfectly clear by now. I have no doubt that Ralph would have seen that it was for the good of the University and it had to be done.
  5. Glenn Beck is an inbred retard. Maybe he'll start crying now...
  6. Well, I hope he called him as soon as he could about it.
  7. I have to admit one thing about this mess. Why didn't Faison call Gene Taylor before announcing to the press what happened? As much as I joke about NDSU and that FCS thing, that doesn't sit right with me. He should have called him and explained what happened BEFORE announcing to the press that they had that banner and he will call Taylor and let him know about it. I think that was a bit classless.
  8. But, there is a higher division than D-1 in football. Why? Because it is NOT the highest level of competition, that's why. So, it isn't the same. It's a faux D-1 championship.
  9. If it is not at the highest level of college athletics, then it is not a true D-1 championship. It is a faux D-1 championship. It is an accomplishment, but not at the highest level. I don't agree with calling it a D-1 championship and will ridicule it however I wish. Anyone who actually believes that it is a true D-1 championship won at the highest level of college football lives buffaloville fantasyland.
  10. You said anything. I showed you anything. Besides, the fact is that NDSU never won at the highest level of college competition. Therefore, it isn't the same as UND winning any of their seven national championships in hockey. They have not won at the same level. You can call it D-1 if you want. But, it isn't the same. It's a faux D-1 championship. It's a fake D-1 championship. One without the same contextual meaning. But, if you wish to join the buffalo fans, be my guest.
  11. anything... Again, NDSU is the D-1 JV champs. Yay them!
  12. You said, ANYTHING. I showed you anything. The buffalo are the D-1 Jr. Varsity Champions. Period.
  13. http://opeybobo.com/2012/01/10/alabama-crimson-tide-national-champions/ And there it is... Like I said, The Buffalo won the NCAA D-1 subdivision, or what I like to call, the Jr. Varsity Championship. An accomplishment, but not the top prize. Like the 7 national championships at the top level won by the UND Mens hockey program... It is what it is...
  14. You know, if it was a real D-1 championship, not the D-1 Jr. Varsity Championship, I'm pretty sure that the NCAA wouldn't have made that mistake... Just saying...
  15. I say we hang it up! Make them play us to get it!
  16. Yeah, you're right. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
  17. Oh, trust me. If we polled the Lambkin nickname, it would be a source of amusement to many. But, hey, more power to you in supporting the Lambkin name. It is a great high school, btw. But, somehow, I don't see ourselves as the University of North Dakota Fighting Lambkins.
  18. Actually, that name came from the sheep industry that was pretty big in Fort Collins back in the day. Colorado State U was the Colorado A & M Aggies when Ft. Collins high started the lambkin name. They are oddly proud of that name at Fort Collins High School. To me, it's a source of amusement.
  19. What about the Sodbusters? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_were_the_sodbusters_and_how_did_they_get_their_name
  20. http://www.prepsportswear.com/school/us/Colorado/Fort_Collins/Fort-Collins-High-School-Lambkins.aspx?schoolid=149297Just Just don't use this nickname!
  21. "North Dakota voters overwhelmingly decided Tuesday to let the state's flagship university dump a controversial Fighting Sioux nickname"
  22. Everybody should be involved. I'm sure that many of the "NO" voters will give it up and support the teams after this vote essentially killed the Fighting Sioux name. Their feelings are hurt now, but many will be back.
  23. Thanks for that link. I found this in that story: He said nickname supporters will continue to circulate petitions for another vote, an initiated measure that would secure the nickname in the state constitution. If enough signatures are filed by August, that vote could occur in November, but Johnson said the group may wait to file until December for a vote on the constitutional amendment in 2014. If they do, it will get smacked down by an even larger margin.
  24. I wonder how many of those people that signed their constitutional amendment petitions did so before they knew the facts? How many now may have wished they never signed it? It won't matter. If they foolishly decide to file the petitions, it will get soundly defeated if it gets on the ballot.
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